We never realize how sick we are until we are in remission, and when we are sick for a long time we tend to forget what its like to even feel healthy.
When I was in remission I rarely thought about my health or my disease.
I ate fast foods without thinking about whether I was going to pay for it in the morning.
I drank alcohol until late into the night.
I backpacked around developing countries and ate foods that I had never heard of before.
I exercised at the gym and saw myself become stronger equal to the time and effort I put in.
I went out on dates and had relationships with girls without having fear about a symptom that might pop up.
I could plan for my near future without the hesitancy of knowing whether my disease would hold me back or not.
I really just felt like a normal person.
Now, I haven't had this disease for too long, and either than the crohns I have no other health issues, so perhaps I am being to optimistic as to what one should expect from remission. But now that I am sick I feel that I have an obligation to allow myself to feel like a normal person again, and that my doctor should do anything in their power to get me to that point. So, Ill keep keep on fighting until I get there.