My son Jon was disgnosied when he was onky 3 and at that time he had loose stools on a regurler basis for a few months off and on with blood in the stools. My first reaction, don't old people get this, not children. Too my suprise more kids have it and we are are aware of, they are just usually given the wrong disagnosis for a long time. We are lucky for such good doctors who found it young and I was in shock for a while. I do suggest you do some research, but not too much. It can be overwhelming all at once. I have read several books over the years and have learned to take each day as it comes, but I always reseacrh any new druges they want to try first and keep my eye our for systoms. We go Childrens Hospital of Pa and our doctor also hac crohns disease, he is a board that is raising money and doing reseacrch to fund a cure and a gentic link at a young age. They tell me this could all happen in the next 3-5 years. Stay away from steroids at all cost if you can, nothing good comes from them down the line for you child from what people have told me. We have been on Remicade and that was fine for 5 years and now we take Humira and it has made a small differance, but it is still early to know more. My son was blessed witha grat personality and a 121 IQ, so he takes his disease with Class. God made up for itin other ways and now I am not as sad.