Honestly, two different thing could be going on here.
Firstly, he could just be an all out down right nasty jerk who couldn't care less about anyone but himself.
But, there could be something else. Its possible that he feels like he didn't sign up for this (a person who got sick or chronic diseases) It's also possible that there's an underlying need of his that isn't being met. Maybe its sexually or emotionally... I don't know. And no you didn't ask to get sick either, and its not fair he's treating you this way. Maybe he needs someone to talk to. I know when I'm flaring my boyfriend doesn't see it until I start losing lots of weight or until I am so tired I can't do anything. I think for him its almost harder for to accept that I'm not invincible and that I'm sick than it is for me. Almost like he just ignores that I'm sick again and pretends like everything is fine.
This all being said, my boyfriend doesn't treat me the way your husband does you.
I think you guys should sit down and try to communicate about how you're feeling. If he won't have any of it, then maybe its time to rethink things.
It's truly possible that he's just a jerk and he doesn't think about how his actions make others feel. Guys have a tendency to forget that people have feelings. I think its the testosterone. If that is the reason for his actions, then I wouldn't have it. I would let him know that I'm not going to let someone bully me and make me feel worse than I already do with these diseases and if he loves me and wants to be with me, then he needs to change and start accepting more of the chores around the house.
Good luck, I'm sorry to hear you are going through this. It isn't fair, but neither is life... as we all wholly know.