Since there are a lot of us who have newly diagnosed kiddos, I thought it might be interesting to get other's feedback on this.
What changes have you made in your child's diet since they were diagnosed with IBD?
My 10 year old was diagnosed with Crohn's last month. Since then I have cut out all soda and I'm weaning him off sugar. I switched to Lactaid milk even though I haven't been told he's lactose intolerant. He's also on a low residue diet.
What changes have you made in your child's diet since they were diagnosed with IBD?
My 10 year old was diagnosed with Crohn's last month. Since then I have cut out all soda and I'm weaning him off sugar. I switched to Lactaid milk even though I haven't been told he's lactose intolerant. He's also on a low residue diet.