Hello everyone :bigwave: After several phone calls today and a dash to my GP and Tesco pharmacy I am offically back on the Aza. My GI doc is taking things slowly and has started me on 25mg daily and then 25mg increments every two weeks until I get to 125mg - of course this is only if the bloods stay good and don't show that I have neutrophenia again. I am allowed to drop the pred to 20mg on Tues 17/01 and then I have to stay on this for 4 weeks and then all still going well I can start to taper at 5mg every 2 weeks. The standard weekly bloods tests for 8 weeks await me - the first of which MUST be done by the GP apparently and then I can go the hospital blood test place after work which is much easier for me. I also have to see the GP for my 'councelling' on the drug before they will do a repeat prescription, I find this a bit odd as I have been on Aza before and had 'the chat' with my IBD nurse on the phone yesterday, I suppose he is just covering his arse (haha) on this one. I am really hoping this gets me sorted, wish me luck