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Jan 13, 2012
Hi i am trying to find out if my daughter has crohns ,she is hnder a gastro gp and has every test:hug::hug: under the sun and they cant find out what is wrong they thought it was crohns but the endoscopy and other test came back fine all blood teat are fine but she is a little low on b 12 but no one has said anything about this .she has lost loads of weight feels sick all the time in stomach pain above her belly button and is white as asheet.the consultant wants to give her a nother endoscopy and to take a tablet with acamare in it she has ad amri and that showed nothing we are at a lose if any one can advise it would b a great help thanks.

Welcome :)

I'm sorry to hear what your daughters going through.

I havent had the pill cam test myself but I have read that some people have had it done and it has shown things that other tests have missed.

Hope you get some answers soon x
Hi Meggyg 123

The only test that ever showed the full extent of Crohn's for me was the capsule endoscopy (camera pill).All the other tests just showed moderate Crohn's.
I had to really push to get that test done as the Dr i was under at the time wouldn't accept my complaints about how active the Crohn's was.If your being offered capsule endoscopy i would encourage you to have it done.

It showed in great detail the IBD in my small bowel.
You are probably aware but colonoscopy does not allow the Dr to see hardly any of the small bowel,only large bowel.

I hope you can get some answers.
There are a lot of tests which can be done though a lot of times they will come back inconclusive since the only way to really diagnose crohns is with positive biopsies and that can be difficult since crohns comes in patches. If there is inflammation and damage in the small intestine which can be seen via a pill cam then crohns can be diagnosed as well.

Tests that can be done are MRI, colonoscopy, endoscopy, small bowel follow through, CT scan, pill cam, as well as bloodwork and stool samples. Bloods may or may not show active disease so they can "lie". Also stool samples can also "lie", it's possible she could have a parasite which the stool samples aren't showing(David on here is doing an expirement to see if he will expell worms, also anouther person on here changed his diet killing off the worms which were invading him and his samples all came back negative for parasites)

Anyway your best bet is go through with the colonoscopy as this is the best way to diagnose crohns, if that still doesn;t show anything as for a pill cam or small bowel follow through.

Are there any other symptoms she has? Any blood in stool, constipation, fatique, ect?

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