What age first diagnosed?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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What age were you first diagnosed with Crohn's disease?

  • 0 yrs--15 yrs.

    Votes: 20 35.1%
  • 16 yrs-- 35 yrs.

    Votes: 29 50.9%
  • 36 yrs--55 yrs.

    Votes: 8 14.0%
  • 56 yrs or older.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Oct 14, 2011
I was 47 when first diagnosed with Crohn's disease this July 2011.When I first presented to my GP with symptoms, he said I was to young for it to be bowel cancer and to old for it to be CD...:) Here in Ireland over 90% with CD are between 10 and 35 years of age.
I would be interested to know please at what age ye guys/gals got diagnosed at, to see what the spread is with this disease in a wider community and as to how it might affect people as to the age first affected.
Thanks for your time on this..
36, diagnosed last yr after 1 month of symptoms. In hindsite I had been sick many times before but never in a million years thought it was due to crohns.
Big thanks to everyone who voted so far.
70% so far in the up to 35 age brackets...
I was 46, diagnosed June 2011. I have had bowel issues since I was 29 and diagnosed as IBS for many years.
I was 15. I'm now 19. I was sick for about 1/2 years on and off prior to that! Its tough going to start off with!

I was 45 when dx's and supposedly not in the demographic of getting Crohn's. My doctor told me that most of Crohn's patients are either younger or older.
I was diagnosed at 22. But my doctor said I have had it for a long time. I simply didnt have extreme side effects until now.
I was diagnosed at 13 maybe coincidental but I had symptoms start 1 week after having the Rubella injection at school and it all went down hill from there x
I can see why my Doctor was surprised when it turned out to be CD I had....:)
Thanks again for all voters...
Diagnosed at 7 now 29

Interesting results! From all the "That was very young" comments I get I assumed it would have been the 3rd category by a mile
19. But I was showing symptoms from the time I was about 2. For some reason my pediatrician decided that constant ulcers, polyps, gi bleeds, and long bouts of vomiting were just "anxiety and stress" or "the flu". I wasn't diagnosed until I had lost 20 lbs in a very short period of time and everyone thought I had cancer. yay doctors.

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