What are your New Year's resolutions going to be?

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May 5, 2010
New Year's Eve is tomorrow - what are you going to resolve? Or do you not do resolutions?

I'm going to resolve to exercise more and worry less. I'm already on my way with the exercise, as I recently got a dog and I take her for walks whenever I am able to. I've also had a big worry taken off my shoulders recently, as I was just approved for financial aid and my doctor bills have been eliminated! So far so good, I just need to continue on this streak and not get lazy about exercise or let new worries get me stressed. :) What are your resolutions?
I'm not gonna start 2011 like I did 2010!
Stressed out, working too hard, too late, worrying about everyone at work, and hitting the deck on January 13th!
I'm gonna start the new year by keeping my big mouth shut! And letting everyone fight their own bloody battles!
I'm sooooooooooooooooooo not getting into Union stuff ever again!
My new years resolution is to find me my first Girlfriend. But then that's been my resolution for the past 5 years and it still hasn't happened. Hopefully the sixth time is the charm.
Actually none. The entire past year has all been about self improvement for me, so I'm just going to continue it on.

New years resolutions never worked for me because forming new habits are always harder in the middle of winter, for some reason!
I was just coming on here to start a similar thread but you beat me to it!

1. I have a '15 minute workout' DVD that I had for years. I'm going to actually start using it!

2. Do more cooking from scratch.

3. Less stressing! Particularly at work. I love my job, and I love the kids. But I need to learn to let others take some of the strain. Not sure I can keep my big mouth shut though!

4. Not to feel guilty if I need to take a nap every day.
No resolutions, resolutions are generally misplaced guilt. Overdose at Christmas, give it up for Lent type of situation.
No resolutions here either. There are things that I plan on doing, and I have been working on them, but not because it is a new year. I am taking things day by day and changing my thoughts as situations arise.
I heard an interesting theory the other day that the idea of a New Year's resolution is to give people something positive in their life to strive towards during one of the darkest periods of the year.

The end of December is a time where there is less sunlight and the winter is months away from ending, which can all add up to being somewhat depressing. Generating a resolution gives focus to your life and lets you focus on something positive wihtout getting caught up in the dark and cold winter that has just started.

Even though this was explained to me as a reason why a New Year's resolution is pointless, I still think I will try to think of something that I should work towards for the year. I will see over the weekend if I can come up with something :).
1. To find a job and stop scrounging off my parents.

2. To get fit so that I look amazing in my wedding dress when I get married in October!
Ive just recently had the chop this month (the operation i now have an illeostomy) so my news years reso is going to be simple.. make the most of my life and get back to normal :) and also the same as you...exercise more and help my body stay fit...and im getting a dog once im recoverd to help me do so as i cant be botherd with the gym etc id rather it be a little more fun and light lol so just genrally look forward to the future and take care of myself. good luck with the future, happy new year and i hope you stick to it :) x
I heard an interesting theory the other day that the idea of a New Year's resolution is to give people something positive in their life to strive towards during one of the darkest periods of the year.

The end of December is a time where there is less sunlight and the winter is months away from ending, which can all add up to being somewhat depressing. Generating a resolution gives focus to your life and lets you focus on something positive wihtout getting caught up in the dark and cold winter that has just started.

Even though this was explained to me as a reason why a New Year's resolution is pointless, I still think I will try to think of something that I should work towards for the year. I will see over the weekend if I can come up with something :).

So does that mean in the southern hemisphere we don't have to worry about making a resolution? :lol:

What the heck, I will make one anyway! Mine is to get the monkey off my back. ;)

Dusty. :)
Whenever I want to buy something, consider buying handmade first.

Whenever I need a towel, use cloth before using paper.

Basically continuing what I've already been trying to do, but making it more formal, I suppose.
I came up with "Care for myself better". Just think of all the areas that hits. Should be an easy one. "Should" being the keyword.
OK guys, you've had a month. How are you doing? Let's see mine: exercise- check. Cooking- check. Stressing- some improvements (working part time means only part of the stress!). Naps- oh yes!
Exercising more: check, mostly. The past couple of days I haven't taken the dog on any walks because we had a blizzard and now we've got frigid cold. It's supposed to be a bit warmer tomorrow so I am planning on taking my dog for a nice long walk through the dog park. There are usually lots of dogs there on the weekends so she should have fun and get rid of some of that pent-up energy.

Worrying less: check. I'm supposed to stop taking Entocort on Thursday and so far I haven't felt much panic about it (mostly because I'm trying not to think about it!). I feel less stressed, we've gotten a few financial things taken care of lately and that makes me feel good. Money is usually one of my top stresses and it feels good to get some of that taken care of.