Hi all
I'm new here and wondered if anyone could give me some advice (apologies, this is a bit long!)
I've been with my partner (who is 28) for 6 years and 5 years ago he was diagnosed with Crohn's and subsequently had two operations to remove an abscess. He smokes, isn't particularly active and eats a low fibre diet with lots of sugar and processed food. He did see a dietician about 4 years ago who gave him a list of what to eat and avoid but he generally doesn't take any notice of it, unless he has one of his attacks, when he might avoid yeast and pork, for example.
He is always tired, constantly has diarrhoea and gets a stomach ache at least every other day. However, because his attacks don't seem to come on after he eats traditionally bad foods like sweets and cakes, etc., he doesn't think they are doing him any harm.
Anyway, 3 weeks ago, he was admitted to hospital with a blocked colon and had an emergency laparotomy to remove the diseased part. He's still in hospital and is extremely fed up and still in a lot of pain. The timing was absolutely dreadful as we were due to emigrate to China on 9th June and were all set! He's not eating properly in hospital either because he says the food makes him feel sick, so he's gone down to 6 1/2 stone.
My problem is that I'm extremely concerned about his welfare and whilst he is talking about stopping smoking when he gets out, I can't see him sticking to a proper diet. I did mention it to him about a week ago, but he ended up getting really wound up and said that I couldn't tell him what to eat. His family are also concerned about him but don't seem to back me up when it comes to food. I appreciate it must be really hard for him, but want him to look after himself more and take our future seriously.
It's very disappointing to now not be able to go away after so much planning. I want us to stay together but I don't want him to let his bad habits ruin the relationship, and I don't want to miss out on opportunities because he isn't looking after himself. Part of me feels really angry at him and the other part feels really guilty for being so selfish.
I know that I can't force him to eat certain things or to change his lifestyle, but does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way to support him and help him adapt to a new diet? I think he will be out of the hospital in a few days, but because he'll still have pain, I know he's already going to be really ratty without me lecturing him on nutrition!
Thanks in advance!
I'm new here and wondered if anyone could give me some advice (apologies, this is a bit long!)
I've been with my partner (who is 28) for 6 years and 5 years ago he was diagnosed with Crohn's and subsequently had two operations to remove an abscess. He smokes, isn't particularly active and eats a low fibre diet with lots of sugar and processed food. He did see a dietician about 4 years ago who gave him a list of what to eat and avoid but he generally doesn't take any notice of it, unless he has one of his attacks, when he might avoid yeast and pork, for example.
He is always tired, constantly has diarrhoea and gets a stomach ache at least every other day. However, because his attacks don't seem to come on after he eats traditionally bad foods like sweets and cakes, etc., he doesn't think they are doing him any harm.
Anyway, 3 weeks ago, he was admitted to hospital with a blocked colon and had an emergency laparotomy to remove the diseased part. He's still in hospital and is extremely fed up and still in a lot of pain. The timing was absolutely dreadful as we were due to emigrate to China on 9th June and were all set! He's not eating properly in hospital either because he says the food makes him feel sick, so he's gone down to 6 1/2 stone.
My problem is that I'm extremely concerned about his welfare and whilst he is talking about stopping smoking when he gets out, I can't see him sticking to a proper diet. I did mention it to him about a week ago, but he ended up getting really wound up and said that I couldn't tell him what to eat. His family are also concerned about him but don't seem to back me up when it comes to food. I appreciate it must be really hard for him, but want him to look after himself more and take our future seriously.
It's very disappointing to now not be able to go away after so much planning. I want us to stay together but I don't want him to let his bad habits ruin the relationship, and I don't want to miss out on opportunities because he isn't looking after himself. Part of me feels really angry at him and the other part feels really guilty for being so selfish.
I know that I can't force him to eat certain things or to change his lifestyle, but does anyone have any suggestions as to the best way to support him and help him adapt to a new diet? I think he will be out of the hospital in a few days, but because he'll still have pain, I know he's already going to be really ratty without me lecturing him on nutrition!
Thanks in advance!