I am 21 years old, diagnosed dec 2011 with crohn's disease in my small bowel(after having a colonoscopy on my 21st birthday which obviously showed nothing.) I have had stomach issues and general pain in my back stomach and abdomen for as long as i can remember but was typically dismissed, mostly due to my age i believe. After my GI specialist diagnosed crohn's through an upper GI series capsule endoscopy he put me on Lialda which seemed to improve but not eliminate my symptoms. . until this weekend when i had my first flare up since staring Lialda. It was worse than i remember any stomach pain having before. I couldn't get a hold of him and had to go to urgent care where they put me on prednizone(ugh) and pain medications. I have an appointment coming up with my GI doctor. Should he be doing more than just medication management? Should I expect to have a doctor i can reach in the event of a flare up that is not 9-5 mon through friday? Should he be considering if I need supplements? Most of the info I've learned is research I've done on my own. He didnt explain the disease process or side effects of the disease, being a nurse i took it upon myself to learn as much as possible. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, feeling a little frustrated and confused at this point!!
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