My journey to getting well

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I'm feeling much better this morning. It was the B vitamin I took yesterday that undoubtably wore me down a bit. Yesterday was an OK day but could have been better if I hadn't taken that B vitamin.

This morning I'm thinking why start adding many new questional foods on the 20th. Instead I should wait, stick with the diet and grow stronger and possibly entirely well I like to think that nightshade is the answer, but garlic/onions and carrot family could be the cause of my health problems. If I grew healthier and stronger, when I test those questionable foods I'd likely notice better any negative effects. I've about talked myself into waiting and sticking with the current diet.

Left foot continues to do question well despite all the exercising/jogging I'm doing. Eating nightshade likely is the cause of those left food pains. tongue looks quite well and healthy. Skin looks good. Weight was likely around 171 to 172lbs. that was nice to see as I'm eating two meals a day now.
It has been a wonder, active day. I've been working away, and this time I'm not all that worn out. Lovely. It is so wonderful to not feel fatigued.

this morning at the store I bought some carrot juice. That will be my next food to test. I say as I learned the new natural multi B vitamin I plan to take has carrot in it. Taking these supplements has no doubt helped me greatly. And I believe the new natural low dose B vitamin will be of help, so long as it doesn't make me sick to my stomach naturally.

I can make a good case that carrot family is my problem. There is circumstantial evidence but overall i doubt it. More likely nightshade or onions and garlic are my trouble makers. I can think of several times where I ate a nightshade family member and became sick. Nothing comes to mind when it comes to the carrot family. But naturally it needs to be tested and I'll do that after the 20th.

Stomach doing great. Citus continues to not look to be my problem though I do experience some minor issues from citrus. Skin looks healthy. Appearance is healthy. Hair continues to look healthier. Tongue looks good and healthy. Left foot does not hurt. I did some light weight lifting and have walked abt 14 miles today.
Doing aliright this morning. Stomach doing well. Energy levels ok. I had some muscle cramping but figure that is due to eating to much chocolate of late. I'll stop the chocolate eating. Energy levels alright. Tongue looked good. Strength could be better but I have worked out hard of late, and did some pushups yesterday. I'll keep with avoiding grains, nightshade family, spices, and carrot family.
Not my best of days. I've been on the tired side. I'm going to blame the pinto beans for the tiredness. Beans are high in fiber and I was afraid they might wear me out. Fiber also makes me feel cold or colder and i felt that way today, cold.

Outide of that though I've done well. The stomach is doing well. That is most important of course. Also I took that other natural vitamin that only has 25% of a host of B vitamins. It also has carrot in it. No problems noticed. If anything it perked me up a bit.

Being as worn out as I have been today I ate 3 meals. I don't do that to often. tomorrow I might fast. I plan to also add carrot juice to my diet tomorrow.
This morning I drank some carrot juice. So far I'm feeling good. no stomach issues noticed. I'll likely fast today and see how that goes. I also took another one of those new natural low dose multi vitamins. It doesn't seem to bother me. It isn't like the high dose multi vitamin I was taking that sometimes left me feeling lousy. At the moment my energy levels are so so. Strenght is the same, so so. tongue looks great. Fingers crossed today turns out to be a good day.
I've been tired and fatigued today but I can function. It isn't much fun being fatigued but I have lots of experience dealing with. I'm not sure of the cause. It might be the new vitmain I began taking, or the carrot juice drunk, to much exercise, or my guess the beans and the high fiber from the beans is the culperate. The good news, the gut is doing great. I have been entirely well going to the bathroom.

That's the thing I keep thinking. there are any number of things that can cause me fatigue - synthetic multi vitamins, to much fiber, to much exercise, cold weather, hot weather, etc. there seems to be one main thing though that causes the severe stomach diarrhea problem. that seems to be a food allergy or food toxin. I'm guessing the nightshade family. To much fiber can cause the stomach problem but in a different way. Eating to much cheese can be a stomach upsetter also.

I'm fasting today. I only have eaten breakfast. Fingers crossed I'm not ill with the fasting laxative effect in the morning due to drinking carrot juice.
I fasted yesterday and so far no fasting laxative effect. I did start drinking carrot juice. So far it is looking good. I'll like do similar to carrot juice testing as I did with citrus testing. I'll conduct the testing for a week or more.

So far my energy levels seems alright. I am concerned about the new multi natural vitamin I started taking. It might tire me out later this morning. If that happens today I'll stop taking it.

My appearance is healthy. Skin looks good. Strength is not bad. Stomach is doing well.
I'm doing better today but I remain more fatigued, worn out that wished. I'll removed the new multi vitamin from my diet. For the week I'll just taken the natural supplements that are not listing vitamins on them. They don't seem to cause me issues. I'll see if the good energy returns. Gut doing quite well. It has to be at least a month since I was last sick significantly. I'll keep avoiding spices, and nighthade, along with grains.
Doing well so far this morning. I didn't take a multi vitamin this morning. I'll see if that helps. Stomach doing well. I'm likely to fast today. Fingers crossed I'm well, not experiencing the fasting laxative effect. i'm still drinking carrot juice. So far it does not appear to be causing me trouble, but much more time is needed.
I remain tired, fatigued some this morning. I remembered another likely problem for upsetting the stomach. Of late I've been eating cashews as snacks. I'll stop doing that. Some cashews is good and fine by the stomach but do remember that snacking on cashews has caused problems in the past. I imagine this feeling will go away soon. Since I have a dental appointment on Thursday I'm going to stop drinking carrot juice just in case it is a trouble maker for the stomach. It doesn't seem to be but better to be safe. I'll resume drhinking carrot juice on Friday. Carrot juice would have more fiber in it that might also be a problem.
I ended up eating lunch, and I took one of those made in Japan high vitamin b tablets. And I feel much better. I'm not overly energetic this afternoon but I'm more energetic than i had been hte previous 3 days. Probably what has caused the fatigue has been snacking on cashew nuts to much, and eating to much fiber overall.

This is how I get myself in trouble though. If this recent bout of fatigue continues I'll become frustrated and look to change my diet, try another idea. Overall though the gut is doing great. No significant problems with the gut. the worst has been some minor cramping. Nothing new there.
Doing well this morning. Enregy levels seem to be good. Left foot rarely hurts since avoiding the nightshade family. That is big. those electric shocks to the left foot hurt. Stomach doing pretty well. I'm often well when using the bathroom. I'll keep avoiding nightshade, and spices. Probably after thursday I'll start to eat the spicy nightshade free sauces. I'm feeling less fearful of them.

I'm nearly 4 months into another alpha gal diet. Emotionally I feel alpha gal is what I have. Yet testing wise generally alpha gal trials have failed. the last alpha gal diet I tried, ending in March had lasted about 8 months. Yet no resolution was found. I suppose it doesn't mean that alpha gal isn't the answer but I would think after 8 months of avoidance I would have noticed much improved health.

I'll likely fast today. Fingers crossed I don't experience the fasting laxative effect. It has been some times since I last experienced that, since I've been on this latest diet of avoiding highshade, spices, and read meats and dairy.
I'm a bit tired and fatigued this morning. It feels like exercise fatigue. i did some leg exercies and upper body exercises also the other day. I'm feeling the effects this moring. the good news, so far no fasting laxative effect. Hope that remains the case. that effect tends to come out to no where with little to no warning though. I stopped drinking carrot juice yesterday but imagine if it was a problem i'm be experiencing the laxative effect today. More testing of course is needed and I plan to begin drinking carrot juice again after Thursday. A nephew arrived last night to visit for a few days. Imagine spending time with him will be fun and tiring. Weight 170lbs.
It was a good day. I felt as if i had gotten myself back on track, having decent energy levels, communicating well, and overall feeling good. Tomorrow is my dental appointment. After that I'll likely add the nightshade free sauces and carrot juice and fast. Fingers crossed it works. It would be nice to be able to eat spices such as garlic and onions.
2nd day fatigue, always the worst struck this morning. I'm sore and not terribly energetic this morning. THE Positive is that my gut is doing alright. Overall I imagine I'll do well today. Strength is alright. today I have my dental appointment and after that I'll feel good about adding new foods to the diet. I'll likely add the spicy nightshade free sauces. It might be to much, and I'll be kicking myself if it doesn't workout but I have to take a risk and this is one worth trying. Something is in the area I'm thinking as I've had a runny nose and am sneezing quite a bit. i read earlier that red tide was off the coast. I'm thinking it is now on the coast. then again my gut has been irritated of late likely due to eating to much fiber and I suspect that too will cause a runny nose. What ever is causes it, rather annoying.
I finally did it, I ate some of the nightshade free sauces with lunch. They are full of spices. Hope they go down well. So far so good. I'll get back to my fasting and testing. I'm worn down today but I'm not out of it. Well maybe a little out of it. i wasn't that chatty at the dentists office but so be it. Muscle hurt a bit. tongue looks good and healthy. Skin could looks better but isn't terrible.
I made a change to my diet. I removed eggs and chicken from my safe list and so far the fatigue has improved today. The fatigue I've been dealing with has really dragged on me of late. I'm not all that surprised if chicken and eggs cause fatigue and muscle wasting along with bleeding. I was at the dentist yesterday and the dentist was complain about how I bleed. Seemed similar to what happens when i eat pork. Beef likely causes similar.

So I'm back onto the fish diet, likely for good. So I'll stick with the fish diet, and avoid nightshade, grains and all meats and dairy products outside of fish.

I'll begin writing my notes onto a note area on my computer. I should have done that awhile ago as this has dragged on for years. Fingers crossed I'm close with my answer.
I’ve been thinking about it, I’m going to concentrate on the fatigue issue. Avoiding all meats, beef, pork, chicken, eggs, gets rid of the fatigue. The stomach also greatly improves. For the past year I haven’t considered that this is my answer. I keep thinking that there is more to avoid. What if i’m wrong though. What if what I need is time to heal and more nutrients in my diet. I’m betting that is the answer I’m looking for. I’ll still stay away from grains, but I won’t entirely avoid them. I’ll do the same with the nightshade family. A potato chip or hashbrown from time to time will likely be fine though.

Fasting and the laxative effect is likely something that will always happen, regardless of diet. Eating chicken I know though will all to often bring on the laxative fasting effect worse than other diets. That I know for sure. Other foods are not nearly as likely but can on occasion be a problem when I fast. I think I have my answer. I’ll only eat fish.

Of course is I should find myself greatly fatigued I’ll adapt and see what I can do to improve my situation.

I feel wonderful this morning. Gut is doing great, energy levels are high. It is hard to imagine this, avoiding red meats and chicken/bird meats isn't my answer. In time I should heal and be even better.
Not to continue writing but to further confirm to myself, this has to be the answer, The answer being to avoid all meats, and only eat fish. When I eat this way the fatigue goes away and the gut feels much better. I'll largely forget how terrible I can feel when I eat chicken, eggs, beef, pork within a week from now. that always happens. When i eat those foods I feel fatigued greatly, have a difficult time talking/ being verbal. It is so embarrassing.

The stomach problem should improve over time. It has in the past. It will takes months though, at least 3 months or greater for that to happen.

Taking the nutrient supplements is a big help and break through that i began this year. That has helped me greatly too. The supplements don't work though when I eat chicken and eggs, which I found out this month. I was hoping that would work, but it didn't. I'm good with only eating fish/sea food, and I suppose vegan meals. It is fun not feeling so run down and fatigued all the time. Even better days are ahead.
I should mention as I'll be referencing back to this when I have a bad stomach day in the future. When I eat pork, beef and chicken I tend to begin to bleed. When I was at the dentist this week that was a concern of my dentist, i was bleeding quite a bit. He needed to use medicine to help stop the bleeding. (Of late I've been eating chicken and eggs every day for the past two weeks.) Pork of course causes lots of bleeding. I'm less certain about beef causing mouth bleeding. I believe it does. i don't eat much beef and haven't looked at that closely but I have recorded several times that after eating beef for some reason I'll find the skin around my finger nails pulled back and bleeding.

Eating fish has never caused bleeding.

Also after hurricane Ian for 3 to 4 months I only ate fish and I largely became well as a result. I've not done such a long fish diet since the hurricane. I've always blamed other foods and spices for causing my stomach and health to become worse. At this point it is hard to imagine the answer being anything other then for me to avoid beef, pork, dairy, chicken and eggs. Eating fish is safe.
To quickly note, since paying more attention to my fatigue issue than stomach problems, I've learned the last 3 days that eating the nightshade members does not cause me fatigue. the last 3 days I've felt wonderful. I've had lots and lots of energy. I'm feeling really good and hope this continues.
For a couple times now i've eaten tuna that lists having soy in it. I've been worried about this soy causing me problems. So far no issues to report. I've had great amounts of energy and strength. I'm doing quite well.
I'm onto testing the carrot family again, this time with me taking all the supplements that give me energy. I was doing well, then added carrot juice and a supplement with carrot in it. I found myself fatigued. My muscles were hurting. today I'm avoiding the carrot famly. So far I'm doing well. My energy levels are better, though not great. Fingers crossed my energy levels improve over the next 48 hours.
I'm feeling rather worn down and tired this morning. Stomach is OK but I am worried it could flare up later on. Fingers crossed that does not happen. In someways this is all good. I suspect the supplements i now take will get me energized quicker once the offending substance is out of my system. What would take months in the past should only take a week or two. Fingers crossed the offending substance is carrots and members of the carrot family.
Oh good, I'm feeling more energized this morning. The main item i'm zeroed in on is carrots and the carrot family. I want to avoid them. I'm avoidng other items also but the carrot family is the main one to avoid. Energy levels are improved this morning. Yesterday I was hurting with fatigue. Did read this morning a mention that carrots are used in the manufacturing of beta carotene. If true, it might explain why I have had such a bad time when taking a multi vitamin.

If this good energy continues for a few days, I'll next add potatoes.
It has been a much better day with energy and communicating. Strength is better too. I'm still out of it a bit but imagine in a few more days I'll be back in working order. Gut doing well. I'll stay away from the carrot family, carrots, parsley, dil, celery, etc.