What helps your body aches?

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May 27, 2012
I have been on Pentasa for 3 weeks now. I am dealing with SEVERE body aches. My GI currently has me on tramadol for pain however I am scarred she will make me stop. The tramadol helps with the aches but don't last long. What do you do for your body aches? I never realized I could ache so bad at age 29 form the finger tips down to my toes.
Hi Fosterfamily2303,
Sorry your in so much pain! i know how you feel, i suffer from this a lot.
It feels like my whole body is bruised.
I find a hot bath is a god send, it is one of the only things that eases all the aches at once, I often add an essential oil so its also really relaxing.
Really gentle massage sometimes helps, as does hot water bottles/heating pads.
As you have said pain killers also help, but it is short lived.
Another issue I do find is that sometimes the more I rest the worse it gets, everything seems to stiffen up and hurt more. gentle walks and yoga like stretches help with that :)
Hope that kind of helps, I know it feels like you are fighting a losing battle with the pain!
Are you taking supplements? Vitamin D and fish oil supplements are recommended for people with crohns. I also removed pop completely and most sugars from my diet as they are not good for your bones or digestive system.
Hey Forster family I had Terrible pains I would try hot baths hit water bottles, deep heat patches or deep heat rub on the pain it helps a lot
Hope your pain will get better soon its not nice being in pain
I take 50,000 of VitD a day. I need a refill and I am very
achey right now. So I can say it helps. The important thing
Is to have it checked because over the counter VitD may not
be enough

Good luck

I take 50,000 of VitD a day. I need a refill and I am very
achey right now. So I can say it helps. The important thing
Is to have it checked because over the counter VitD may not
be enough

Good luck


Good to know..I will have that done. I feel so old lol
I found pentasa and asacol both gave me horrible body pain. Almost rather deal with pain frm a flare up. Dr. Took me off pentasa and within a week, pains in my joints, muscles and yes, my fingers was gone. Tried Imuran after that but it didn't work. Currently on methotrexate (for almost 2 years) and its controlling everything nicely. Had horrible headaches on injection day and my hair was falling out but that stopped eventually. I still try to have a quiet day on injection day - never quite 100% but its the best thing I've taken so far. I often question taking meds at all but then I remind myself of surgeries.
Hot baths seem to help me.

Also, on the iron thing, if you can't eat red meat I believe you can get over the counter iron supplements fairly cheaply.
Maybe releasing toxins from your body will help relieve aches & pains? I tried 4 drops of lemon oil in 8oz of warm water for five weeks and I felt very crummy the first couple of days too. During this time, (5 days a week for 5 weeks) I also took HOT (as hot as you can stand) baths with essential oils and soaked for 20-30 minutes. The idea is that by sweating this way you're releasing toxins from the INSIDE out. (The sweating you do from exercising is not the same). Let me tell you, the first three times I could only stay in for 20 because it was uncomfortable AND my bath tub had a faint yellow tint to it after my bath from the toxins that were released from my body!

- 10 drops of essential oil per bath
- Blend EO with a carrier oil (coconut, olive oil, jojoba, etc.) first to keep the oils from evaporating or clinging to the side of the bath tub.
- Add the oils to the water right before you get in the bath tub.
- Epsom salts also draw toxins out of the body
- I turn on Pandora and listen to relaxing spa music with nature sounds
- I love listening to audio books that I checked out from the library during this time too.
- Part of healing, is making time for yourself.

*I'm not a doctor. These were the protocols that I followed and they worked for me. :)
I experienced the same body aches after starting Pentasa. I lowered my dosage from 4G to 3G and that really helped lesson the pain. BUT after 4 days of the lower dose my Crohn's symptoms came back! I upped the dose back to 4 G. Feel great GI wise, still have the joint pain:(. My GI is convinced it's not the Pentasa but I know it is. He said I could take a NSAID to help with the joint pain but only occasionally and with food. That helped. At this point the joint pain is not as bad as the Crohns symptoms would be if I stopped Pentasa so I am limping along with the joint pain. Lesser of the two evils at this point.

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