What do you eat

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Dec 26, 2010
what do you eat

I'm going to the hospital on monday as i'm in heaps of pain and have bits of mucus coming out so they said its the bag for me.

What I'd like to know is what do you eat with the bag is it a normal diet or is it still restricted
They had me on fluids and crushed ice until my bowel woke up (took about 8 days).
Then soft food like jelly and custard.
Then ham and cheese sandwiches.
I still lost a few meals once I was out of hospital.
I'm currently introducing new things each day - but have a good mix of soft food like yoghurt and custard still.
And I don't eat after 7pm - so I don't have to get up in the middle of the night for an empty.
You're in Melbourne too. Which hospital are you going into - public or private?
Do they have a specialist ward there?
I've just finished a stint at Jesse Mac and Cabrini and the nursing care was amazing. It was so nice being looked after by nurses who are specialists.
I was on the general surgical ward for about two days - the nurses there didn't have a clue. When I explained to one that I could only poop with hot water from the shower spraying on my butt - she looked at me like I was a freak and tried to talk me out of it, then told me I wasn't allowed to.
In the specialist ward - the nurse helped me rig up a system to do this and understood why. She also organised regular sitz baths to help with the pain and healing. They were really amazing.
I also was at Cabrini- truly amazing nurses and they (specialists and surgeons) are known for their great care in this area.
Yeah they have a gastrointerology ward there and they have a gastrointerology department but they were good last time I was in there
Right after surgery I was only allowed ice chips, until my stoma started working (that was about 5 days). Then it was a liquid diet for another few, then I was on solids. Today, I eat whatever I want and have no problems at all.
sounds good to me do you get up at night to empty the bag as others have said they can't eat after 7pm cause they don't wanr ro be up at night emptying the bag
I don't...but I have a colostomy, not an ileostomy (my stoma's made of my large intestine), so my output is not watery at all and my movements are pretty regular (one in the morning and one usually after dinner).