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May 4, 2011
whats going on...

ive had crohns disease for about 5 years now, and the hospital recently discovered i had a rectual stricture which was stopping my going toilet out my bottom, and said ill need an operation to stretch it.. surgery went well (well i fort) went in my bottom up 16cm. but still i cant go, it tends to come out once a week and im in so much pain, and takes like 2 hours of pushing to come out its so painful and my tummy is very painful, and with my crohns disease i cant have dairy so i fort i'd try some a few days ago to try and make it come out as that whats happened in the past if i eat some think im not ment to i cant stop going but it didnt work and today im in so much pain off work again!! i just wish there was a way to cure this bloody disease!! (dunno which i prefer going loads or not at all).

Could be a possible obstruction or a partial one due to inflammation or scar tissue but you'd probably also be throwing up (probably not with a partial) along with being in a lot of pain. Sounds like you may be lactose intolerant rather than Crohn's being the cause for you not being able to drink milk. Contact your GI and let them know what's going on if you haven't already.
Hi Emma and welcome! I agree with Crabby, you should phone your doctor. Lots of pain and not being able to go sounds like a possible obstruction. I sure hope that it's not the case, but it's best to be safe than sorry. Hang in there!
Hi Emma - I concur with Jill and Crabby! that does not sound like a good situation. You need to phone your doc right away - this sounds like an emergency to me!

Good luck - Amy

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