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Mar 9, 2011
Sooooo, I just came back from a trip to Virginia Beach during which I decided to try bodyboarding. It was not crazy intense (it's east coast waves after all) but it was great and did not cause me issues! Bodyboarding got J's approval for ostomate! It can bruise the stoma a bit but it seemed fine in general. No problem with the appliance either, everything stayed in place with the water, the waves, the board, the chocs, etc. I even had the same appliance for 8 days despise the long hours of sand and water.
Now that.s way cool!!!

At least you can still have some great fun.

I'm going to try para sailing next week in wildwood. I hope my D won't get out of control... I can just see it now way up there in the sky **** coming out of my bathing suit.... hehe

Hope I did not gross anybody out :p
Glad to hear this stuff being posted! I can't think of anything that I can't do!

Plus, this evening I was watching tv with a friend laying on their bed after I'd eaten. I felt the familiar feeling that wind was passing down and that I needed to fart and was trying really hard to hold it in (like I've been doing for the past goodness knows how many years). Then I remembered that I can't fart, so I just relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the evening in comfort. HURRAH for stomas.
...I even had the same appliance for 8 days despise the long hours of sand and water.

Could you please tell us what appliance you are using?

I am really surprised at the length of time, considering you were in water all day. Skeptical really, not that I don't believe you but I have not had a flange last this long - EVER! Not even if I'm avoiding physical activity. Especially if it gets wet!

One of the things about a wet flange is that it stops being sticky and begins to let go from the skin. I pretty much have to change it after swimming. I have to avoid showers too - basically I have a shower when I need to change the flange.

I am pretty jealous too - sounds like an awesome vacation!
I use two piece coloplast click system. Seriously the best I have ever used (and I've tried pretty much all the major brands). Usually I would get 3 days out of an appliance with water/sweat condition. I biked the Cuba Island a few years ago and I would generally get 4-5 days out of my flanges (convatec at the time). I did have to deal with quite a few messes during these 2 months though... Since I use coloplast, I never have issues.

I say 8 days but I have two say it was 6 days of "normal" life style and 2 days of beach time (let say 3 hours of wet time a day). It did not break, I just changed it because well, I realized the day we were and that I had "forgot" to change it. I have to say I think the one-piece swimsuit really helped though. I normally was wearing two-piece and well, there would be more "movement" and it would affect the appliance a bit more than the one-piece that snugged everything right in place. By the way, for the ladies, I really found the perfect ostomate bathing suit. I'll try getting a picture on. It's really the closest to a normal bikini I could ever get. Being ostomate for 13 years, I could not be more happy to find that thing, I swear, it's perfect with the clothing effect that hide anything suspicious. Any designer around, we need a real ostomate bathing suit collection!
That's awesome. Would you mind providing the part numbers? The pharmacy here doesn't have a clue. I'd like to try it!
I love hearing stories from those with stomas who still continue to do exciting and wonderful things. It can be something as simple as taking part in a half marathon, to jumping out of a plane over the city. I find those stories really inspiring. I have set myself a no of challenges, and although not getting particularly far down the list, I still desire to do things even though I have a stoma. Swimming was a biggie for me. Just couldn't bring myself to go into a swimming pool, but i did it. May not seem like a big thing, but to me it was a huge obstacle. Take care :ybiggrin:
Thanks for your swimming story DMac.
I'm really scared about swimming. Worried I might have a leak or that people will stare.
I'm going on holidays in September - and I plan to swim in Cambodia.
I'm pretty sure nobody knows me there - so they can stare all they like!!
I feel more emboldened every day though, and the stories in these threads inspire me.
So thank you to those who lead the way.
I was holidaying in Northern Japan (Hokkaido) and used the women's hot baths at all three of the ryokan where we stayed. This involves getting totally naked in front of all the other ladies (all Japanese), as you are not allowed to wear anything at all into the baths. I asked in the first place whether anyone would be bothered about my stoma bag and was told by a delightful Japanese female hotel manager that I was most welcome to use the baths and that, if anyone else was upset, that was their problem. And so I went bathing every night, stoma bag and all...
Hi Susan, just wanted to say thank you for sharing that story with us....so nice to hear of someone being so accepting and that you were comfortable enough to go ahead and get naked!


I recently did a track day at Silverstone race track on my sports motorbike. Managed to post a few fast laps! However, bag came off on the M4 motorway on the way home. As my leathers started to fill up I er got a wiggle on to the next services. Got pulled by the an unmarked police car, while I was doing *** mph. Asked if I could say something in mitigation, then showed the cop the mess developing down below! He let me off - phew!
Just want to say thank you to all of you for posting your living dangerously and loving it stories!!! You are all very inspiring!!!
Anyone knows if we have an ostomate rock climber?? I'm afraid the harness will be a problem with the stoma. Anyone knows?
Anyone knows if we have an ostomate rock climber?? I'm afraid the harness will be a problem with the stoma. Anyone knows?

I was going to get into this as I am in a prime rock climbing area, however my concern was not so much the harness but the emptying of the bag while hanging on to the rock....well, that and carrying enough food and water to stay hydrated and energetic.
Tay I have that excuse in my pocket for when I get pulled over. Sounds like a legitimate reason if I ever heard one.
Wow, you are all so inspiring. Just hoping my bum eventually heals and I can go kayaking and bike riding. You can have your rock climbing........I'm scared of heights.
Very cool.

I have tried, but have yet to find something that this surgery makes too hard. Even playing tennis is fine.
I'm probably going to have to ask a doc whether I could do MMA/Muay Thai with one. I doubt taking a kick to the side would be too helpful!
Nyx (Cindy) took a helluva kick right on hers. I'm happy to report she survived. (She didnt say what happened to the 5 year old perpetator, who did it on purpose I think) :eek2:
Aha, well that's good to know. I'll mostly be using it for some cardio but I know there's events where you spar against someone else every so often.

Which actually brings me to another question, does anyone find their flange thing gets.. I guess crumpled when they're doing sports? Mine doesn't always stick so well and I end up with lines coming up in it. Not sure if I'm explaining it so well so I'll draw a pic
Kind of like that? Except the raised part pushes itself back together. It'll be completely flat when I put it on but then deform when I'm doing something.
There are stoma guards by the way, so you could always get one of those and spar away! As for the flange wrinkling...hmmmm. I'd start a new thread about that.

What do you have? An ileostomy or colostomy? I can;t imagine how you get so many days wear if its an ileostomy. If it is, I am switching to Coloplast right away.

What do you have? An ileostomy or colostomy? I can;t imagine how you get so many days wear if its an ileostomy. If it is, I am switching to Coloplast right away.

8 days is not so unusual. I routinely get 6-7. I use the hollister one piece, lock an roll style. I first put on the eakin large barrier ring over the stoma. My pouch has a convex wafer and that part definitely helps extend my wear time.
I'm probably going to have to ask a doc whether I could do MMA/Muay Thai with one. I doubt taking a kick to the side would be too helpful!
They make stoma shields especially for ostomates who play contact sports. If you Google "stoma protection shield" you will find lots of different brands.
Nyx (Cindy) took a helluva kick right on hers. I'm happy to report she survived. (She didnt say what happened to the 5 year old perpetator, who did it on purpose I think) :eek2:

The perpetrator literally got thrown in her room and left in there for the night...lol But, yes, I took a full on kick to my stoma and survived. Oscar bled like a s.o.b. and it hurt like one too, but he was fine. Had a bit of bruising but nothing I couldn't handle.