What pancreatitis numbers got you admitted?

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May 13, 2013
Went to the ER thurs. with what i thought was a gall, liver or pancreas issue. they decided it was pancreatitis but i felt the numbers and pain were not awful. so i figured i could go home and see my gastro the following day. then before i know it they are admitting me and from there it got a bit ridiculous. anyhow, the real question i have. what was the lowest enzyme numbers that got you admitted?, kept you over night? i ask cause when my gastro so all my scans/labs he felt like it was ridiculous that i was admitted and kept me there. also, if you had elevated numbers that you went to ER for but released you would also help me. thanks everyone.
my amylase/lipase?sp. one was 399 and the other was 346. don't recall which was which. and amazingly enough i don't have it in this packet.
I don't know the numbers. Five years ago, I was scheduled for a resection and they had me being fed intravenously at home. One night, I woke up and threw up six times. Went to the er and they determined I had pancreaitis from something in the formula they gave me. I was admitted to the hospital and had the resection a week early.

My pancreatitis was determined by my symptoms and slightly elevated amylase/lipase, and I did not need to be hospitalized...just discontinued Imuran. The hospital probably admitted you to cover their butts, which is a good thing. Glad you weren't worse off than you were!! Be grateful that the hospital was at least paying attention and wanted to help you. Many people are pushed aside and don't get the care the desperately need. :)
2th Fairy, I am on a half tablet of Imuran daily. There are keeping watch over it but I am wondering if it could cause pancreaitis again?

Imuran caused it in me the first time. and that was severe. this last episode is believed to be gall bladder related. which i need to follow up on. there were a lot of issues with the entire situation like the way they ignored the whole crohn's thing cause it seemed like they had a little bit of not a clue. my Dr. wasn't contacted at all and when i spoke to him and he looked through all my labs/scans also thought it was unnecessary for me to have been admitted. i was just curious if anyone had numbers to go along with their experience.
Is pancreatitis connected with the IBD? I had a mild episode of this too picked up accidentally during hospital visit, when the docs there decided to check my enzymes because I was running a slight fever and experiencing severe left sided pain. I wasn't on any meds at the time and didn't have an IBD diagnosis back then. I wonder how often I was experiencing the episodes since they only discovered the enzyme elevation accidentally.

I have lots of other weird peripheral symptoms as well, mostly related to inflammation. Docs seem fairly clueless about IBD in general

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