Hi, im writing this just to find out what your pain is like as i get so many different types of pain. Here are all of them:
1. Trapped/bloated pain: where i feel like i need to empty by bowels but cant and makes me feel bloated but not with a big tummy.
2. Cramp pain: i get horrible cramps when i eat somthing bad. Normaly it the cramps come and get really bad to the point i have to hold my breath then it will start gurgling and the pain will go then that cycles over and over until im in tears.
3. Uncomfortable moving pain: it feels like my bowels and tummy is moving about and twisting and is very uncomfortable and when i put my hand on my tummy you can achuly feel it moving about. It also gurgles alot when it does this and sometimes i feel sick.
4. Stabbing/stitchy pain: i think this pain is mostly trapped wind or poop.
5. Gurgling: Ok guys so my belly gurgles soo much and i mean ALOT so this pain is quite common. Its usually very loud sometimes uncomfortable tummy gurgling/bubbling and sometimes makes me feel very sick.
6. Deep ache: i get a very deep ache in my lower left side. Which is not very nice at all.
7. Back ache: this mostly comes when ive been on the loo 24/7 and feels like i still have to go to the loo when achually i dont.
Thank you for reading this as you can see i have alot of different pains the worst ones are probably cramps and moving pains (they hurt so bad) Most of my pain is on the lower left side but somtimes from my just above my belly button down. And my stabbing/sharp pains are mostly from my chest down on my left side and sometimes the right.
What are your pains like and does anyone experience the same sort of pains as me?
1. Trapped/bloated pain: where i feel like i need to empty by bowels but cant and makes me feel bloated but not with a big tummy.
2. Cramp pain: i get horrible cramps when i eat somthing bad. Normaly it the cramps come and get really bad to the point i have to hold my breath then it will start gurgling and the pain will go then that cycles over and over until im in tears.
3. Uncomfortable moving pain: it feels like my bowels and tummy is moving about and twisting and is very uncomfortable and when i put my hand on my tummy you can achuly feel it moving about. It also gurgles alot when it does this and sometimes i feel sick.
4. Stabbing/stitchy pain: i think this pain is mostly trapped wind or poop.
5. Gurgling: Ok guys so my belly gurgles soo much and i mean ALOT so this pain is quite common. Its usually very loud sometimes uncomfortable tummy gurgling/bubbling and sometimes makes me feel very sick.
6. Deep ache: i get a very deep ache in my lower left side. Which is not very nice at all.
7. Back ache: this mostly comes when ive been on the loo 24/7 and feels like i still have to go to the loo when achually i dont.
Thank you for reading this as you can see i have alot of different pains the worst ones are probably cramps and moving pains (they hurt so bad) Most of my pain is on the lower left side but somtimes from my just above my belly button down. And my stabbing/sharp pains are mostly from my chest down on my left side and sometimes the right.
What are your pains like and does anyone experience the same sort of pains as me?