What level is your Crohn's at?

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Jul 5, 2010
Hi all,
I've had Crohn's disease for 8 years now, and by all accounts on these forums have been quite lucky... (no surgeries) yay!

I was wondering, (to the people hopefully reading this) how is your Crohn's rated? Is it mild, moderate, or severe?

And I guess the other question is if you have mild or moderate Crohn's, can this turn into severe Crohn's?

Want to know what i'm in for I guess, any light that can be shed would be appreciated!

Thank you :ysmile:
When I'm not in remission, I can easily say it's severe, but only because the pain is so horrible that it might as well be. In remission it's mild at worst.

But like you, I've never had surgery.
I think it goes up and down...form mild to severe and back...depending on if you are in a "flare" or not....

My last colonoscopy showed "mild to mederate" activity, but I have definitely had "severe" .....

It would depend on how much inflamation is seen on exam, how extensive (or how big of an area) is inflamed... or, like majikn says...how much pain you are in.....

But just because you get to "severe", does not mean it stays that way.... It CAN be treated...for most, anyway....

I was surprised to find out after the colonoscopy that my current condition is considered moderate to severe. I haven't had any fistulas or surgery, etc., so I'd figured it was mild!
I was only diagnosed last year, and while I haven't had to have surgery my Gastroenterologist said I have extensive, very severe disease....Read into that what you will.
I'm now on infliximab and I think I can say that I might be almost in remission, but we'll see what they say after my colonoscopy on Monday! Yay!.....
Thank you guys - makes me feel better! like there's some hope we all won't end up with surgery or stomas etc... the idea of surgery freaks me out at the moment...

wishing you all good health! and absent minded good luck for you colonoscopy on Monday :)
Started out as mild in 2006...to severe in 2009, resulting in a colostomy. Now, back to mild again :) Take from this what you will....lol
I was diagnosed with mild to moderate Crohn's Disease, but my files changed about a year after that to actively severe disease, and at my new doctor I'm considered a "high complexity" case with high priority.
Only time it was severe for me was back when I was diagnosed. Since then I have been able to control it and it has been moderate at most during my flares.
When I was DX it was extremely severe my whole colon was 1 big ulcer the flipping whole thing. But with lots of prayer and thanking god after well almost 3 years being on prednisone and every other drug available it's under control but I can't stay on prednisone long term so waiting for something new to come alone to try. Hoping it's soon.
When I was diagnosed, I was told it was very severe and very complicated. Luckily, I have been able to treat it with medication (and no surgeries!) and am in remission.
I was diagnosed with Moderate Crohn's as rated by the Gastro. I did have a stricture removed and also was flared up for a time after surgery.

I got rid of the flare, and have been pretty stable from that point on. I have no perceptible symptoms at this time. I cannot detect anything that is wrong at this time. Not even a little bit. I had a bit of ocasional loose stool until recently, but now even that has left me.

I do not have an explanation for this that I am totally convinced of yet. I will give it more time before specualting on it. It could be a coincidence.

Crohn's can improve or get worse. There are no hard and fast rules on it. I try my best to keep a lid on it using my own methods, and LDN. So far, so good.

When I was diagnosed in Sept. 2009 Dr. told me I was the 2nd worse case he has ever seen in his 25 years. ugh! depressing, but thankfully after 6 months on meds I consider myself mild, have been feeling great!
I'm considered moderate because I have fistulas and extraintestinal manifistations (arthritis, iritis, etc.) and also my disease is very resistant to treatment. I've had Crohn's for 24 years and I am 37 years old; no surguries.
Hi Aussie in NZ, I'm in NZ too. Mine started mild 4 years ago seems to be getting worse each time I have a flare. Now classed as as moderate I think, but have had no surgeries. Reading this forum I think I was pretty lucky as I got a diagnosis pretty quickly. I am currently trying different meds to find the on that will work for me. Doc wants me to go on methatrexate - started today actually - after asking people on this forum what they thought. (great to hear from others in the same boat). I've been feeling pretty good recently so I hoped it was going away on its own but seems that it can all change pretty quickly.

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