What Does crohnsforum Mean To You?

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:


Dec 29, 2010
We're patients, parents, spouses, family members, and friends. We're healthy, ill, have questions, have answers, are confident in this, or frightened of that. We have long-time members and brand new ones joining us everyday. We talk diet, injections, symptoms, prescriptions, deficiencies, surgeries, clinical trials, healthcare, treatments, and complications. We talk long-term side effects short-term life effects. We vent "aloud," laugh together, celebrate successes, and share stories, recipes, prayers, and well wishes.

What does crohnsforum mean to you?
Excellent post! To me, it means friendship, understanding, camaraderie (hope I spelled that right!), and not being judged. Being taken seriously even though I'm undiagnosed. Sharing experiences and laughter and tears with people who know exactly what I'm going through. Unconditional support and acceptance. You guys rock! :D
I have to agree with a lot of what Cat-a-Tonic says.

This forum is brilliant and been such a help to me this year getting my head around my diagnosis!! I used to fear my disease but now I embrace it!

I always come on here before hounding my GP or GI as usually a lot of my questions are answered by all you wonderful people! I am very grateful to whoever begun this forum, you deserve a medal!


F x
This is the one place I can talk about my health issues and someone actually understands! My family has been supportive but sometimes they look at me like I'm crazy! This is my secret place!
I'm new here, but I love it. I don't feel so isolated. I'm not the only one here going crazy trying to get some kind of diagnosis. I generally feel like I can say what I need to say or ask what I need to ask. I'm sure that'll become even more comfortable over time. I've learned things here that I haven't found through years of research.

I have a supportive wife and mother-in-law, but my parents are not at all supportive. They don't even know I couldn't go into the office for 10 months straight because if I try to tell them what's going on they get mean blaming it on my diet, my weight, my lifestyle, whatever they can come up with other than my body actually being ill. They're coming to visit in a couple weeks, and I am planning to hide my handicap parking tag and just push on through things. I don't like talking to my friends about what's going on, because they can't relate or they underestimate the severity and make me feel like a complainer.
For me its finding others who understand and wanting to be there for others because I understand. Even though I've dealt with this for many years I'm still learning new things from all of you and I want to share that new knowledge with others as well. Knowledge is power so we can all get the best treatment and support as possible.
You can say poop as many times as you want and no one bats an eye....

But seriously, I found this forum right after my surgery and it was a lifeline for me. The people are so friendly and welcoming and no question is a stupid one. I think this forum is like family for many here. I know I talk to my real friends and family about you guys like I know you all and we hang out all the time....lol
It's talking about poo! And bums!

it's my private place, my secret place no one really understands, where I can be totally honest and where people not only understand, synpathise and support me, but where they share the same problems.

It's the one place I feel normal :)
to gain knowledge I went from totally fine to needing surgery within a couple of months and I was scared but after getting lots of advice here I felt so much better, where else can you ask anything under the sun and actually get an intellegent answer? I hope now I can give back some of that advice through experience although I'm still learning everyday. Although IBD is so diverse we're all so similar!!
Hope. Being able to read stories of those who are doing well means I may do well some day as well.

Also, as others, a place to vent, gain knowledge, and know I'm not alone in feeling like crap.
Support. Answers. There's a wealth of knowledge here that not even health professionals can touch. It's unfortunate GIs don't utilize this resource.
this forum brings to mind family and support. to be heard not in a embrassing way , not to be judged and to be understood by others that are apart of this forum. it brings hope and real friendship and builds on that friendship. and good sound advice. i hope this forum stays the way it is for very long time for people to come and express themselfs openly.
For me, it's giving something back, knowledge and experience.
Back in the day there was no computers or forums, I trawled thro library books!
I found this forum last year when I Googled Prednisolone!
It saved my life and sanity, I honestly thought I was gonna explode! til the peeps on here reassured me that I wasn't!
This is my sanctuary, not Holy, just somewhere to go and hide!
Lots and lots of people who understand and listen who laugh and make jokes who support and are there any time, not only when it fits their schedule (like my doc)

and poop jokes of course
I agree with Cat a Tonic.. It means we're all in the same scenario just varying degrees and experiences. Its good to be able to laugh about it on goods days, cry or vent about it on bad days and all of this with people who can sit in front of their pc's saying "Yep, I know exactly what you mean with that one". Its a complete new learning curve for me personally. I went into work after being disgnosed and a work colleague came up to me all sympathic "How are you hun, have you taken your tablets today?, am sorry to hear your news" In a sad and almost patronising way. To which I answered "Yes I'm all drugged up and oh btw..Its life term, not life threatening hun".lol I maybe should have been more diplomatic but just couldn't resist.
For me its stopped me descending into the hell that is depression again. Coming on here & reading about others who are obviously so worse off than myself was a wake up call akin to a good face slap. I particularly feel sorry for people in the states etc who have additional worries about insurance etc.
it means that I get to keep a little of my sanity :)
it means that I am not alone.
it means that I have met the most amazing people, and now friends, that I may never meet face to face..but they will hold a place in my heart forever.
it means you CAN trust a "stranger"..but, I still wouldn't recommend eating their candy! :ylol:

I adore this site, and it is the first forum, chat room, anything of it's type that I have ever been a part of. Thank you to all of you wonderful and loving folks!

as people said above. it makes being sick less scary and isolating. Your not the only one out there.
I have been dealing with Crohns a very long time. Thought I had it figured out. Well, I WAS WRONG! The people here helped pull me out of such a deep depression, one I thought I could not recover from. I still thank them each day in my thoughts, because I truly know that I would not be here today without that support. You all know who you are. Again, I say thank you.
I am so thankful to have found this site! Outside of the people I have met here, I do not know anyone with Crohn's. I have received great advice here that I could not find from a book or website. Most of all, I do not feel alone any more!
A place to learn, to find new friends who understand and can help and I hope that with knowledge and in time I will be able to give support to others. It's somewhere i can fit in and feel like I belong and not be frightened of this Crohns that till recently was like a black hole. Having this forum gives me knowledge and strength. This forum is a blessing!
What does the Crohns Forum mean to me...

It means friendship. The type of friendship that is often difficult to find.

It means you are no longer alone.

It means understanding. A place where you know how you feel is instantly understood.

It means acceptance. No explanations are needed, we have our different journeys but we know and accept that difference.

It means courage. It gives you the courage and strength to face the unthinkable.

It means hope. The hope that even in the darkest of days and times there is light and the good times will indeed return.

It means sanctuary. It is a place of comfort, familiarity and softness. A place where you don't see the look of disbelief, boredom, pity or ignorance when you speak of Crohns BUT if I did meet any of you I know that look wouldn't be there.

It means knowledge. The knowledge of experience and living. Sometimes that knowledge scares the hell out of me but I can't forever live with my head in the sand.

It mean honesty. The openness to speak of the the unspeakable and not be shunned or hushed.

It means humour. The ability for the people here to still see the funny side if things, to have a good natured laugh and dig.

It means choice. It adjusts to everyone's level of comfort, disclosure and frequency of use.

It means me. It has become a part of me. It is a place I look forward coming to. It is like meeting an old and trusted friend...sometimes you chat for hours and other times you say nothing but the silence is never awkward.

Dusty. :heart:
When I feel like I'm all alone, I can turn my computer on and find comfort and support. I am definitely not as lonely. I am married with a family, but I do try to keep my disease on the back burner with them.
Crohn's forum to me means always having the comfort that everyone knows exactly how you feel, getting great advice from people who've been there, and the extra knowledge you can take into the doctors office :)
I'm so glad I joined this forum, especially at a time when I've been in flare for almost 8 months, I don't think I could have done it without you all.

I found the forum before my diagnosis and the advice and support I got through that period of fear and uncertainty, through to diagnosis and starting treatment has been invaluable. I would've been so in the dark, in so many ways, without my friends here. When there's news or developments, you are the first people I tell.
Thank you from my bottom...... Of my heart, that is!! :) xxx
Crohnsforum.com means inspiration for me. The people here inspire me to be a better, stronger, person. It inspires me to learn so that I might have the answers for someone in need. It inspires me to reach within for an extra helping of compassion as that is what everyone here deserves.
For me it means complete understanding, compassion,and people who really know what it its like. My family is great but I am the only one with a chronic disease and they don't really understand even though they try to. It means laughing when I am down and just when I think I cannot find it in me to to get up someone is on here saying yes you can....
It is someplace I can talk my Crohn's without worrying about it being TMI to talk about diarrhea or having to supply back story. I can come here and not get the response "aren't you ever going to get better". As I've had this disease for so long (24 years) I hope I can help others. I wish there had been a Crohn's forum in 1987 back when I was in college and scared about this.

I also feel like I've met some great people here, and hope one day to meet some of you in person.
It is my home, my family, and my security blanket.

It is nonjudgmental, caring, and understanding.

It provides hope, support, friendship, and love.

It is motivation and inspiration.

It is part of my daily life.

It is part of me.

Love this place! While no one would ever volunteer for this disease at least this forum makes me feel that I can thrive in spite of it.
All of the above and .. I am very grateful for the support and help that I found when I muddled through my recovery from surgery. Invaluable advice that gave me my life back and reminded me that I am not alone in this and with this crappy disease.

Thank to ALL :)
I love giving back to those who need help. I wished they had a computer back in my days of agony. So I help those who need it and I have learned so much here.
Its my relax, relate and release spot!

It makes me feel so good when I can post something and people reply with encouragement or advice or even just a "hey...ME TOO!".

When you have an illness in which you don't LOOK sick, you suffer not only physically but emotionally. Coming here keeps my head in a clear state....because if it were up to most others, I'd swear I'd think most days...I was going crazy.
All of the above and .. I am very grateful for the support and help that I found when I muddled through my recovery from surgery. Invaluable advice that gave me my life back and reminded me that I am not alone in this and with this crappy disease.

Thank to ALL :)

I hadn't even thought about that. But I definitely felt more confident going in to surgery and more supported coming out of surgery than I would have if I hadn't had a place like this. Seeing the way surgery has improved so many lives on here made me feel optimistic instead of scared.
To me, this forum means meeting a whole world of people who relate to so many aspects of my life that very few people in my life can understand. It has also given me the confidence to be less self-conscious, embarrased, resentful, and all those other bad feelings toward my IBD as I spent a lot of time in my life doing everything physically possible to pretend the word "Crohn's" didn't exist. And now suddenly I am in this wonderful world where people care, understand, relate, don't require explanation, omg I could just go on. This forum is such a haven for me, I wish I knew people like you all in real life. Everyone here is just so...nice. and caring. I love you guys :ghug: :wub:
Where to start on this?
5 days ago I muddled through the internet trying to find information about my new disease, but it was all delivered so impersonal for me to connect with.
But here...it is so personnel and so much more involved. I have made friends with people I dont even know but share experiences with over the internet.

All my information is in one area for me now. What a blessing that I found this forum. I some how feel connected and some what stronger in dealing with this!
Thank you...:)
Its peace of mind! When I am not feeling well and its the middle of the night- I can turn to a "whole world" of people just like me in one way or another! You understand- you "get it"- you inspire and inform. You make me laugh and most of all when the house is quiet and I have no one to call you are simply "there"!!

Thank you!!
ASTRA- I was the same....thought I'm going insane, googles prednisone, and there was this wonderful forum, with so many people, going through the same symptoms.

I agree with all of you. I'm so grateful to have a place, where everyone understands, and has so much support and information. It feels good to give feedback to others joining daily, and it's encouraging and uplifting finding ideas on medications diets, fitness ect.
And to read about the struggles of others with crohns and medications, side effects, Moodswings, ect ect ect.... Makes you feel better, and helps immensely. Love this forum and all you wonderful ppl :)
C: caring when I need it most
R: readjusting my perspective on life
O: open to everyone
H: Hope for the future
N: no one excluded
S: sharing the good and the bad

F: fun (and fart jokes!)
O: ok to be myself, even when it's not my best self
R: really great place
U: understanding like others who haven't been through it can't
M: making everyday a little better
Before I found this forum I felt very hopeless and alone in my disease. Even though I have
an amazing and supportive boyfriend, there still is nothing like having contact with people that have gone through or are going through the EXACT SAME thing as me. It gives me hope and and faith that I can still be "normal" when nothing is normal about what we have to face each day. Thank You All!!:worthy:
...it started as a place to ask and find out about the surgery i was faced with i.e. removal of my colon, rectum and anus and having a permanent ileostomy- at 21 my friends felt awkward talking about it and i felt too proud to let my family know i was struggling coming to terms with things, i didn't want to look weak.

...i couldn't have imagined going through it without the forum and i now enjoying giving advice to those that are faced with similar surgery- and just to have a nosey! ;)

thanks crohn'sforum! :) <3
I'm fairly new....but was here a couple of years ago...and I think everyone is wonderful its like 1 big family living with the same disease. Thank you all!!!
I love this forum.Although not half as sick as most of you i've had lots of good advice and lots of fun with my new friends.I'm getting quite addicted I'm afraid.Buts thats not a bad thing in this case.thankyou all so much.
C: caring when I need it most
R: readjusting my perspective on life
O: open to everyone
H: Hope for the future
N: no one excluded
S: sharing the good and the bad

F: fun (and fart jokes!)
O: ok to be myself, even when it's not my best self
R: really great place
U: understanding like others who haven't been through it can't
M: making everyday a little better

Lovely! Deserves a spot in ' The Crohnicle' methinks :)
I've especially been thankful for this forum while I've been sick. I've been really frusterated by not getting the proper treatment this time around by my health system and this forum has brought me a lot of new information about different types of medications. But, even without the research I've found some new friends on here that I've been able to not only get support from, but also give support to.
For me, its a safehaven.

I can pop in and peek around at what's going on with someone or help someone out with an experience I've had, or find out more from someone who has already been through something I'm dealing with. I would have had a HORRIBLE time recovering from my last surgery if it hadn't been for this forum and learning from others what to expect with a new stoma and how to handle complications right after surgery. There is just so much first-hand knowledge here that you don't find in a book and a lot of things doctors won't tell you until it's too late.

I am sooooo very grateful for all of the people here. My cyberfamily.

...also, it's very cool to learn about different approaches to things in other countries. I feel like a well-traveled IBD warrior without having left my house.
So pleased I found this web site,and to discover that "I am not alone". Support comes from hearing about others and their symptoms and to know that we are all in the same family of "Crohn's". We may not like it but we have to bond together to fight it.
This forum is awesome. The honesty and openess without fear of judgement is amazing. The information and experience of others is invaluable. I am new to Crohn's, but after finding this forum, I feel like I can come here to have a better understanding and hope about the situation. Thank you Crohn's Forum and all of its members. =)
It is a great source of information, even we are not doctors, we can share our experiences. There is no other forum like this on the Net.
Crohns forum is a lifesaver. It is a true community of people going through the same or similar trials and tribulations. It is great to pull together to support one another and share our failures and successes as we all battle this horrible disease.
It's always tops on my gratitude list. Thank you to everyone who has shared their stories and lives with us here.
Hm, it is to the point, educated, independent, caring, good forum ~
For me it's having people who truly understand what's going on with my body. This "normal" body function that normal people (and me at time) take for granted. When friends ask you to go somewhere for the weekend and you have to say no and it hurts. Not because you don't want to go and have fun,but because it's tuff being misrable somewhere else. So it's great to have someplace where folks understand and don't give you that "look". I'm sure most of you have seen it.

Again,whoever came up with this forum, thank you
My little boy was only diagnosed last week, and when I think of Crohn's several things come to mind.

Support, I simply cannot believe the amazing support on here, and generally from other IBD sufferers..I kind of think we are all a very special type of person, because everyone I have spoken to with Crohn's etc have just been so wonderful and caring......maybe we are chosen because we are just so awesome!!

Uncertainty, as we are so new to this, I am quite uncertain of the future, I worry, I stress but seeing your positive stories here I do have hope.

Acceptance, my son and I and all of our family must accept our situation, I think he is struggling with this as am I, but he's only a little boy, so it is so much harder for him.

Passion, I am so determined to find out everything I can about this disease, to help my son. I have that raw, primal motherly urge to protect my son as best as I can, so this is my new passion.
This forum and all who are here mean so much to me!now that I have found you all ..you may never get rid of me!:) it IS the most supportive and loving place and somewhere I can feel I have something to give back especially when I am stuck at home near or most likely IN the bathroom, feeling miserable and certainly not like I can contribute to others!
And when I need advice on treatments, doctors, health care, maneuvering through everyday life with IBD, you all offer me a way of doing it!
I have not only found support, a way to contribute to others, practical advice, and in general hope, but see we are really interconnected..thank you!!
Giving and receiving support, learning about new and old options for treatment, making new friends and being able to speak candidly to people who understand and won't be shocked repulsed or whatever else. I tend to come and go as my disease waxes and wanes - sometimes when i'm well I just don't want to think about being sick but I also like to be able to offer support to other people. New letter is fine as is - a simple update to highlight some interesting areas, and hopefully not too much work for so writing it. Thankyou.
One of the great things about the forum is that people are accepted and their concerns validated no matter whether they are undiagnosed or not, or whether their illness is mild or not. Its an understanding by everyone on the forum that everyones concerns are real and important to them - we have all been through each stage and appreciate the need for any help and acceptance offered. So everyone, never feel that your questions are irrelevant or trivial or repetitive because there is always someone here who can help, even if only with a hug, to let you know they care.
Having the support before my op by various people on the site was invaluable..I was so worried and they really helped put my mind at ease:) Its great having a site like this and most important to talk about issues related to Crohn's and the emotional impact it has!
It's been an absolute God send for me.
I know I can ask the smallest of questions and someone will respond, even if they can't help my particular problem. The support is amazing. With my daughter newly diagnosed with Crohn's disease I have visited this forum many times a day for advice, to read other peoples journeys and to find hope for the future.
Thanks xx
During the days when I had no energy at all, oing through the posts from different people meant a lot to me.It gave me support and made me feel so much more better.The knowledge that the site gives assures us as regards the treatment we have started and works wonders, just as prednisolone does.Wonders in no time, but with no side effects like the drug.
I've just joined so not sure what to expect.I'd like to have someone to speak with who understands how i feel.After suffering for 21 years in silence,this is the first time i've joined anything like this.I hope i can also help anyone else with any concerns as i've had so much experience with meds and opps and would have liked to have had the same but wasn't really available back then.Peace and love to all,jah bless
Honesty. 100% Honesty. We talk to each other about our BMs!

It is so much more than that though. After my diagnosis, I found this site. It took me months to join. Everyone here is here for some understanding, to help others, and to feel a part of something. Of course many of us (myself included) have WONDERFUL support systems in their daily lives. But having an IBD is so much different than hearing about an IBD. On this forum, it's not sympathy, it's genuine understanding.

I have met true friends on this site. I have a few that we talk on the phone regularly. The people here don't just care when they are looking at the computer screen, they always care.

A friend is defined as a person that one knows and shares bond of mutual affection. Some of my friends from this site, I will never get to meet in person. But that doesn't mean that they are not FRIENDS.

This site helps atleast one person daily...and that's why we are all here.
I don't feel alone anymore. I don't work anymore due to previous health issues, which I still have, I don't go out anymore and I don't have many friends, could count on one hand the number. This forum has given me more than I could have anticipated, I posted a single question in Feb and since then have been on the site daily. I've 'met' so many amazing friends and have been given so much support and it means all the more cos I know that those helping me truly understand. It means so much to be able to make contact with these amazing people, couldn't have done it without the Crohns Forum, so a very big thank you for starting it up. xx
I saw this thread on the monthly letter and wanted to add my two cents.
This site and the people willing to dedicate their time were the ones who gave me as a mother of a daughter with Crohns, so much support.

Now that she is in remission, I want to help others too.

thank you to all of the Crohns forum members!!
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Honesty. 100% Honesty. We talk to each other about our BMs!

It is so much more than that though. After my diagnosis, I found this site. It took me months to join. Everyone here is here for some understanding, to help others, and to feel a part of something. Of course many of us (myself included) have WONDERFUL support systems in their daily lives. But having an IBD is so much different than hearing about an IBD. On this forum, it's not sympathy, it's genuine understanding.

I have met true friends on this site. I have a few that we talk on the phone regularly. The people here don't just care when they are looking at the computer screen, they always care.

A friend is defined as a person that one knows and shares bond of mutual affection. Some of my friends from this site, I will never get to meet in person. But that doesn't mean that they are not FRIENDS.

This site helps atleast one person daily...and that's why we are all here.

This precious girl went home to be with the Lord early this year not too long after she posted this.It was in Feb. She was a truly amazing friend to me and others and I miss her dearly. Everyday!!!:ghug:
This forum is so much more than a forum. It is a place I can go when I can't talk to anyone else, because they just dont get it. I can be 100% myself and say anything I want and need to say and you understand. You are my friends and my family and I love so many of you as best friends. I am so happy I found this place and so blessed to know you all!:ghug:
It's hard to explain to someone who has no understanding how we deal with the pain, complications, diet, medications, how we can be feeling so unwell on the inside while we can appear perfectly healthy on the outside. This is a place of understanding for this utterly complex and misunderstood affliction.
After months of diarrhea, losing a lot of weight and my sanity while going through so much toilet paper (!) I felt like I was dying. When the colonoscopy was over and the biopsy show lymphocytic colitis, the doctor said, "there is a pill for it". I thought it would be so simple. When the Asacol did nothing I got online and found this forum. Thanks to this forum, I learned that I was not alone, that dietary changes could help and that this is a "no size fits all" disease. Thanks to all of you trailblazers who started the forum and gave us hope.
for me its a place that I can read about real life situations with crohns. The doctors can talk about side effects or how the treatment may work, but they don't have crohns. They have never had to take the test or drugs. I like the fact that I can vent and not have my head chopped off. Its a good way to wind down after any day at work
For me the forum has been a place of comfort, where I can go to find people who know what I'm going through and where I get get amazing amounts of information and first hand accounts. So glad to be a part of this place! :ghug:
Support, acceptance, and friendship
I had no idea how important this forum was going to be to me when I signed up last June. Crohn's is very hard to live with, physically, emotionally and mentally. It effects every aspect of our lives and the people in it. And this is the only place I can openly talk about the effects it has on my life. These last 6 months or so have been very difficult for me and I don't know how I would of gotten through it with out the support of everyone here.
Because of this forum, I have friends all over the world. Friendships that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
Honestly, I can't really express what this forum means to me, I just can't find the right words.
This forum is here for me. You all are here for me. Nobody else is such is the nature of this disease. I'm an indoors one and hate it, bloody Crohns.

Thanks all!!!! Luv ya,
Even though I don't post very much this is a lovely forum. It's very rare to find a forum with no trolls or flaming, everyone is very nice on here and it's quite refreshing :ghug:
Hi there,
It means being able to share one's stories with one another and being understood!!!
It means offering one's support to someone who needs to be listened to because you have been there!!!
It means you are not alone in a very difficult and isolating illness!!!!
It means you can talk about personal things you would not want to discuss with friends and upset them!!!!
It means feeling part of a special group of people , suffering ,but with humour too!!!!
In the words of the Song:
Thank you all ,
wishing you well.
It's knowing that we are not alone! We can help each other. We may not know it . :ghug: Maria
It has meant a lot to me. It helps to know that there are other people who have same disease (Crohn's) as I do. Their story inspires me. I get a lot of tips on how to deal with stress, pain and learn about different medications.

Thank you. This forum has been a great support system.
I means I am doing my Remicade treatments with someone else instead of alone.
This is a support group that we need because although family loves us. They cannot understand the ups and downs of this disease. Here we can listen and learn and go through this disease together.

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