What Food makes your pain worse?

  • Thread starter AndyCrohnsPatient
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I having done everything from remicade and Colonoscopy and Endo and a lot of blood work and they say Im fine. They are guessing its the food I eat. So i wanted to ask you what food makes you hurt more? Im thinking fried food and carbonation but Im not sure. I have limited my portions but Im still in the same amount of pain. So any tips?
High fiber, milk, beef, and fried foods do me in. Beef seems to make me sick no matter the amount. You might have to eliminate things one by one or eliminate everything and add things one by one to find what is the culprit. Carbonated drinks make my tummy bubbly so I avoid them. Caffeine just makes me go to the bathroom more so I avoid that too. Anything that makes me uncomfortable at this point I have let go of. After a while you don't miss those things or you don't crave them cuz you know how bad they make you feel.
cheese and greasy foods like take aways. the only take aways i can have is chinese and indian
I'm not allowed to eat any fibre these days.

Onions were the absolute worst though. The smallest amount would leave me in agony for a week :(
Pork was the only thing I could nail down for certain, though I am afraid either milk or wheat cause me inflammation as well. Hopefully milk and not wheat...
Anything fried, and lettuce for some reason causes issues, and i used to love salads.
Soon it may be all foods for a while for me :) But for right now, anything really high in fiber oh and CORN ACCKKKKKKKK!
I don't have a lot of pain, but what causes me diarreah trouble is onions, apple cider, and beans. That I know for sure.
I'm sure people are sick of me mentioning this, it's about my 20th time saying it - but if helps you then it's worth it. I just started a low residue diet (google it, and you'll find a list of foods on it) basically the less digestion that your body has to do, the better your insides might feel. It's low fiber, but if you can add low sugar to that too, I think it's a good idea. Sugar can cause inflammation. Now for some people this won't work, because wheat bothers them, but it doesn't seem to for me.
Hey butt groove, can you drink apple juice? I can't drink cider but juice I can.

Any idea why?
Apple juice, I think. I don't drink it that often but it's the main ingredient in many other juice blends, so I think so. Not the cider. ExplOsive! Dunno why.
I remember that every time I ate an apple for lunch in college, I would have the worst farts in choir practice from 4:15 - 5:45. I never admitted it. (Before diagnosis) how mean is that to just stand in a group of people who are stuck standing in the same spot and let one rip?? Kewl!
Soda is a killer for my stomach. I avoid it at EVERY cost. Also, eatting a large meal does me in. Doesn't matter what it is, just eatting alot at one time is terrible for me. Weddings, parties....I eat before I go. This way I don't eat too much when I'm there and thus less pain. My husband took me to an upscale steakhouse in NYC last year. My stomach started to go while we were still in the restaurant. I was begging him to drive home as fast as possible. He was annoyed that he spent all that money on a steak dinner and it didn't last 5 minutes in my stomach. What can I say? I'm a cheap date.
I seem to be having issues with fiber. The healthier I eat, the worse I feel. (as far as the D and cramping, the other, sharper pains, i haven't associated with a particular food.)
Everyone seems diff.
Some spices bother me some don't.
y first GI said what ever makes you feel bad, eliminate it for awhile and try it again later.
Yea I notice fiber isn't good and corn is really bad. I try to avoid milk but have cheese sometimes and I do ok. Hot/spice food sits really well with me but i hate that its hot. lol. Im drinking soda but like 2 a day max and its ok. Just stomach pains and bathroom issues at night. Thanks for tips and help. Im hurting right now so im trying to avoid bad foods. Also I got my first Vit. B12 sot today and now taking those for each month now so i will see how those work out too.
hippie4lyfe said:
corn doesn't bother me but it seems to not digest properly. i always see corn bits in my poop.

Dude, corn is the only food that you can fully chew, swallow, and digest....and it still comes out whole!!!!!

It's still a work in progress for me.

I feel so lousy these days I am not sure what affects me specifically.
mine is completely 100% bloody random! one day ill have a bacon sandwich...no problems the next day absolute agony. ive kept food diaries for months and neither me, my doctor or my nutritionist can see any connections. its really annoying because i dont have the option of avoiding foods to stop the pain but then again it sometimes allows me to eat take away with no problems :S

is this a blessing in disguise i wonder........
I suffer from the randomness factor also, but I've noticed that pizza, pasta in tomato sauce, salsa, and corn are definitely my bane.
i went abit crazy today and am really suffering because of it. i had a whole box of grapes followed by a curry and the pain i am in now is excrutiating. maybe my pains arent as randon as i thought, im just worried about the night ahead now
Pen said:
Thanks Mike! LOL. My mother just didnt believe in having that stuff, with 5 kids we would go through it like water. Problem is we are all now overweight, now what does that tell ya? Huh.

Mother doesn't always know best?...lol
amor151 said:
i went abit crazy today and am really suffering because of it. i had a whole box of grapes followed by a curry and the pain i am in now is excrutiating. maybe my pains arent as randon as i thought, im just worried about the night ahead now

I think it is the grape skins that cause trouble. I read the skin of any fruit or vegetable can be what is upsetting to the intestines. Try taking the skin off stuff before you eat it. The curry I am sure is the spiciness that is hurting you. I know for me when I am not flaring I can eat a lot more, but when I am sick I have trouble with almost everything. This might be why you aren't seeing connections yet.
Thanks for the diary link, Hippie...

I can use that to better organize my various scribbled notes.

I've gotten myself a new iPhone, and found an application called "Edibles" (which is designed more for calorie counters) that is somewhat useful upon modification but still not quite perfect for my needs. I have, however, corresponded with the developer of the program to add a field for reactions to different foods, so maybe they'll add it to an update. Ideally, what I want to have is a database so I can determine which foods bother me. For example, I'll know that say, 7 out of 10 times a certain food bothers me, or that certain combinations are troublesome.

Since I always keep my phone handy, it's a little easier that carrying around a notepad and pen.
Food for Thought

Anything fried or with much fiber is bad for me. I’ve also found that small meals are better than large ones. We eat a lot of Thai food (wife is Thai) and it seems large amounts of curry and garlic are no problem but chili peppers are a problem. Also, I’ve cut way back on the rice to one small serving a day from large servings three times a day.

Red meat can be an issue so I just try and limit the amount and eat chicken and fish instead which fit better with Thai food anyway.

Chocolate is the weird one for me. It’s the one food group I can’t avoid. As long as I take it in small doses I’m okay but when I OD then I feel it. And the weird part is that when my guts start hurting from chocolate I get really swollen eyelids. Anyone heard of a connection between the intestines and your eyes before?
For me it's strange sometimes some things don't bother me other times (like now) i'm in a constant run to the john. Biggies are salad's beef,fried foods and some Chinese foods(my fav of course)