What colon prep have you used? How did it go?

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Sep 3, 2012
I have had a few colonoscopies over the past few years and I have used a couple of diffrent kind of preps. my first one was a really salty tasting liquid in a small bottle, really horrible stuff. the next on was on of those 4 liter solutions. thought I was going to explode.
The one that they gave me this time is called moviprep. They claim it is a better option and that it does not tast to bad. Has anyone else used this one? They also said it is better since it is only 2 liters vs some of the 4 liter options.

Just curious as to the diffrent ways to wipe clean your colon for the test.:poo:
I think the small bottle that was really salty may have been a Fleet enema. They are no longer in use because they were causing kidney damage in some people. When I couldn't use that one anymore, they switched me to the gallon thing. I could NOT swallow it. None of it. It would get to the back of my throat and I would gag it up into the kitchen sink. Now I use Miralax. I have to drink a lot of fluids, but at least it doesn't change the taste of anything. I think it may make it a bit thicker, but nothing that is too noticeable. It's also available over the counter! I use the Wal-Mart brand called clear lax. It consists of tiny, round, waxy type balls. Very tiny. It works very well and doesn't cause cramping. I love it, though you would think by now there would be a pill or 2 or 10 that we could take that would make it even easier to accomplish. I know some people have used a pill, but my doctor has never mentioned it.
I've used MoviPrep twice and it was one of the easier ones for me. Do you have the split-night kind where you drink it starting at 6 am and start again at 2 am?

I still got sick to my stomach near the end both times using MoviPrep, but it was much easier for me than the other 8 times of colon prep.
Oh, one thing I forgot. With MoviPrep, I got really really bloated before it finally kicked it. Walking around the house helps this a lot.
OK, I've primarily used Go Lytely (it isn't a pleasant experience, but it is effective). I once used the Pico Salax option, the experience was less unpleasant, but it didn't seem to do as thorough a clean out. My last scheduled scope, the drug store I went to substituted Colyte for Go Lytely (I was told emphatically they were identical, just different brands). Well, it didn't go so well. I got nauseous (sp?) and threw up most of the mixture. It was so bad that the scope had to be cancelled/rescheduled. My next one is on Friday, and I'm going to try the Pico Salax method one more time. I guess into everyones life a little..... errr, .. 'rain' must fall. I think the next few days will be the start of monsoon season in my house.
The best one ever for me... I've used it twice... is mixing a 64 ounce bottle of Gatorade with an entire bottle of MiraLax. It was a surgeon who used this method. Much more palatable and quite effective.
Being new to all this and being a pharmacist, the easiest least resistant prep with great results is is the 30 ml bottles of magnesium sulfate. One at 6 pm the night before and 3 hours before procedure. It works wonderfuly quickly and is gone from the system by the time your procedure is over.:)
My last two colonoscopies I used the fleet phospho-sodas (the really awful tasting salty stuff in the tiny bottle). But my GI said they can cause kidney complications so they don't use them anymore. I have a colonoscopy scheduled in a few weeks and they are actually using a Miralax/gatorade prep for me. It is usually supposed to also team up with Dulcolax but I have been having a lot of cramping/pain lately so the doctor said just to use the Miralax because the stimulant laxative may cause even more pain. I am excited (well as excited you can be for a colonoscopy prep) this time because Miralax doesn't taste like ANYTHING so it will just be like drinking a big bottle of gatorade until I am cleared out. I will let you know how it goes. I also have found that eating a light diet for a few days before the prep will help when it comes to the day.
The MiraLax/Gatorade thing is much easier to get down, but better not pick your favorite flavor because I gaurantee you won't ever want to drink it again after this. It is still a lot of fluid to drink in a short time.
I did halflyte for my first prep and it was awful and I ended up vomiting by the end. My last two colonoscopies I've done the Dulcolax/Miralax prep and it's so much better. It's still difficult when you finally get down to the last 16 ounces of Gatorade but at least it just tastes like Gatorade.
I've used at least 3 different types of bowel preps before, and for my colonoscopy last week I used Moviprep. I was prepared to be sick for a week or two afterwards, but it went surprisingly well, barely had any D after (and I always have D). Went straight from recovery to walking around Chicago sightseeing, actually ate REAL FOOD that night, and still made my flight the next day! I will definitely request it the next time I have to do one, which hopefully isn't anytime soon. Good luck!
Oh and don't forget to drink water along with the prep, I think it says how much in the instructions.
I've had two colonoscopies, and each time I've taken several Dulcolax tablets (stool softeners), followed by two bottles of magnesium citrate. I recommend NOT getting the lemon mag cit -- it tastes awful, even mixed with Gatorade or Sprite. They have other "flavors," all of which are clear liquid, so next time I'm going to try one of those!
I start my moviprep in a few hours. I pre made it and put it in the fridge as suggested. My stomach is already in a knot so I do not know how this day is gonna turn out. Well I at least know I will be cleaned out. :)
Back when I first started having scopes, wayyyyy back, lol, the prep was 3 days of liquids, no solids, and 1-2 magnesium citrates the day before the scope, enemas, etc. I hated the 3 days of starving, but it was easier on me than any of the preps now. The phospho-sodas always made me vomit, I could never get them down.
Corection - its magnesium citrate. Im sorry. It comes in lemon lime, cherry and grape. Grape is the most tolerable :).
I found Fleet Prep the easiest. Two small bottles to be mixed with clear fluid (I used lemonade) Still tastes fairly foul but just a small volume to get down. I have used Picolax in the past which was more volume and also tastes awful!

I hope I can have the Fleet for my next scope - I had it in March this year.
Ugh clean out in progress. It don't taste too bad. I have had worse. 1 liter down 1 to go. I can't wait till this crap ;) is done!
I used to do the Phosphosoda prep until it was pulled from the market. It tasted foul, I threw up half of it, but it did the trick. I have never been able to tolerate anything in the lytely or prep line. For my last few scopes I have used the Miralax prep. I hate the taste of Gatorade, so when I get ready to start the prep, I simply mix a capful of Miralax into whatever clear liquid I am drinking. I put in in Sprite, broth, apple juice, you name it. Luckily, it only takes 5-6 capfuls to have me "running clear"!
Used magnesium citrate in 2005 - my last 2 scopes had ducolax and Pico salax prescribed but I did not get a good clean out, not sure if it was because the disease was a bit more active and there was perhaps some narrowing.

If I had it to do over again I'd take the magmesium citrate - I mixed it with sprite / 7-up.
I've done MoviPrep and SuPrep (both very similar - but with SuPrep there's less to drink). You basically dissolve powder in water and it tastes incredibly vile - like salty lemony water (that makes you want to vomit). With MoviPrep, you need to drink 64 ozs and with SuPrep it's 32 ozs.

Not only is taste a problem, it's also that you need to drink all that in a 2 to 3 hour period. I plan on asking my GI if I can do Miralax for my next prep. From what I've read it's the least unpleasant taste-wise. Plus, I can mix it into different liquids so there's a little bit of variety.
Miralax/Gatorade is the BEST! Basically no taste, plus it's cheap and OTC, while some RX preps are a lot more expensive.

Agreed! Definitely the easiest of all the preps I've tried. A few Dulcolax before starting & then its basically a couple bottles of Gatorade. The only minor downside is that my doc likes me to steer clear of my favorite Gatorade flavors (grape & the cool blue) because of the coloring. Oh well, still a great deal better than GoLytely, Colyte, Mag. Citrate, Fleet PhosphoSoda, or having an unsympathetic nurse shove an NG tube in because you can't get/keep the prep down while in the hospital.
I have not tried the Gatorade prep but best believe I will next go round.

Securitydude1979 is right about the colors can use red either.

my new favorite flavor is this tropical blend it is dark green and has a little more flavor to it than some of the others to me. almost taste like kool-aide
My current GI says purple is okay, but no red or green. My last one said no purple, red or orange. Each doctor has different rules on this......it's weird!

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