Warning: Commercial Dishwashers Can Damage the Gut and Lead to Chronic Disease

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Contact with residue found on plates or cutlery after washing them has been talked about on the forum several times and several studies have been posted about it. Surfactants in dishwasher soaps are extremely potent, even in small amounts.

In 2013 I suggested on the forum that people should be put on EN, if only to avoid contact with residue of detergents, regardless of the merits of the theory. However, I was not aware that tolerance for EN among adults was low, I was not even of age back then.
I don't know why everyone isn't put on EN for crohn's disease immediately, it would limit detergents

CD patients using EN generally don't come into contact with this residue, people in developing countries where rates of CD are low have (or at least had) less access to these commercial cleaning products, and it would explain familial clustering because everyone in the household is exposed to the same cleaning products.

I still don't know what to think of this theory, we can only hope it's this simple.
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Contact with residue found on plates or cutlery after washing them has been talked about on the forum several times and several studies have been posted about it. Surfactants in dishwasher soaps are extremely potent, even in small amounts.

In 2013 I suggested on the forum that people should be put on EN, if only to avoid contact with residue of detergents, regardless of the merits of the theory. However, I was not aware that tolerance for EN among adults was low, I was not even of age back then.

CD patients using EN generally don't come into contact with this residue, people in developing countries where rates of CD are low have (or at least had) less access to these commercial cleaning products, and it would explain familial clustering because everyone in the household is exposed to the same cleaning products.

I still don't know what to think of this theory, we can only hope it's this simple.
@kiny - Thanks for your response. Sometimes simple explanations are the best. In the words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - "
When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. "

Would you happen to know what chemicals in dishwashing tablets could be causing this. I just got ecostore dishwashing tablets with no phosphates, synthetic dyes, synthetic perfumes, polyethylene glycols. Many a times, these products are green washed a branding exercise instead of a product which is easier on the body.
Ideally you wash the dishes by hand .
This allows you to rinse the residue and reduce what is on the dishes .
Een does not eliminate this because you still need to mix the powder in a container and then wash it afterwards .
Once you have crohns the environmental cause (if any ) is no longer useful.
I subscribe to the genetics theory more especially for infants and children .
Adults it’s more up in the air since you never live in a bubble
Way too many factors to point to one thing .
The linked article is apparently not warning about the dangers of dishwashers used in the home, which usually employ a clear water rinse cycle to remove the detergent. It is warning about the large commercial dishwashers used in restaurants and institutional settings that instead use a chemical rinsing agent to speed up the process.

My home dishwasher uses two water rinse cycles to ensure full removal of the detergent. As far as I can tell, the plates come out as clean and detergent-free as those I wash by hand. I don't know which risk factor(s) triggered my Crohn's in middle age, but I suspect that my dishwasher is not very high on the list.
Ideally you wash the dishes by hand .
This allows you to rinse the residue and reduce what is on the dishes .
Een does not eliminate this because you still need to mix the powder in a container and then wash it afterwards .
Once you have crohns the environmental cause (if any ) is no longer useful.
I subscribe to the genetics theory more especially for infants and children .
Adults it’s more up in the air since you never live in a bubble
Way too many factors to point to one thing .
Genes obviously play a significant role, however something external must be a trigger.