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Mar 26, 2009
I'm really looking for some advice around my story. I am 33 and I had three bouts of severe abdominal pain early in 2009 and then nothing until this week.

Each episode is exactly the same. Very sudden onset with diarrhea and severe,constant pain in abdomen and back. I compare the pain to labour contractions but not coming in waves, going to the toilet does not reduce pain. The diarrhea stops about five hours into the episode but the pain intensifies and lasts for around 12 hours in total. I am usually sick once or twice about three quarters of the way through the episode. I can handle pain well but this is so severe and normal over the counter drugs don't touch it. The last two times (once in 2009 and last week) I was hospitalised with it. They can usually get the pain under control after a couple of hours by trying different things. The pain stops as quickly as it starts with no tenderness left just a wiped out feeling.

The problem is they did further investigations later in 2009 and found nothing unusual- barium enema, ultrasound, xray of bowel, and magic eye procedure (not full colonoscopy though).

There was protein in my urine and I had an elevated white blood cell count this time. I have been receiving regular B12 injections for a deficiency picked up a couple of years ago. To me this seems to link to Crohns symptoms.

Following the tests last year they put it down to IBS as they couldn't find anything else wrong but one of the doctors I had seen said that IBS shouldn't be as painful as what I was experiencing.

Following my latest admission they have stated they will look at possibly doing a colonoscopy as an out patient.

Does anyone else have a similar tale? Does the fact that I had nothing for a year mean anything? Could I be in the early stages of Crohns? Have others had to wait a long time for a diagnosis?

Any advice would be appreciated!
Welcome welshgirl... You had the exact same sceniaro that I had. Gi says I had Crohns, surgeon said no, it was her appendix. I had test for a year and so sick, bouts of pain LRQ and vomiting, D, so finally I had a Endoscopy from mouth to the intestine with barium follow through. It wasnt fun, but I hear they put you out now for that. They can see everything that way. Some colonscopies can be missed, 3 out of 10 they were actually able to see inflamation. Biopsies are even missed. IBS is painful but not that severe. I am sorry youi are going through this but you have to have your Gi be aggressive in finding it. Sounds like you may have a stricture and you obstructing.

Keep the doctors on their feet until they find out what your definate dx is! Hope you feel better soon, if you have another attack go to emerge, they will help you.

Keep us updated ok! Hugs.
I had episodes of pain and bleeding on and off for a decade or more before I was finally diagnosed. I wish I had a better understanding of what was going on that I might have been able to amend my diet and get treatment that could have reduced the damage to my guts over that time period.

My diagnosis finally came with an ultrasound followed by a few CT scans and a colonoscopy. The biopsies from the colonoscopy were not definitive but analyzing of the affected bowel sections and appendix after they were removed showed extensive granuloma. Those are little crystalline type scar things that are classic identifiers of Crohn's.
Thanks for the responses.

I am hoping to get an out patient appointment in the next three months and will take it from there. I just don't know if I should be pushing for anything more to be done at this stage or wait for it to happen again.
You might want to start with a food log and diary to see if you can pick up any trends in the meantime. Judging food intake can be tricky as it is not just the acute immediate response but also the chronic response that develops after a few days of eating something. But it helped me all the same even if is just made me pay more attention to what I ate.
Kenny has a great idea with the food log. Good luck.
Your symptoms mirror mine to a T! This was exactly how I started-with these sudden bouts that seemed to disappear with 12 or so hours. Dr.'s couldn't find anything in the bowel but I also showed white cells elevated and inflammation elevated. It took almost 10 years after this started to get a definate Crohn's diagnosis that resulted from the disease spreading to joints (enteropathic arthritis) and eyes (iritis). If I had received meds earlier it might not have spread outside the bowel.
Welcome Welshgirl :) great to have you here. I hope you get things sorted soon as those 12 hour bouts sound nasty!!
Werlcome Welshgirl. I hope they can discover exactly what is going on. Nothing worse than doctors being undecided.

Good luck
Thanks for all the replies and welcoming messages. I'll update when I have further information and reading through everyone elses stories is very informative!
x x

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