What should I exect for her first GI appt.?

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Apr 28, 2012
It just hit me! Only 9 days to go.:eek2:

I've been more worried about packing,
More worried about what to do with my 7mo. old puppy.
(She weighs 70 already and still skinny.)
More worried about getting lost trying to find the hospital.

Then it hit me. I KNOW NOTHING!
What should I expect for the first visit?
What should I ask or not ask?

Please HELP!

( Yes I'm freaking out a little):tongue:
O.K. well I am link impaired but some one (probably Dusty) has a link to a good "being prepared" list. I think the CCFA site also has a good list.

If you are like me, it doesn't matter as you will forget half of them once you get in there and the doc starts weighing in :lol: Even when I write them down!
Take a deep breath! You'll be okay. I'd start by going in and explaining just what you're expressing now to your doctor: that you're unsure, don't know what to ask, and are scared! Let him/her give you a little spiel to just lay the foundation for other questions you may have and then take it from there. Don't be afraid to occupy a lot of his/her time! That's his job. Keep asking questions when they arise. Maybe about diet going forward, comfort, support, medications, other symptom alleviation, your past history, etc. Good luck you'll do great! (ps make sure to book a follow up appointment when you leave because I know you'll have questions later!)
I would write down a clinical history ie what problems she has had and when, what meds helped etc. any questions you want to ask, etc - just write it all down because if you are at all like me I just totally forget everything and my mind goes blank as soon as I walk in the door!!
Also Im not sure what it's like in the US but like you I waited for our first appointment, expecting to get lots of answers etc and left feeling like I got nouthing out of the appointment and still didn't know what to think etc, and I felt really cross with myself for not saying things I should have etc etc.
Good luck - my advice is - write everything down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - I think you said your hubby was coming - that will help loads if there is 2 of you - what date is your appointment? xxxx
Hi farmwife. I'm going to be taking my little girl to a pedi gi also. I don't know what tests to ask for, which I posted today, but I'll be asking a lot about the diff in treatments for kids with ibd as opposed to adults. What are they- I know they prescribe aza/imuran ect to kids, but im hoping if there is any trace of ibd, it's early enough to be treated with antiiflamitories. I'll be asking about ct scans- I'll be asking if they think nutrition is important, as my gi tells me low residue is best, but for a growing child..... Fiber ect.... I want to ask about stool tests, and wether it's likely if I cant tolerate things like pork, wether it's the same for my daughter.... But most of all, I want to know which test can confirm no ibd...asap! And if there is, I'll have a 100 questions to add. Best wishes, hope it goes well :)
Irene your want mri not a ct scan. Our GI would only do a mri because she a girl. Who want to radiate? the ovaries. His words.
Get to know the doctor on a personal level. I would ask questions like if this were your child what would the options be? Why would you choose this over this? It always helps to bring them into your world a bit. Sometime docs forget to be human.
The first GI visit I had with both of my children was with a diagnosis already or strongly suspected in place. These are the type of questions I asked...

-What is the diagnosis?

-Where is the disease active?

-What form does the disease take (inflammation, ulcers, fistulas)

-How severe would you say my disease was?

-What symptoms do I need to report immediately to you, which can wait until my
scheduled appointment, and which signify an emergency?

-What treatment options are open to me?

-What does (treatment) do? What side effects should I be aware of?

-How long before I should see an improvement?

-Do I need to take any nutritional supplements such as b12 or iron?

Without a diagnosis in place I would be going through my child's history in detail, leave no stone unturned. Every symptom, no matter how trivial or unrelated it may seem. I would expect a thorough physical examination...observations, height, weight and a decent palpation of her abdomen.

We have what we call a blue book here. Every child is issued with one before you leave the hospital after giving birth. You then take it to each visit you have with a health professional until at least school age. It tracks milestones, weight, height, immunisations and so on. Do you have anything like that? If so take that with you. Also any test results, letters, X-rays etc that you have at home.

Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Nothing to add to that very good list above :ybiggrin:. Just wanted to wish you luck for the appointment.
I got a diagnoses at Lucy's first GI vist and I was not prepared and my husband was not with me as we thought it would just be a chat and then he would do bloods and schedule the colonoscopy so when he dropped the bombshell I could feel the panic starting in my toes and working its way up, I started to cry and couldn't stop, while he was very good and absolutely let me absorb the diagnosis before shoving me out the door, i really didnt get any of my questions answered until the next appointment, so be prepared for a diagnosis and if possible have somebody with you. Mind you given what you have been through with grace you will probably be somewhat relieved if you get a diagnosis (as I was) but it is still a shock.
Write a brief history of medical issues and give it to him at the start of the consultation and have a copy for yourself so you can refer to it so you dont forget anything (this I did do) and it was really usefull, put everything on it even if you think it is irelevant it may not be. If you have had blood drawn at your local hospital bring the results with you.
If you are unable to get a diagnosis, make sure you ask what the next steps are. Take blood, colonoscopy, MRi etc. Ask should he start on any medications, dietary guidance etc.
I will be thinking of you on thursday,
Thanks for the warning polly13. :ybiggrin:
I thought they wouldn't say anything until the scopes and blood test were back.
You're right. I would rather have an answer right away.
Now her back around her kiddney are still hurting
even though her UTI cleared up.:yfaint:
Trust me. Answers right now would be a bessing!

I am feeling your butterflies all the way over here.

First step to getting your little Gracie better. You go get em Mama!
I have my first G.I appointment on the 18th of this month I am so nervous ...Idk what to do ='( I am psyching myself out I know but I can't help it ... Everytime I have pain I get nervous that something REALLY bad is gonna happen
Oh, you poor thing.
My little farm Girl had hers on Thursday. Just remember your not going to find out much. Sorry!
Doctors won't say anything until the test are done.
Go in their and remember he/she is their for you. Read through some of the suggestions given to me. They will help you out.
We're STILL waiting for Grace's results.
Tomorrow I will be calling to find out what's going on.
I know that will make plenty of people happy here.
I don't know if this applies to all doctors, but no news is usually good news for us. If labs come back with issues, the doctor will call us right away. If things are fine, we get a letter and lab results in the mail.

Also, never leave without a phone number for a nurse. I think the nurse's kind of run the show anyway :)

Keep us posted, Farmwife!
Good luck Beautiful soul - write down everything you want to ask. I hope it al goes ok and you get some answers, and something to help you feel better xx
Thank y'all so much without this forum idk where i would be I will make sure I write everything down and get #'s and everything.. I pray everyone finds relief in their pain and permanent Joy in pain management :) Once again thank y'all I feel so much better <3 :ghug: