What can and can't you eat?

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May 31, 2016
Hi, so I've started this thread just out of interest. I know everyone is different but yeah. My list of safe foods are:

MEAT: chicken (grilled or oven cooked), turkey and turkey mince (literally live off that), salmon (also live off that)

VEG: carrots if they are very well cooked and soft.

FRUIT: Bananna (which I hate)

CARBOHYDRATES: white rice, white bread, baguette, gluten free pasta/spaghetti, pretzels and potatoes (without skins)

SNACKS: Rich tea biscuits, gluten free pink wafer biscuits, madira cake, dairy free chocolate ice cream, strawberry sauce and baked ready salted crisps.

OTHER: Tomatoes without skin or seeds and blended, tomato ketchup, Rice Krispies and butter.

FOODS I CAN NOT EAT: (It's going to be long)

MEAT: No red meat including pork, sausages, deli meat, cured meat, spiced/seasoned meat, processed meat including burgers and hot dogs. No tinned tuna or any fish with batter.

VEG Basically all. No raw, seeded, skinned, fibre, gassy. Including broccoli, beans, peas, tomatoes and pepper.

FRUIT: All except Bananna.

OTHER: No pasta. No gravys/stocks. No ready made sauces. GARLIC AND ONION KILL MY INSIDES.

Processed foods including: sausage rolls, pizza ( even eating a few crusts kill me)

Sweets (except hard mints), no crisps or biscuits or cake or cereal (except the ones I mentioned above)


Oh and ANYTJING CORN including popcorn.
I cannot tolerate gluten, dairy, nuts , seeds, processed foods,caffeine and .most vegetables and fruits. There are probably other things that I am not thinking of right now. It seems like every so often I find something new that I can't tolerate.
Hi, so I've started this thread just out of interest. I know everyone is different but yeah. My list of safe foods are:

MEAT: chicken (grilled or oven cooked), turkey and turkey mince (literally live off that), salmon (also live off that)

VEG: carrots if they are very well cooked and soft.

FRUIT: Bananna (which I hate)

CARBOHYDRATES: white rice, white bread, baguette, gluten free pasta/spaghetti, pretzels and potatoes (without skins)

SNACKS: Rich tea biscuits, gluten free pink wafer biscuits, madira cake, dairy free chocolate ice cream, strawberry sauce and baked ready salted crisps.

OTHER: Tomatoes without skin or seeds and blended, tomato ketchup, Rice Krispies and butter.

FOODS I CAN NOT EAT: (It's going to be long)

MEAT: No red meat including pork, sausages, deli meat, cured meat, spiced/seasoned meat, processed meat including burgers and hot dogs. No tinned tuna or any fish with batter.

VEG Basically all. No raw, seeded, skinned, fibre, gassy. Including broccoli, beans, peas, tomatoes and pepper.

FRUIT: All except Bananna.

OTHER: No pasta. No gravys/stocks. No ready made sauces. GARLIC AND ONION KILL MY INSIDES.

Processed foods including: sausage rolls, pizza ( even eating a few crusts kill me)

Sweets (except hard mints), no crisps or biscuits or cake or cereal (except the ones I mentioned above)


Oh and ANYTJING CORN including popcorn.

Also dairy
That's a good question, one difficult for me to answer. It depends on how I feel with energy, length of time, stomach heal and appearance I suppose.

I guess I'm relatively sure I'm not able to eat pumpkin seeds. Eating pumpkin seeds causes a severe allergic reaction. Spaghetti with regular store bought hamburger scares me. I've been terribly ill after eating that meal a number of times. Pork, when eaten for one meal everyday for a week will cause my gums to swell up and bleed painfully. The stomach will be churning also.

Other items that are a food concern but I'm not entirely sure how much of a problem are, nuts and seeds. (I was ill yesterday and blame that on over eating cashew nuts. Cashews typically though are not a big problem. It seems to be a quantity problem.) I suspect beans, such as soy are a problem. I avoid wheat gluten. I know from the past though that I can eat wheat without stomach issues but have done generally better avoiding wheat. I suspect that bread can cause bloating in me, which is where the problem comes in. Spices such as garlic. black pepper, and onions might be problematic. Olives might be an issue also, but am unsure. Alcohol is a big issue when the gut is inflamed. Eggs and chicken concern me, but am unsure if they are a problem or not.

It's a long list of concerns! Overall though I'm happy where I'm at heal wise with my diet as I'm doing better and feel I'm making progress.

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