What can cause eyes to be real black around them.

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Feb 23, 2012
Kota had a pretty good day yesterday :dance:. He played more than he has in a long time. He even had his best friend stay the night. I didnt let them stay up to late and then let them sleep in becasue I knew he would be playin all day. He was only outside for about 20 minutes yesterday. The rest of the playing was games inside. Well he got sunburned in th eshort amout of time he was outside. His face and neck is all that got sunburn. Well last night he had a horribel nose bleed the worst he has had in quite some time.

Well today he says he feels okay. Tummy hurts some says he is tired. Sunburn looks alot better. But his little eyes are swollen some and they are super dark underneath and it goes all the way up onto his eyelids. They will get dark sometimes underneath and I have never really known why but today they are super bad and its on his eyelids.

Dont know if there is a reason for this or if anyone else has had this. Thanks
Anemia will do this, when V was undiagnosed and for awhile after she had severe black circles all the way around her eyes.

Happy to hear he is well and playing. V is better too and it is such a good feeling for us mothers when they can have normal days :soledance:
It is so good to hear that Kota was up to having a friend over, bless him...:hug: :)

The puffiness around his eyes could be down to the fact that he is a little fatigued from all the activity the day before. The dark circles may well be from what Julie has already suggested, anaemia and more particularly Iron Deficiency Anaemia.

Even if Kota's haemoglobin is normal just be aware that he can still be anaemic. When he next has bloods done it might be an idea to have his B12, Iron stores, Folate and Vitamin D levels done as well.

Dusty. xxx
My son has those all the time. He's not diagnosed but has been anemic. However, our doctor seems to think it's allergy related (even in the absence of other allergic symptoms).
I thought maybe anemia, but what do I know I am just a mom. I asked for them to check his B12 last Monday because it hasnt been checked. I was told there was no need the rest of his blood work looked good. They were also suppose to be doing a blood test to check his inflamation level. I asked what the result of it was and I was told it was normal. I then asked to be mailed all result. Well when I recieved them in the mail this is what it said for the inflamation test Test Not Performed. Quanity Not Sufficient. So I called and asked about it and was told oh its not a big deal. The other test looked normal. So they would just wait a couple of weeks and when he has blood done again they will run this test.
This office acts like they dont have to answer any questions. If they say it then its whats important.They make me feel like a dummy. I had to call last week because he was in alot of pain. I was asked if he still had any Bentyl. I told them yes he did. I was told to start that back. He hasnt taken that in months. A couple of days later I had to call back becasue he was still in pain. I was told to up it to 20mg. So I told them okay I would do that. I didnt have the medicine in front of me. Well when I got home I looked at medicine and he was already taking 20mg. Is it that hard for them to look in his records and see what he is taking.
That's just dead wrong. I'm so sorry to hear it.
It's hard enough dealing with these kids being sick without med staff making it harder or worse on us mothers.

HUGS :heart:
I am so sorry for your frustration...our docs office tells me "We would have to go downstairs to get your chart every time you call". Yup, I guess you should. It doesn't matter...her meds and doses are always incorrect in her chart anyway. :(
(((HUGS))) At least *you're* doing a great job looking out for him!