Wipe yourself mostly clean with flushable wet wipes then take a shower to clean the area thoroughly. You can just aim the head, bend over a bit and make sure the water irrigates the wound well. This will keep it clean and the force will actually stimulate some healing. It can hurt a bit, but wound management is really important. After the shower, towel try the area carefully then take a hair dryer that has a cool setting (important or you'll hurt yourself more) and on a low cool setting blow the area dry. Keep the dryer on cool and move it around 5-6 inches away from you, keeping it aimed at the wound. When you are done with all that take 4 inch sterile gauze pads and pack the area. My gauze come with 2 per pack so what I do is I open them up, stack them inside each other, fold them in half the long way, then insert the long doubled up sheet into the area and pack it down. I know this is a long process, but taking 5-10 minutes a day to manage your wound is very important to promoting healing. I was never taught this until just a few months ago and could never rid myself of fissures and 2 nasty fistulas. I started wound care after my surgery to clean up the fistula and both of my openings are healing very well. Good luck and the calmoseptine is great to throw on right after the blow drying and before the gauze to really keep the area dry and clean.