What Is The Health Care Situation in Scotland??

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Mar 2, 2014
Grand Rapids,
This summer I am moving in with my boyfriend who's originally from Scotland. We've got everything set, I bought my ticket in advance and once i finish school, I'm flying there. The only thing I'm really concerned about is how am I going to pay for my meds. I am currently on Mercaptopurine and Folic Acid, along with Remicade. But once I turn 18 I've decided I want try to go off Remicade and see how I do. Then I only have to worry about the other two meds. But I really don't know much about the health care system over there. Right right now I'm covered under Special Children's Health Care, but once I turn 18 I have no clue what i'll do. Plus I don't know how much they'll cost if I were to pay the full price for them in Scotland or anywhere for that fact. Also I know there's a ton of awareness in England for Crohn's and things like it but If somebody could get me some info on Scotland that'd be great. I just want to have everything in order before I leave.

Also if anybody lives in Scotland and would like to message and be Crohn's buddies I'm all for that!
I am not in Scotland but healthcare for the uk comes under the NHS. I found this link http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/AboutNHSservices/uk-visitors/Pages/accessing-nhs-services.aspx
It's got a lot of info on there about qualifying for free health care and it seems it would depend on your visa status and being able to prove that you aren't just moving to the uk to get free health care.

Just realised that says england nhs but I think the qualifying criteria is very similar. Hopefully that link may still point you in the right direction
I live in Scotland :). Im not sure what your wanting to know but cost wise i dont pay anything. I have an IBD nurse which i got through an GI.
Oh God...
I don't know how it will be but I just want to let you know that you have to take your information very carefully. The fact that a nation offers free healthcare does not mean that everyone that can benefit this. It will all depends on visa status and immigration. From what I read, you have to make a specific amount of income to gain residency (and I would assume reach the possibility to obtain social benefits).

I don't know how things are these day but I remember that a nurse I met when I was about your age had told me that her daughter that also had crohn disease was not able to qualify to have a her position in the UK because she had her pre-existing CD diagnosis. So I would urge you to dig very well to get all these confirmations to not be stucked without coverage or access to the health services you would need.
You need to consult a lawyer specialized in immigration law to absolutely understand what benefits you can expect to receive as a foreign national with no status besides a visa (likely none BUT YOU NEED TO CONSULT A LAWYER)
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