What foods do you avoid?

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Feb 13, 2006
Everyone seems to have their own special diet or restrictions with their diet, so I was just curious what some of yours were. In the past I have been mostly avoiding nuts and seeds (including fruits like strawberries). I have found that I can tolerate poppy seed and seasame seed bagels, but I still try not to have too many or eat those that have a lot of seeds.

Currently I am on a low-residue diet. This means much of the same dietwise (no nuts or seeds) but is a bit more restrictive. Not that I am complaining though, as I still am able to eat loads of different things. Well besides the nuts and seeds I also am to avoid the skins of all raw fruits. This is only for a month after surgery, and then anything is allowed (but I may stick to a low-residue diet).

So share your diet or what foods you avoid with all of us.
I really do not avoid much food on a daily basis. I do not have too much popcorn or nuts, but I still have them occasionally. Sometimes if I do have too much of it I do get a bit of belly pain, so it works as a reminder to snack on something else next time.

I also try and not eat too much junky fast-food, becuase I think that stuff is bad for you anyways.
I try to stay pretty low fat, especially nothing deep fried and try to eat things with little processing, but that doesn't always happen. So besides fast food and junk food, I also try to steer clear of too much roughage, especially iceberg lettuce.

My biggest obstacle in sticking with the plan is dinner invites from friends/relatives. I feel awkward asking about menu or anything. It seems pizza is a common one that comes back to bite me. Godfather's pizza is a shoein (sp?) for trouble. I now know to completely avoid it, but it took a few times to get the hint.
We don't have Godfather's pizza in Canada (or atleast, I don't think we do!). It sounds like that may be a good thing though!

I follow the Low Residue diet that mikeyarmo is currently on.
I had a bad experince with fresh fruit last easter and the experience was enough to keep me away from it since. I was told by my dr I can eat caned fruits and veggies and they wont bother me. before my whole Crohns diagnoses I was a vegitarian (but still ate dairy) but know i find it hard to still be one. Expecially with my low B12 levels. Ive also noticed that salads of any kind bother me. I havent had any trouble with nuts and popcorn though but i never really ate much of that stuff to begin with.
I avoid spicy foods, I know salsa and pepperoni pizza kill me (which sucks, because they're two of my favorite things to eat), I don't eat much lettuce either, that stuff always messes with me. Also, sodas and things high in sugar can be bad.
I always liked my food with a bit of spice, but the doctors told me it was probably best to avoid it. It is nothing I miss now though.
For me, I stay away from dairy products since after my insides healed I couldn't produce the lactase enzyme anymore. But I still eat my cheese because I need my calcium. White cheeses are better than the orange ones, well for me.

Also, never mix cheese and salad if you have Crohn's and you're lactose intolerant. It spells disaster.
I know for me, I couldn't eat anything ruffage...peanuts, lettuce, etc. Anything that would irritate the bowel in any way. My big thing was Chocolate milk, and still bothers me today even after having the Colostomy. It goes right through me..does anyone else have this problem? Or with just plain milk? Curious!! Also, years back the Doctors had a theory that sugar may be the cause of Crohns, if that's the case I would have Crohns ten times over again.
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cookey said:
I know for me, I couldn't eat anything ruffage...peanuts, lettuce, etc. Anything that would irritate the bowel in any way. My big thing was Chocolate milk, and still bothers me today even after having the Colostomy. It goes right through me..does anyone else have this problem? Or with just plain milk? Curious!! Also, years back the Doctors had a theory that sugar may be the cause of Crohns, if that's the case I would have Crohns ten times over again.

The only reasoning that I can come up with in regards to why Chocolate Milk is bad for you is because it is a double whammy in terms of suguar. You get the suguar in the chocolate and then you also have to deal with the lactose. Ofcourse, this is only an educated guess (at best!) but it is interesting that we all have certain "triggers".
I guess I'm lucky in that my doc doesn't believe in diets. We take the trial and error approach where foods are concerned. Of course, that also includes using a little common sense on my part, something I'm not famous for.

I have the same problem with "ruffage" as Deb. If it ain't cooked down into mush, I ain't eatin it. Raw fruits and veggies aren't my friends! I do however, have a weakness for strawberries and figs, and if I don't eat too many, I usually do pretty good.

Nuts are pure hell for me. I love nuts, especially cashews, pecans, and macadamia nuts and I will nibble on a few on special occasions, like Christmas when my Mom makes the World's Best Pecan Pie. But I end up paying dearly for it. Last year she put the pecans in the food processor and ground them to a fine powder that looked a little like flour and it hurt me a lot less, so she makes me a special one now. But I only allow myself one piece.

Anything spicy or acidic I stay away from. That's a hard thing to do here in Cajun country! And I don't dare eat citrus or drink citrus juice...boy howdy!:eek:

I stick mainly to soft foods and a bland diet because I know from experience that my poor guts can take it. I can't seem to pass by a KFC without stopping for an order of mashed potatoes. For fruit in my diet, I stick to baby foods...they're really good!

Greasy food kills! Pizza is about the only greasy thing I'll indulge in, and then only rarely.

Here's a very weird thing about me: I can eat potatoes any way you can cook them and I do fine...EXCEPT for baked potatoes. Make me sick as a dog! Somebody explain that one to me.
Here's a very weird thing about me: I can eat potatoes any way you can cook them and I do fine...EXCEPT for baked potatoes. Make me sick as a dog! Somebody explain that one to me.

Ree, I wish someone could explain all of these weird (scratch that-- "unique") traits we all have. I never realized how limited medical science was until I had Crohn's...there never seems to be a guarentee with any new medication or treatment! :)
I do not think your doctor is alone Ree in not thinking diet is imortant in reducing symptoms or flair ups. My surgeon went as far to say that I was free of crohn's and could eat anything, then why did my GI put me on more medication and book a colonoscopy for me? No matter what anyone tells me, I think that I will always be watching my diet more carefully for the remainder of my life. The short-term thrill of some foods are just not worth the pain and cramps they cause. Besides if I was able to live without these foods in the hospital or on a liquid diet, I know I can live without them now.
Yeah Randy, and ya might want to stay away from the Doritos too. I ate a bag of them once and spent a week in the hospital for it. OUCH!
i have to try & aviod most foods that dont digest properly.. Like mushroom, poppy seeds, strawberrys, grapes and other foods like that... But i still eat them anyhows but i try not eat them too often as i do get very bad pain
I avoid popcorn, Pizza Hut, nuts, seeds, caffinated coffee, corn, and a lot of fried foods
i got diagnosted at the begging of march. i dont have any special diet im on right now. trial and error. the things that bug me at the moment are raw vegetables, seeds and nuts, popcorn, anything with citric acid, and lettuce
Hi Kassandra, those are all the things to avoid at this point. They can in most cases start a flare up, because they're hard on the bowel. Did you're doctor tell you what foods to avoid at all? Not everyone however, would have a problem, but I found talking with most Crohns patients, anything ruffage would start up a flare. Although, it is good to experiment to see what foods you can tolerate, and which ones you can...in moderation.
well i have a reasonably normal diet most of the time i try to avoid citris fruits oingion and although i eat nuts i make sure i chew them well I also try to reduce the amount or skin that i have like corn ect
newbie here. first post.

I was only recently diagnosed with Crohn's. since then, I have given up coffee (which I did tend to overdo) as well as refined sugar. I'm really not completely sure what foods I should avoid, but I am ruling out oils and red meat. before this recent attack (sorta my first), I was eating a lunch that included raw carrots and tortilla chips almost every day. maybe that had something to do with it.

does anybody else suspect that eating refined sugar promotes growth of unhealthy bacteria in our gut, bringing on the symptoms? is there anything to that?
Martin said:
does anybody else suspect that eating refined sugar promotes growth of unhealthy bacteria in our gut, bringing on the symptoms? is there anything to that?

That is one thought that is believed by those who follow the Simple Carbohydrate diet. Basically it eliminates all white sugar, lactose (most dairy products) and other complex carbohydrates. I have never met a doctor or a gastroenterologist who condones or believes in this diet, however there are many individuals who have found it to work for them. It is a very restrictive diet and must be followed perfectly, but it has worked for some. It is up to you to decide whether or not it can work for you, but it is a viewpoint of some.
Martin said:
newbie here. first post.

I was only recently diagnosed with Crohn's. since then, I have given up coffee (which I did tend to overdo) as well as refined sugar. I'm really not completely sure what foods I should avoid, but I am ruling out oils and red meat. before this recent attack (sorta my first), I was eating a lunch that included raw carrots and tortilla chips almost every day. maybe that had something to do with it.

does anybody else suspect that eating refined sugar promotes growth of unhealthy bacteria in our gut, bringing on the symptoms? is there anything to that?

Greetings Martin from the east side of the state. I could never give up my coffee... NEVER! I don't thnk I have any problmes withrefined sugar. I actaully haven't really noticed it, I'll be on the look out about this for myself.
i avoid dairy cuz im lactose intolerant thanx to the colitis.
i avoid red meat cuz that stuff kills my stomach
i avoid alot of sugar cuz that can cause ur frequency to go up
i am not sposed to eat seeds and nuts and hard stuff
and i try to stick to a low fat and no fast food diet cuz once again frequencey so yeah lol
Just a Peanut

PEANUTS!!! Have always shot out of me faster then.. well I don't know it just goes threw really fast. Now that I am an ostomite I have to be extra careful, they can cause a nasty intestinal blockage.

Here's a pretty funny link to the song "Just a peanut"...JUST A PEANUT

So crank up the speakers!
Martin said:
newbie here. first post.

I was only recently diagnosed with Crohn's. since then, I have given up coffee (which I did tend to overdo) as well as refined sugar. I'm really not completely sure what foods I should avoid, but I am ruling out oils and red meat. before this recent attack (sorta my first), I was eating a lunch that included raw carrots and tortilla chips almost every day. maybe that had something to do with it.

does anybody else suspect that eating refined sugar promotes growth of unhealthy bacteria in our gut, bringing on the symptoms? is there anything to that?

Martin, I never thought about it until I came here. A few people have mentioned it. I can't live without my sugar. I'm hoping there's nothing to it. But my nephew Lucas researches everything for me. I'll get him on the case! What about Splenda? Or those kinds of things?
Kossy, I remember the peanut song!! I was singing it just the other day...lol. We used to sing it at church camp and stuff. Thanks for the blast from the blast.

YOU ARE NOT DUMB!!!! It was perhaps just a blond moment?

Now go fix that link! I want to hear the whole song!
Foods I Avoid...

I can eat a greater variety of foods since I haven't had a Crohn's flare-up in nearly 6 years...

However, I am still afflicted with partial bowel obstructions (from post-surgical adhesions) if I eat certain foods or over-indulge in them.

One food I generally avoid like the plague and that's, POPCORN! It smells so good at the movie theaters too :( Oh well...

Just like Mike who had a bad episode eating nuts, I believe that one negative experience with a particular food can really have a profound impact on your psyche-I tell ya! I don't even wanna try the popcorn (well, at least not more than 1-3 pieces occasionally) :D I have given in to that temptation a few times, but won't allow myself to go any further than that.

I don't do well with grease (at ALL!) I don't remember having so many problems with greasy foods bothering the Crohns (per se), but since I had my gallbladder out in 1991--it's a BIG no-no for me! I still indulge myself occasionally in certain favorites and try not to overdo it.

Don't we all weigh out the consequences before we decide to go ahead and eat one of those "forbidden foods?"

I donno, I guess sometimes it just seems worth the half-a-dozen trips to the bathroom! lol

Milk products aren't generally a really big problem for me: it's a hit and miss sorta thing. Sometimes it does bother me and sometimes it doesn't. I generally don't drink much milk anymore. As a teen I could down a gallon of it at one sitting (LOVED milk!)

I will eat cheese occasionally and yogurt is a favorite of mine. I'm not a big chocolate lover, but those Yoplait chocolate rasberry flavored WHIPS are soooo yummy! Ice cream is a rare thing for me to eat...

Nuts and seeds are still "iffy" and fresh fruits and veggies in moderation are generally okay. For example: Last week, I had a craving for some snack foods when I had rented a movie to watch w/my girls. I decided to try to be healthy and bought a bunch of fruits and nuts instead. Soooo.. I made myself a plate with strawberries, grapes, cheese, yogurt-covered raisins, apple slices (w/out the peel), slivered almonds and walnuts. It was good, but I so overdid it!

I think it was literally a "suicide plate" b/c it landed me in BED for the entire next day and a half with symptoms of a bowel blockage! (bloating, pain, nausea, headache...just really ICK!) I think it'll be a while before I try anything like that again! I'm sure it's b/c I overdid it and had too much of a "good thing."

Anywhoo...those are the "bad boys" that I generally stay away from.

OH, I almost forgot...one more thing I wanted to say and that is, I DO believe that table SUGAR/REFINDED SUGAR is BAAAAD for the gut and it definitely does FEED the BAD BACTERIA (unfortunately).

Regardless...I DO like my sweets; I'm workin' on that though.
I'm not sure if I could ever completely cut sweets out of my diet, but I could definitely afford to cut back on them.

I know my 'sweet tooth" as well as my one cup of orange cappuccino in the morning aren't the greatest things to be having on a regular basis, but some habits are so hard to break!

Geesh! God set me free from cigarettes, soap operas and my "ex-hasbeen" (borrowed from Ree :D ) all in the same year! I don't have many "vices" left...gimme' a break! LOL j/k

Sugar substitutes scare me more than actual sugar does!
:( Since my husband is the one with the CROHN'S he just found out that he cannot have ANY MILK PRODUCTS for the longest time he was having SLIM FAST SMOOTIES for breakfast and he would have it with MILK & SLIM FAST & BANANA & so ... know MILK is giving him really bad CRAMPS so he gave it up and also BREAD or FLOUR upsets him too. Go figure so ... we are really having a hard time with trying to find things he can eat & cannot eat but with the HELP of all my new friends they have given me some ideas !! :eek:
Just a peanut... again.

ReeRee said:
Kossy, I remember the peanut song!! I was singing it just the other day...lol. We used to sing it at church camp and stuff. Thanks for the blast from the blast.

YOU ARE NOT DUMB!!!! It was perhaps just a blond moment?

Now go fix that link! I want to hear the whole song!

Ok, so if this link doesn't work then I quit! I am going to crawl under a rock and cry for an hour a seven minutes.

Oh Jon Lovitz...
I was in California on a Business Competition and he was playing(performing!) at a club in Hollywood. A bunch of us tried to go, but got turned away at the door (too young unfortunately).
I try to avoid spicy food but I love it so much as in curries and chilli.
i find beef gives me really bad guts and also oniions but i am a sucker for them both.
I am bad with my diet I just tend to think bugger it i will pay tomorrow which i know is naughty but oh so nice. lol.
sam x
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That song was soooooo funny:D :D

Peanuts do it for me. After having multiple resections now I stay away from all hard nuts, seeds, raw vegies, salads, seeds etc. After a resection when the affected area is still 'new' I can any damn thing I want to and I do! I take the opportunity to indulge in all the things I hadn't been able to eat...sigh. It doesn't last too long before I'm back to the grindstone being oh so careful:( If I'm careful I can have a few of the bad things but not too much.

I seem to be able to eat almonds (lots of!) but not other nuts.

Corn shoots thru like it's a racing car, but I still eat it:rolleyes:

I can eat anything hot or spicy...it's as if the crohns gave me a cast iron stomach, but then I've been on Questran for the past 10 years and it controls the daily diarhea. If I have a bad day I supplement with lomotil.

I luv a good hot curry...vindaloo....ahhhhhhh.

Greasy foods...they get my tummy going. Not pleasant.

I might occasionally have a salad but I'm fairly careful.

Chocolate...yummmmmmm...no probs in that department...anyone needs a food tester for their chocolate just let me know!

Milk I tend to steer away from although I do like the McDonalds thickshakes I don't have them too often as I feel a bit bloated afterwards.

As MY crohns becomes more acute I find more foods impact on my health, it's been 3 years since my last, 13 between the last two and it was only two years between the first and second. I'm hoping I get another 13 years out of this one.

No way am I going to be in a nursing home with crohns...I'll shoot myself first! With no kids to be a burden too I'm sure as hell not going to be fed pureed food...yuck:mad: spit:mad: choke:mad: vomit...eeewwww:eek: :eek: . It sucks:mad:
cagfire said:
Corn shoots thru like it's a racing car, but I still eat it:rolleyes:

I know the feeling. It's like the Daytona 500 running thru my digestive system.
Don't "avoid" food

I spent years doing the same thing as everyone - thinking, "That food made me hurt therefore it's one to avoid." until I learned how we process food today and how our ancestors processed their foods to make them actually digestable. It's a lot to take in but I've learned to manage my Crohn's without drugs by avoiding any "processed" foods. Which means I can eat pretty much anything I want. The only thing to avoid that will actually help us is sugar - I know it sounds tragic but it's not really. It's enlightening and there are other sweet things out there. There's even a sugar-free chocolat that tastes just as good - I swear, I've tried it all. It's sweetened with xylitol - it's like maple syrup but comes from a Birch tree. I've even heard that xylitol can reverse caries/cavities - not sure I believe this one yet but I'm willing to experiment. There have even been studies linking high sugar intake with the development of IBD. Go ahead, read the ingredients of the foods you eat on a regular basis (not the nutritional panel). It must be noted that there are several names for sugar and it's articial counterparts that are just as bad - high fructose corn syrup is the worst, anything ending in "ose" and maltodextrin to name a few).
Ps. Get those probiotics in you - nature's immunity and not a single side affect. (A small pot of live yoghurt a day will help enormously to begin with - PLAIN yoghurt.)
So sorry Mike. I posted my second response to "what foods do you avoid?" and edited your comment instead of replying so it now reads that I wrote your comment. Won't happen again. There were only two of you I did this to.
Interesting that you should mention sugar Anylee.

Cookey are I were talking about the possible link of IBD and sugar consumption the other night in our last chat...

As far as not eating any processed foods... I really don't know how one would go about actually doing this (aside from growing all of their own food organically, raising their own cows, fish, chickens, making their own homemade yogurt every day in a fresh batch or spending half of their life savings trying to obtain these foods...) Ok, I'm being a bit sarcastic, but you I'm sure you catch my drift...

Rather than knowing all of the foods I "can't have," I'd like to get a list of the foods that I actually CAN have. It seems that would be a much shorter list and make things a lot easier to manage.

Am I the only one who gets frustrated about these things? I mean... why can't it all be more practical?

If I even thought I had a chance of convincing my 16-year-old daughter to stick with a diet that was sure to make her CD symptoms disappear, I'd try everything within my power to do it (as well as start the diet myself!) But unfortunately, I don't know many teenagers who would voluntarily consent to going completley without pizza, snack foods, other starchy carbs or sugars...

Anylee. Please don't take my ranting personally-I just find the entire diet change (in general) a very difficult pill to swallow (no pun intended). I suppose anything is possible. If hard-core smokers can put down their cigarettes, then sugar junkies (like myslef) technically should be able to cut out the sugar <sigh>

If you have found a way to manage the CD that works, I would say keep up the good work! Thanks for sharing. :)
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I generally ok with most foods, but authentic Indian currys tend to be the thing that sets me off. My brother thinks it maybe the ghee that they use to cook with rather than the spicyness(I'm ok with other spicy food).
I did make a bit a silly mistake today though, I pigged out a bit on Salted Peanuts and now resemble a women who is 8mths pregnant and i'm hugging my hot water bottle.
I don't drink milk, not sure of the extent it effects me but I cut it out anyway. I still eat chcolate tho.

I had to cut eggs out, they kill me. I miss eggs so much.

Also cheese in large quantaties like pizza I cant manage :(

It causes me intestinal blockages
I will try anything and everything! the strange thing that I find with my crohns is that, I can eat the same food day after day and it will affect me differently from one day to the next, so I guess I am lucky or unlucky with it.
no more milk for me.. Lactose Intolerant
too much grease gets to me as well, same with tons of sugar, so I put honey in my tea and drink it black, and I love it now.
DannyB said:
the strange thing that I find with my crohns is that, I can eat the same food day after day and it will affect me differently from one day to the next

I remember that happening to me too. Certain foods were more likely to cause problems with me, but they did not always. It was not even always that I would know for sure how the food would react with me, but certain things usually did not help (I know I had more problems if I waited to long to eat between meals or if I was tired when I ate).
I can't eat salad, vegetables or anything with roughage...due to blockages.

Found a good way to each corn on the cob - slice the kernels down the rows for the entire cob. That way when you eat it, you only get the insides and not thek kernal casing, which as we all know doesn't digests. I can't wait for the first good sweet corn of the season!! YUM.
oh bad foods/drink for me are pop, coffee, some meat ( note my vegetarian recipe post ) eg hotdogs, ground beef, most beef, some chicken, any fried foods, whole wheat bread, nuts, hot spicy stuff,fast food, probably alot more im forgeting!
greasy food, a lot of dairy especially butter, i manage coffee ok though thank god
I love greasy food but it makes me really ill so not swimmin in grease like a Scottish fry-up but you know.
Food for thought, or is it thoughts about food (Hmm)

My dietary restrictions are: low fibre, low fat, low residue, hi protein, lactose free.. Now, I followed this diet religously the first time I got ill, except for the lactose part (different doctor this time).. First time around, it didn't help. This time it seems to be working... whether I've got a different strain of those nasty bugs or what this time, I don't know. Just know that removing the lactose seems to have made a significant difference for me this time out. The problem is avoiding lactose... I now use lactose free milk, lactose free margarine, lactose free cheese... I read all the nutritional labels on food before I buy it... I only drink decaf tea or coffee, and only in moderation. I avoid (and do I ever miss) things like steak, or pizza, but I've found alternatives that are pretty reasonable... Vegan burgers or hot dogs w low fat condiments sweetened with honey, etc.. I even can make reasonable french fries from scratch using peeled white potatoes cubed and done in a toaster oven/broiller without fat, margarine or that sort of stuff. I've replaced bacon with very thin sliced ham (lite & lean, low fat variety) to make egg mcmuffins or omellettes... And canned tuna in water is a mainstay. I even (and any of you who are squeamish should walk away at this point) boil skinless, boneless chicken until the fat is all gone, then grill it under a broiler with condiments.. slice it thin and put it in a flatbread wrap or pita... It passes for a big meal. I only eat what I have to, when I have to, to take my med (cant' be taken on an empty stomach), and I eat in multiple small meals vs 1 or 2 big meals. This has pretty much been my ritual since Nov of 04... and I've adjusted to it OK. I haven't tried the no sugar thing, but if my improvement should stop or stall, then I'll add it to my list of 'no good' foods.
I can't drink Coca Cola, Orange Juice or Lemonade, it really annoys me
Also i can't eat, Cabbage, Brussels Sprouts, Broccoili, really spicey foods, anything hot kills me, before i am even finished it i am on the loo. Its so embarrassing when your in someones house or out for dinner and this happens!
Mushrooms are a big huge no no for me

Does coca cola affect anyone else?
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Al dente pasta does not like me!!! and I miss my Pasta. If I do eat it - it has to be super mushy and not much and not often.:yfrown: or else I get a blockage and it brings on an attack. I've been ok for over 2 years now. I eat smaller portions of anything and don't eat until I'm full. I avoid processed foods too. I've added more protein to my diet (fresh meat) and bland veggies like spinach & potatoes. Raspberry jam does not like me either. :yfrown:
Mike, could you share with me some of the items on your low residue diet? I think that's the route I need to go with my 8Yr old daughter right now for her crohns is still very active a this time - diagnosed 3 wks ago.
Thanks,I;m not yet near educated on crohns just yet.
Hi, I think Mike may be a little busy at the moment, so here is a link to a low residue diet available as a pdf download. There are several others out there, if you'd like to Google it to find others for comparison... Anyway, for starters, take a look at this one...

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I avoid milk products except cheese in moderation. I've gone soy for milk for things like cereal. I also avoid red meat. I only eat it when I'm feeling really well and in small amounts. I have to avoid really spicy stuff too like Thai food and Mexican. I'm slowly reintroducing fruits and veggies and so far so good.
i just discovered something else to avoid in future - heated up chinese takeaway from the night before :(
currently i'm not sure what will bother me. i avoid salads, peanuts, and seeds. i used to love eating salads and things like raisins.

one thing that is annoying, if i get a chicken sandwich from a restaurant, i have to make sure that the bun does not have seeds.

i avoid greasy food, mexican food, spicy foods etc. i'm not sure if they will mess me up, i just don't want to take a couple of days of damage to find out