When to get a second opinion???

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Mar 30, 2011
Hey all, So I was diagnosed with crohns in the last few months and was very scared but also relieved once they could tell me what was wrong and i thought all my symptoms were going to be lessened greatly due to them knowing what it was and how to treat the symptoms. Anyway, now i have an ironic Problem being that i have gone into remission and have lost all the main serious symptoms eg: blood in stool,acute/chronic diahorrea, excessive tiredness,anemia, weight loss,etc,etc. BUt i've still been getting these massive headaches and small bouts of tiredness and lots of joint pain and also moodiness. i had attributed this to the weaning off of prednisolone and it also being a possible side effect of the sulfasalazine i am supposed to take. but got told today as far as these headaches and stuff go the doctor said flat out it isn't from crohns or the crohns meds and it's something else and he can't help me with it. only thing he could suggest was to just increase my sulfasalazine and taper off the prednisone and hope for the best (like thats anyway to fix it). So i lost alot of hope in the sense that i thought it was part of crohns and it could be dealt with by a change of treatment plan or a change of the medicine i was on or something like that (if side effects were tcausing the issie). Now I'm starting to wonder what i actually have? Do i actually have crohns?? or do i have more than one illness??? it's alot to be thinking about. My GI is so hesitant to treat the pains or aches and doesnt seem to acknowledge or take these issues seriously in any way other than "oh well just hope for the best". So I put him on the spot and asked how sure he is about everything and was he even sure if i had crohns ( seeing as i was starting to doubt his sincerity). He got defensive and stressed to me how positive he is i have crohns since the results came back from the biopsies he took when he did a colonoscopy on me a few weeks ago and it's all consistent with crohns, but in saying that he is also very nonchalant about my symptoms in the sense that he says it's now only mild-moderate at worst form of crohns (which i guess is relieving to me for now). He is my second GI doctor and only one to say he's sure its crohns. My first GI doctor said it was just an e-coli infection and even though the biopsy results from his colonoscopy (my first one) he performed on me about 7-8 weeks ago did suggest crohns a possibility, it was not a 100% flat out cause for diagnosis. it was highly suspect of crohns in someways but in others was very atypical and not in keeping with a crohns typical inflammotory process. the pathologist did comment on the presence of a definite form off crohnic inflammitory/ulcerated process in my right upper quadrant of my large intestine (making it a definite form of chronic colitis). Has anyone else had issues with doctors not being as helpful as you hoped with treating you and began to wonder if the form of IBD and or IBS you have is fitting with all your symptoms. I mean obviously some people know when they have crohns if the symptoms are so constant and textbook it would be undeniable as the cause. i don't know if i've gone into remission and this is just the last symptom to dissapear (ie:the headaches) or maybe i don't belong here on this forum and should be getting a second or even third opinion and new treatment plan. Is headaches and joing pains part of crohns and is it worth a second opinion and all this worry?? if anyone has been through something like this please tell me your story and how you handled it. I'm losing alot of confidence from all i've been through and just want to be back to normal. Sorry for blabbering, but i dont know what to do and its irritating the hell out of me, lol. bye - Tim
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I would say, if you want a second opinion, go for it :)

It might also be worth seeing a Rheumatologist alongside your GI. They specialise in auto-immune disorders and am sure can help with the joint pain at least. I have heard GI's are reluctant to issue pain meds but Rheumys are more willing.
Thanks , thats a good idea because i have had a neck injury too where i cracked a vertabrea which my GI does say may be the problem and didnt know that it was a rheumatologists understands auto immune diseases such as crohns and joints etc, maube they are more sympathetic than the GI doctors. but i do still wonder if headaches are from the crohns cause alot of people on here mention headaches and joint soreness too. its guess it just mine (the patients) word against the GI as to whether it actually is. Oh the joys of a chronic illness. cheers

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