What is this rash? Allergic reaction or more serious?

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Mar 17, 2013
Another day another issue it feels like sometimes. Last night was a "What in the World" moment. New skin reaction, to what I have no idea. Picture isn't the best, but it doesn't photograph well.

It really isn't itchy. She has not come into contact with anything new. We only added Questran to her diet yesterday and there is nothing on the side effects to point to that on the pharmacy papers. (It is a powdery shake you add water to). My wonderful SIL ( a nurse, bro is in med school) talked me down from freaking and made me promise not to google it. I finally just did and a rash is a rare side effect. Anyone see this before? I can't figure out how to put a picture up here, so here is the link if it doesn't work. http://tracyjack711.tumblr.com/image/74934354909
Orange/tan-ish spread on her neck, shoulders, top of chest & top of back. Kind of the color of freckles. Raised, like a blister, but not puss like or holding fluid it appears. Mostly smooth, the one towards the top of her neck in the photo looks slightly scaly.
Doc is out doing scopes this morning... not back in until this afternoon. Receptionist is going to have doc call me when she gets in. Didn't tell me to go to the hospital so I guess I can breath?
Well doc thinks it is from the Questran. Or maybe she is just guessing i don't know.

Now that I have a 58 day supply paid for I have no idea what to do with it. Stinks to just throw it away if someone could use it.
not a good idea to provide your prescription medicine to someone else and may be illegal in some states
Have you researched erythema nodossum? My daughter is just recovering from this. It is related to Crohn's, but also to sulfa-related drugs. She got it while taking a z-pack. Hoping for answers for you.
I wouldn't throw the questran yet. Can the doctor see you to confirm that it is an allergy? It is an unusual looking rash to be an allergic reaction but could be. It definitely does not look like erythema nodosum which usually is purplish. Can you ask to see a dermatologist?
One of the few doctors we haven't added to her list is a dermatologist. Her GP prescribes her acne creme. Hard to get a specialist if the health care system thinks the GP can deal.

It is starting to fade. The only way I know it will not be the questran is if we stop it for a few days. Maybe doing the medimucal like others will do most of what we are trying to accomplish with the questran.

I am waiting on an appointment with an allergist. I think some of her problems with treatment is allergy based. The poor kid seems to get more and more allergic to everything. Wondering if it is adding to the complications. I hate this waiting for answers. This is one of the few times I wish I was on the US health care system & I had lots ofmoney. I could just get her to the top of the list.
It is very unusual for a isolated lesion/rash to be a allergic reaction unless it is occurring at the site of an injection. Hopefully she has seen the rash rather than just provide a "telephone consult". It is very difficult to dx rashes by email or phone
Doc just called. She is sending us to the hospital for a week of bowel rest & TPN. She thinks there is something else going on too, and possibly not just an allergy. I don't want to go. Poor Dani is already upset we are going again. This will be 3 times in 16 months. UGH I feel like screaming profanities!
No idea, but I hope you get answers soon. Devynn has had allergic reactions (not to meds thought) and it didn't look like that. It DID look like tiny little blistery pimples when she was having a reaction to pumpkin, which we later found out she was anaphalactic to. (((hugs))) for you and Dani.
So sorry to hear... :( But, I hope that being there helps Dani and gives you some answers!! :ghug:
Thanks. Finally settled in, iv on & steroids again, full dosage intravenous. There goes the tapering... good news is colonoscopy tomorrow afternoon. Bad news is 3 enemas beforehand. Two tonight, 1 tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day. Thanks for all the support! We are here for sure a week. Hopefully no longer
They can't do a regular colonoscopy prep, like with Miralax?
Your poor girl, thinking of you both!:ghug:
So sorry to hear you are back in hospital. I really hope they figure things out. My daughter had a lot of issues with allergies to medications that is what led us to LDN. Sending you both a big hug!!!!
Thinking of you SupportiveMom and hoping that you soon have answers and your lass long and lasting relief, bless her heart. :ghug:

Sending luck and well wishes for scope today. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
I don't know about mirilax. I will ask. The enima was so painful the 1st time for her she refused the second. We had a big fight to get it done the 2nd time. There are good things about keeping her informed and bad things. She debated me about why she shouldn't have the enima telling me they are supposed to reduce inflammation but it obviously isn't if she is in so much pain... the nurse had to finally leave the room so I could have a full blown fight with her. It stunk, tears were shed, but she got it done and apologized. I hate being a meanie sometimes. Then I feel guilty because the poor girl couldn't sit or lay down for 1/2 hr after the enima it hurt so bad.

Still no word on what the rash could be though.
{HUGS} to you both mum. :ghug:

Is there anything harder in this world than watching your child suffer and then knowing there’s not a darn thing you can do about it? Not to mention having to make the hard decisions on their behalf...I don’t think so! :(

:hang: You are doing a fab job! :heart:

Dusty. xxx