White toenails with crohns

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Jan 21, 2012
My husband has Crohns Disease and the doc took out 9 inches of his small intestines in 1994 ....It seems like this year he has lost 10 lbs and his toenails are white....He eats alot through out the day, small meals but he eats probaly 5-7 times daily and drinks moutain dew alot at least 6 or more a day...
What does the white toenails possibly mean and his weight loss ... he weighed ruffly 160 when i met him 13 yrs ago but this yr he is down to 150... he is getting very thin...What do I need to do? I have tried to get him to go see a doc but he wont...Looking for help here!!!!
Hi Peggy and welcome to the forum :bigwave: To be honest I am not sure what is causing the white toenails but everything I have read says it needs to be checked out. Other than this and the weight loss is you husband having an other symptoms like pain or an upset tummy? Even if he isn't this doesn't mean everything is a ok, you can be feeling fairly well and still have something brewing... I would say put your foot down and tell him he must see a doc, perhaps even try explaining to him that you are only worried for him and if nothing else it would make YOU feel better if he went to see the doc. Let us know how you get on.
Welcome peggy1 to the forum!

When you say your husband's toenails have turned white, do you mean that they have lost colour or that they have what looks like an opaque film on them?

If it is the latter then according to a quick google search it might be a toe fungus.

If the nails just looked drained of colour that might be a symptom of your husband's metabolism slowing down. Even though he might be eating a lot, due to his Crohn's and the fact that some of his intenstine was removed he might not be absorbing vitamins/minerals that well. This might be causing his body to start acting like it is starving even though he is eating. To ensure his body has energy for the most important things (like keeping the brain healthy) effort to keep other parts of the body warm (specifically extremities like hands and feet) are not focused on. This could result in your husband having cold hands and feet and his toe/finger nails might become paler due to this also.

Please let us know a bit more information so we can try to be more helpful!