What is the best solution if you are having a hard time going to the toilet

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Nov 8, 2011
I am having a bit of a hard time going to the toilet at the moment most of the times when my body wants to pass stools nothing happens.

I have had this happen several times before and it always seems to happen whenever I am going through a particularly stressful time.

On all previous incidents it has eventually passed and things have gone back to normal. I was just wandering if there was any advice on ways to speed up the process?

Tell your doctor about it and find the cause and fix it. That's what I would do. Heating pads may help in some situations but we aren't at home all the time and need to be able to get in and out of public restrooms. If its constipation you could try increasing your fiber intake but if its a blockage (not the only possible cause out there for your issue which is why you need to be seen to find out the cause) then you want to get that treated cause taking extra fiber in this case may only make your symptoms worse (like feeling sick or throwing up on the toilet instead).
I suffer alot from C - so I take a stool softner daily as well as keeping my fluids up.( and the occaisional cup of coffee if my tummy will handle it)

I also take a Chinese herbal supplement based on licorice root which is very gentle but does keep things moving - one bm per day for sure- It is a godsend!

I have in the past when REALLY blocked up, used a self administered fleet enema or taken mineral oil to get things moving.

I have gone to the hospital with consitpation so bad I thought I had another partial obstruction and they gave me colon prep to get things moving. I try to avoid this as I HATE drinking the colon prep!! ( and I hate to waste ER doctors time on something that feels like a silly reason to be in ER- "why did you come here?" "I can't go poo" as the gunshot victim rolls on by me!!)

I find it so much easier to just take the stool softner & herbal supplement and prevent getting stopped up in the first place!
My crohns nurse gave me tablets that release slowly and help me go to the toilet, so if you ask, there will be a solution x
stool softeners are amazing. they can help both C and D and are safe for long term use for most people.
I find it so much easier to just take the stool softner & herbal supplement and prevent getting stopped up in the first place!

I find that sodium docusate (dioctyl), which you can get on prescription or over the counter, and plenty of water helps me. It's no wonder fix but as it is a gentle softner and stimulant, it helps without causing the griping pains that a stimulant alone causes. You need to be careful about bulking agents and stimulants because you don't want to cause yourself unnecessary pain or overload your bowel. Hope this helps!
My GI wanted me to take a magnisium based liquid laxative - which tasted horrible and gave me cramps. The chinese supplements are pills - no taste - and don't give me cramping. I only take them once per day even though you could take them after every meal.

I take one stool softner pill most days as I have trouble sometimes getting in all the supplements I'd like to take as I HATE taking pills!!

You do have to be careful as you don't want to become too dependant on stimulants to have a BM. This is just the regime I use and found works for me. I offer it up only as an example of things others could look into for themselves if they are having similar trouble.
I have a bit of a stricture in my rectum - I find that Proctofoam can help ease it a bit and make things much more bearable.
I have been in the ER twice for extreme constipation. I take 3 stool softners a day along with 2 gallons of water that I drink everyday. I can take 2 dulco lax with all that and still have nothing. Calcium, mag. and zinc help a bit but not much else. i did have a massage the other day on my tummy and that helped for that day or two. I might try reflexology. I have tried colonics in the past hoping that would do it. but still not much help. I wish you luck in finding somthing that works.

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