I would add 3 grams of actual, enteric coated, omega 3 fish oil, per day. This is anti-inflammatory and acts locally when enteric coated. Fish oil can also help in the mood/brain drain department. A minority of people do get bloating, bad breath or gas, though.
Additionally, I would add quality probiotics 2-3 times a day (Jarrow EPS, Garden of Life Primal Defense Ultra, Kyo-dophilus 9, or a Bacillus Coagulans dominant mix or Good Belly drinks or Attune bars or Howaru strains). These help keep the good bacteria to displace the bad ones which aggravate inflammation, while also helping keep your mood balanced. Beginning these might cause slight upset at first, or not. I say give a few different quality strains/mixes a try.
Personally, I need to take both of these daily to stave off loose bowel movements and cramps, which return like clockwork if I quit these for more than 2 days. These are my primary treatment along with LDN and diet.
*In addition to the other forementioned supplements, Vitamin K2 (or K complex) will help absorb calcium--especially in conjunction with Vit D3 (5,000 iu).