What if IBD is caused by something the doc's never thought of

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Jun 2, 2012
If you go through the literature on occupation and IBD you will see there is a high correlation with office/factory work,which fits the IBD timeline.
While correlation is not causation a case can be made for indoor air pollution,dust/heating system gases,bacteria/fungus/lack of sun light,air conditioning,industrialization,air pollution,artificial lighting all in the early part of the 20th century. I would not expect that one office would have the same air pollution as another or a factory,but what else might they have in common,in the early part of the 20th century.
Low frequency 50-60 Hz/cycle electromagnetic fields,or some combination
of fields and pollution and lack of sun.
Here is a one person case study.. The doc is calling it IBS,but finding
inflammation,so not quite sure what the lady has.
Old Mike
PS:If anyone is interested I can link occupational studies.
ALso my son is a landscaper and he lost his colon,does not quite fit since outdoor work has a low incidence of IBD,but he went to grade school within a few hundred feet of high tension wires. I can't remember if wires are near his other schools.
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Wow, that´s really interesting, blew my mind a little. I have to read up more, even though I believe more in our food / antibiotic use etc.
I think the uptick is because of technology and the advancements in med. I do belive we live in a "Hostile environment" as far as pollution goes.
Our food supply is suspect as far as I am concerened. We have a toxic foor source from GMO, corn sugar, processed flour, and the like. Our food is killing us and unless you can afford all the organic food, your out of luck trying to find healthy food in my opinion. I am one that just can afford the organic lifestyle
Todays food may of course contribute,I got UC way before GM foods.
The increase in IBD started before antibiotics,most but not all industrial chemicals, pesticides ect.
Old Mike

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