What can I eat?

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Aug 9, 2011
I never know what to eat when I am having a flare up. I have been diagnosed with Crohn's for about 3 years after spending much time with doctors trying to find out what was going on. I feel very fortunate that I didn't have it when I was young because I know it can be very debilitating and I feel very sorry for those who have to go through this. I did do the Remicade infusions for over a year but became allergic to it. Now I am on Humira (for 8 months) and it doesn't seem to be working. What can I or should I eat when things go crazy. It seems to be almost like a spastic colon and I'm passing blood clots.
Hi Grandma and welcome! Blood is not a good sign. Have you informed your GI?

Diet is so different for each person. What may be safe for me, may not be for you. However, I think in general, when we are flaring, a low-residue diet helps most. I stick with chicken, rice, mashed potatoes, crackers, toast, applesauce to name a few. It is not very exciting (or too balanced), but it helps reduce my symptoms. However, many people also cut out gluten or lactose. Again, it all depends on the individual.

I sure hope you feel better soon. Keep us posted!
Have you tried Ensure or something similar? It can help fill in some of the holes that are created when you have to modify your diet. It can also help get some calories in you when you don't feel like eating.

If you're worried about what you can eat maybe mention that to your doc or see a nutritionist? For the most part I find it's trial and error. And it can vary from day to day.
Eat whatever makes you feel good. Stay away from whatever makes you feel bad. I am keeping a journal of everything that goes in and out of me. I have yet to figure out what foods work/don't work for me.
I've only been dianosed with CD quite recently now but I do know that coffee and fried foods doesn't agree with me..Although I am okay with 1 cup of decaf coffee each day. Fizzy drinks and alcohol isn't going too well so I stick with water during the day and soda water with blackcurrant if am out for a meal. Chocolate can be a bit hit and miss but tbh I'll suffer a bit so that I don't miss out on chocolate.lol. Keeping a food diary is a great idea and many have receommended this to me.

Thank you for the help. I have had the clot problem before and will take Canasa. (This is my first blog and not really sure how it works!! These are some of the foods I have been eating so I'm glad to see they might work. I do need to keep a food/symptom diary and it does vary. Cutting out coffee, unfortunately, might be a good idea. I've already cut out most soda. Thanks again. I do feel better today.
Glad to hear your feeling better today. Like I say Ive still got my learner plates on but am sticking with the philosophy of plenty of rest, take meds, positive outlook and take each day as it comes :)
This was my first question when I was diagnosed with Crohn's! My doc said, eat something, if it affects you badly, dont eat that again, lol. And its true. There is no set thing for any one Crohn's patient. I can eat spicy chicken wings without any problems at all. I know others who cant. Milk is bad for me, and not others. I stick to chicken a lot. Seems to cause the least amount of trouble. Low residue is probably the smartest way to go. I have avoided lettuce like the plague for years. Apples are fine as long as I dont eat the peel. Its a weird thing. lol