When should I expect this to work?

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Mar 11, 2011
So I started taking LDN a while ago. The same time I started taking it I was weening myself off of prednisone. Now Like most people when I try to get off prednisone my body freaks out and my symptoms returns. So I am not sure if the LDN is getting a chance to work. I will be completely off the prednisone half way through May and I was told LDN takes about ten weeks to fully work. So my question is should I start counting down those ten weeks when I started LDN or when I am completely off the prednisone? Thank you.

I would guess count from when you started LDN. I wouldn't expect too much interaction/interference with it and Prednisone.

From what I recall from the Penn State trial, most patients noticed effects by 4 weeks, but others not until 8-10 weeks. I personally noticed changes closer to 8 weeks.
I noticed changes on and off from the beginning but all of the time around week 10. The countdown should start 2 weeks after you finish the prednisone. Do not give up. The prednisone really does a number on your body so you have to recover from that too.

I have heard many different 'theories' about how long LDN can take.

I see a naturpathic doctor that is pretty familiar with LDN, and he feels that it could take up to 7+ months before it is effective. I wish I could have seen my face when he told me that.

I am at 4 weeks (LDN), and I feel that there has been some benefit, but oddly only in the 1st half of my day. I take it around 11pm and I am getting through the night, and the mornings are better (not great, but better) right until mid-afternoon, and then having my 'symptoms' again.

It would be great to have more information on how the Penn State LDN patients responded to treatment during those two trials (journal entries w/scores etc.).