What to expect from a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy in my current position?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 12, 2013
New York, NY
just had a colonoscopy and need a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy in a few weeks. I been on prednisone for a while now with no real results. I have extreme pain during BM's and these were my diagnoses during the last colonoscopy.

"left-sided Crohn's colitis"
" Linear sigmoid Ulcer"
" Peri-anal fistula"
"internal hemorrhoids"

what should I expect? any surgery or anything?
I have had a few flexible sigmoidoscopies. There's a possibility that they may take biopsies. But, no they shouldn't do any surgeries on you at this time. It's usually fairly easy and you'll be able to eat lunch, walk around or do normal things afterwards. Here's some things for you to see to help. Otherwise, feel free to look it up in our wiki section. Take care. :)
