Where do you get mtx?

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Sep 23, 2009
I am curious if most get methotrexate injections at their docs office or if you do it at home. How many do you get in advance? Is it a regular or speciality pharmacy? Does it need to be refrigerated?
I was ordering them from my regular pharmacy though I had to request them in advance as it is chemo and I guess they get it from a specific provider. If would get 5 syringes a month (I needed 4 but they included one in case of accident, or unpredictable event, delay in the order). I was told to refrigerate them and I would do my injection myself at home. The first week, I went to the local health center and a nurse did it for me. I could have continued getting them out there if I would not have wanted to do them myself.
That's smart to give an extra. I wonder if ill need to go through special pharmacy like I did for Humira and Cimzia.
Hmm, I don't know exactly how things works in the US regarding medication but any medication like humira and chemo and what I would call more complex medicine can be picked up from pretty much any drugstore here. The drugstore do need to order them from specific provider though and therefore never have them on hand.
I inject myself every week. The druggist sold me very fine insulin needles which I don't feel going in at all. The methotrexate doesn't sting going in either. I had a nurse at the hospital show me how to inject once and I've administered to myself since then. Been on it for 2 years now.

I don't have to refrigerate it and I pick it from my local drugstore. I live in a very small town & they always have it in stock.
I use CVS here in the US, and I just pick up a couple vials of methotrexate about every month or so right at the store. And then I have a separate "prescription" of syringes that lasts about 6 months or so. I don't believe you're supposed to refrigerate the medication; just keep it at room temperature.
I'm a bit late to this one, but might as well throw my two cents out here.

It's been several years since I took MTX, but I was able to get it through a regular pharmacy no problem. Like jecoll said, a separate prescription for needles is required. Like rrhood, I was able to get insulin needles - the smallest needles available. I don't know if this is standard with MTX injections or not.

I did do the injections myself. I went into the hospital for the first one, and a nurse showed me how. After that it was all on me.

I believe I got either one or two vials at a time and each vial contained two doses. The medication doesn't require refrigeration, but do check the expiration dates. I got several vials that were close to expiring (although they had not already) so I kept a close eye on it.

I would suggest that someone on MTX make an effort to keep spare needles on hand. At times, I'd come across dull needles that didn't break the skin easily - and at times, if I had to reinsert the needle into the vial for more medication after releasing the air bubbles, the needle could become dull. Rather than forcing it, you can remove the needle from the syringe and replace it with a different one. Much easier. :)
Started methotrexate and feel like crap just feel like I have the flu. I got it through my pharmacy and it's not refrigerated but if this continues I can't stay on this.
I started the injection a week ago. It may work for the disease ultimately but if these side effects keep up ill need to stop. I feel so weak and just very under the weather.
They'll probably start to lighten up soon, and likely disappear completely. :) I hope it goes well and the MTX is both tolerable and helpful!
What dose did they start you on nogutsnoglory? Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and they may try lowering the dose for now and then work you back up to a higher dose in hopes that your body gets used to it. That's what I had to do when I first started taking it but instead of any symptoms it was my blood work that made them lower the dose (my liver wasn't happy). Are they having you do blood work often (once a month or so)?
I believe its 25mg or 1ml for the injection. I think its a standard dose but I'm new to the mtx world so I'm very much learning.

What dose did you start on and what was your maintenance dose?

I will have blood work in about a month. I'm sure my liver isn't happy, it wasn't too happy before Remicade and Mtx so now these 2 additions can't be helping. Thanks guys.
The vials contain 25mg/ml. I was started on .4ml (10mg)/week. Its a really low dose but knowing my history with issues with my liver and the 6MP, my doctors wanted to start low and work me up. That was too high for me so I was dropped down to .2ml (5mg) and later was upped to .3ml (7.5mg). They wanted me to get back to .4ml and increase if needed but with the side effects it was causing, I was just taken off of it. I don't believe I ever got to a maintenance dose.

Make sure your doctor is aware of any side effects you're having.
I'll have to look at the bottle, I know each vial contains 2 doses for me. I am kind of scared to tell my doctor about side effects because I don't want them to just have me stop it. I know they could reduce it but I want to give it a chance.

My biggest fear is that it has effected my breathing somewhat and I really should tell them that but there is no way they will let me continue because it would be a liability.
Ok, so I know next to nothing about methotrexate besides the basics. BUT I wanted to tell you that I am thinking of you and hope that, whatever med(s) you end up on, you get into a wonderful remission SOON! I'll be keeping you in my prayers NGNG.
I'll have to look at the bottle, I know each vial contains 2 doses for me. I am kind of scared to tell my doctor about side effects because I don't want them to just have me stop it. I know they could reduce it but I want to give it a chance.

My biggest fear is that it has effected my breathing somewhat and I really should tell them that but there is no way they will let me continue because it would be a liability.

Be careful. :( Its one thing to want it to work but if its causing harm then you need to tell someone. Lowering the dose may still be a possibility depending on how bad the breathing issue is. I'd let them know about that.