Where do I stand?!

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Dec 26, 2014
Hi all, I'm new to this forum...

I'm currently undiagnosed but my GP strongly suspects I have CD, awaiting colonoscopy results at the moment. I've been honest with my employer (community care company) from the moment my symptoms began and have explained that I feel tired and sick and physically cannot manage 60-70 hour working weeks on top of uni and with minimal sleep per night yet my wnployer has ignored my repeated requests for reduced hours (I'm zero hour anyway) until I've got whatever is going on inside me under control.

I collapsed and passed out last week from the pain in my belly and exhaustion and was late to work. It's not the first time it's happened but they've chosen to ignore my pleas for help to manage working with my IBD and they've now sacked me for 'bringing the company into disrepute' - have they acted illegally seeing as I've begged for help and have been ignored?

I don't know where I stand and the stress is just making me feel worse.

Any advice would be much appreciated!
You could get free advice about this from the citizens advice bureau
I don't think it is right to fire someone on account of illness
Is there a union at your place of work...they will take on things like this.
It is hard enough to be so sick and in process of being diagnosed without the employer
Increasing the suffering
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Like Trysha says, the Citizens Advice Bureau has information on your rights regarding work: http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/england/work_e.htm (That's if you're in England, click the map if you're elsewhere in the UK.)

And on this page you can search for your local branch if you want to see someone face to face: http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/england/about_this_site/get_advice.htm

It may also be a good idea to collect together all your medical records regarding this illness - hospital appointment letters, test results, the letters consultants have sent to your GP, etc. Ask your GP for copies if you don't have them. (They can charge patients for copies, but my experience is that most doctors won't be that mean if it's only a few documents.) Asking your GP or consultant to write a summary of your situation may be helpful too.