What has helped you feel better as a crohnie?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 13, 2011
Has anything worked for you to help make you feel better or maybe even help put you into remission?

This is what has helped me:

Recieving B12 bi weekly for 3 months and then 1 a month to fight the drained no energy feeling.

Probiotics, for me a must.

I am always anemic despite taking iron pills or not so my doc started me on iron infusions. really helps with feeling awake and alert. More energy as well.

Gluten Free (HUGE HELP) though I splurge I am not superwomen you know.

Lactose free

NO ALCOHOL ..boo hoo. But not worth the pain I am left in.

Calcium/magnessium/zinc pill

Lamictal- now this is a bi polor med, however it is also used as a mood stabilizer to keep me from getting to down during bouts of anxiety and depression. I know some other people with crohn's suffer from anxiety and depression because of the limitations a crohns flare can do to you. After 2 weeks I noticed a huge change. Now if I go without it By day 2 I start feeling down and anxious. This just helps fight off the lows and unsettled feeling you feel at times.

Hope this has helped anyone and if you think anything has helped you please share, it might make someone feel better too. :ghug:
Thanks for the ideas. I am all about the probiotics. I am starting to think about trying Kombucha Tea from Whole Foods. Your suggestions do help!
Alcohol helps me thorough a lot i am sure my liver will thank me for it later.

this forum and talk to friends and family has really helped me the most. that and learning how to talk to doctors, pt for non intestial issues. wish i had a silver bullet but that's really the truth
Probios (alternate a couple strains--multis/s. boulardii/l. plantarum throughout the day, 10-30billion a day, generally speaking--a lot of brands dont work), enteric coated fish oil (3-5 grams omega 3s, per day), yerba mate(lesser source of caffeine--might cause problems in some), and lots of water. Walking every day/trampoline or getting out in nature helps--dig your hands in soil, plant something. Do some light yoga or meditation/visualisation/breathwork in spare moments, whatever you can handle. Get affectionate pets, cats are low maintenance. Herbal teas (ginger/peppermint/camomile with stevia).
Definitely diet. Specific Carbohydrate works best for me as caffeine, sugars and sweeteners, gluten and yeast are my worst triggers.
Finding a GP who is on the ball and really listens. Also being assigned to an IBD nurse since I started on Remi.
And the forum, which is where I come first as you are always sure of comfort and support here :)
Thanks everyone this is helping me I hope you too get some help from me or other posts. Thanks All. :rosette1:
no alcohol, no dairy, and managing anxiety/depression are key for me. i also take a probiotic daily and am working on cutting out caffeine. i have thought about cutting out gluten, but haven't taken steps to do so.
Acceptance...once you can get yourself into that state of mind, it becomes okay. Even during the worst flare ups when you wanna scream the worst abuse you can at womever you believe created you like this...learned that in the army when there was not much you could do to change what happened aroyund you, and the only way forward was to deal with what was directly in front of you...
This forum has helped me the most. Being able to get help and support almost instantly has been huge to my moods. There is always someone who is going through close to what you are.

Having people who DON'T get tired of hearing how bad I am feeling and DON'T judge me for my treatment decisions has been an enormous help in coming to terms with having a chronic condition.

Thanks everyone!!

Having people who DON'T get tired of hearing how bad I am feeling and DON'T judge me for my treatment decisions has been an enormous help in coming to terms with having a chronic condition.

Thanks everyone!!

I agree, i judge myself enough as it is, last thing i need is more judgement in my life. Big +1 to this site being great :)

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