When is a stomach ache just a stomach ache

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Feb 26, 2013
This is what I wrestle with every single time my son complains of a stomach ache and/or nausea.. and I know you all get it! For most kids, they get stomach aches and it's either a bug or just a stomach ache. But for those of us who have kids with Crohns, you never really feel like a stomach ache is just that.. whenever I get a call from school that my son is not feeling well, I just feel like I've been kicked in the stomach.

Got the call today.. and made him lie down in nurse's office for a few minutes and then go back to class! I figured if he went back to the nurse later, then I'd deal with it.. so 2 hours later, had to go pick him up.. he threw up!

Now of course he's feeling great.. so, could be a bug. Could be too much last night through EN. Could be his crohns.. I hate not knowing.

OK, just wanted to vent a little bit! :)
I'm so sorry... I am sitting here laughing so hard! It is always so cool to read when someone else knows exactly what you are going through (or what you've gone through)... So yeah... *that*!!

My poor son, if he even so much as hints he's not feeling well I start in with 101 questions: Where don't you feel good? Is it your stomach? Headache? Joints? Have you pooped today? Once? Twice? More? How was it? "Okay... what do you mean by okay?! okay, okay? or just okay?" :ylol:

I so hear you - it's like 20 questions everytime there is even a hiccup..LOL. oh well, such is the life of a crohns mom..LOL
I totally get it LJS, it changes everything. I never had to obsess over my other kids getting a stomach ache. As soon as Devynn mentions a pain, I am driving her nuts with questions... where is it? what does it feel like? is it staying, or coming and going? how about your bms? lol Poor kid!
Because DS had so many stomach aches so often
We have him rate it - much easier that way
Scale 1 to 10
As well as some of the time
Just with eating
Or all day etc...
I know can tell if he is at a five its bad . 6 means puking is possible.
1-2 very mild just annoying
This makes us all less crazy kwim
Good luck
see if he can work with you to log his movements. Sometimes the belly ache is sign of constipation....may not move and then suddenly vomiting....it wants out someway...then D. One thing I have used is belly rubs; particularly on children. They put their head on your lap and you rub his belly in circles (right side/ascending colon, up and around and down left side/descending colon). Even if it hurts a little keep going lightly, until you hear gurgling sounds. That means the digestive tract got its jumpstart. Eventually, he will find it quite relaxing and you will find it resolving his belly aches. He can do it in the car, sitting in school, whenever and upset tummy hits. I taught my niece at 2 yrs old to do it on the toilet, when she was constipated (we found out she was allergic to raisins, which caused constipation in her). She was so excited that it worked and still at 12 uses this technique. Very calming. Again, helps digestion and get blood circulating in the belly to heal. Hope it helps!
We struggle with this dilemma too. We use the number system too and it works quite well. Always hard now to know when to pick up from school.

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