Why Do Doctors Refuse To Give Pain Meds?? Sue Them!!!

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Oct 6, 2015
Why Do Doctors refuse to give pain Meds??? (You and I have a legal right to receive appropriate pain relief!!!)

I have been a Crohns' Disease sufferer for at least 30 years. I am fortunate to still be alive and to have had several intermittent years of remission.

However, I have suffered tremendously with very extreme and very severe chronic pain for many months at a time (with no sleep at all). At one point, the pain was so bad for so many weeks non-stop (24/7) that I literally put a gun to my head and the only reason I didn't pull the trigger was because the phone rang just as I was squeezing it.

I have asked at least 10 doctors repeatedly for pain Meds (I proved to them I have this disease) and not one (literally none) not even my own father or my own brother, would give me anything at all... Nothing!!!!! All I got from them and my other doctors was apathy, palpable contempt and/or ridicule (even in a room full of many people and sometimes even in their own doctor's office).

It is also pertinent to say that two of the GI doctors who saw the inside of my colon said that my case was the worst they had ever seen. I have pictures and lab reports to prove this and I showed all of them to these other "doctors" who glanced at them only for a few seconds (not even reading them or caring about what they saw). Some didn't even comment.

I'll bet that these sadists would have pain Meds if THEY had Crohn's disease. You bet they would. If they tell you they wouldn't, they're lying. I asked all of my doctors who denied me why they wouldn't prescribe it, and none of them-not even one!- gave me any kind of answer at all, or by ignoring the question.

I now have severe colitis that I have proof of and I am now (as of tomorrow) going to sue the doctor who is refusing to give me appropriate pain relief and I encourage all Crohn's/Colitis sufferers to do the same.

These jerks need to learn something.
Hi and welcome, sorry about your issues. I think the best would be to change hospital altogether. When we are this mad, its best to pick up our stuff and leave. Bring your reports showing severe colitis and go to the emergency of another hospital looking for a new GI team. I travel 1 hour and half to meet my GI, but I have several hospital around my blocks. I chose my GI and chose to travel for service that suits me. Traveling is worth for being in peace with medical team. I suggest finding a new GI is a priority before engaging in any legal action that could bring extra stress on you. Good luck.
Like I said, no doctor or team I've ever had or even heard of will prescribe pain meds for Crohn's Disease. Which is why I am suing them. I am also looking for another team now because I don't want anyone I'm in the process of suing performing procedures on me while I'm heavily sedated.
Hi there, so sorry you are feeling bad. I am sure you know having had Crohns for years, that simple pain killers do not do it. I was in pain for two years, reacted badly to meds and eventually was on Remicade infusions which did the trick. So you need a good Consultant who explains your options for treatment and works with you on getting better. Getting involved legally will only stress you when you are already struggling with pain. Remember, your emotions are all over the place when you are not well. So, find a good doctor ,ask questions and go with it. I hope you feel better soon. Let me know how you are getting on. Best wishes.
My primary care doc gives me the pain meds. GIs just don't like to do it. Surgeons on the other hand give them out like candy. Then there are always pain management clinics.
Good luck.
You should not be forced to suffer but a lawsuit won't help just find the right primary care doc.
I have a Pain Management Doctor, with all the new regs most of the docs are scared. My Pain doctor as been a lifesaver. I would love to live without pain meds, my Pain Dr is now giving me Celiac Plexus Blocks (they are like the steroid shots they give for back pain) except they can only be done with a specialist Pain Dr. There are only a handful in the Dallas Fort Worth Area. My pain Dr is so awesome, when he is worried about my condition, he has called my GI and my husband - last time because my weight loss was becoming so severe from the pain/nausea/D he was very concerned for me.

I don't know if this type of block will work for your condition, sometimes the blocks help a lot but sometimes they don't. One worked so well I was able to put on 6 lbs in 2 months.

I suggest researching a Pain Management Clinic or talking to your Primary Care Physician, maybe he/she can give you a referral. If it wasn't for my Pain Dr, my pain level would not be tolerable. Having no quality of life due to pain is not acceptable at all!!!!

I hope this has helped. :hug:
As mentioned many GI doctors do not prescribe pain medication for various reasons. Their main goal is to figure out what's wrong and treat it with medication and instruct you about diet and supplements you may need in order to get into remission and feel well again. See your general practitioner for a referral to pain management or self refer if your insurance allows it so you can have your pain treated while you receive proper treatment from your GI. If you have joint or back pain then you may want a referral for physical therapy as well to help strengthen the surrounding muscles which will reduce the pain.

What are you currently taking to treat your Crohn's?
Wow! It's unfathomable to believe this occurs this day and time. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I'm having the most horrible pain only after I go to the bathroom, and like clockwork, you count on it. I'm taking 2- 7.5 Norco at a time! I know it's not written that way but it hardly touches it. Unless I have an open, bleeding injury that can clearly be seen, it isn't real. I feel as you do: Let them go through it just once. It's cruel. I asked my surgeon which doc or I should ask when I need a refill of the norco. He said my GI. So I called my GI and told the nurse I needed a refill. I get a return phone call: "Mr. Lee, we got your message and in checking the surgeon's notes it says you asked for pain medication." I was livid. I said "What I asked was specifically which doctor should I consult about getting refills on the Norco. And I did this to avoid exactly what's happening right now." She then stated she saw that after reading further in the notes!
I went to the emergency room two days ago and waited 8 hours to be seen for this horrid pain. The ER doc said I was going backwards...I had a specialist and a surgeon and was at the hospital asking them to help with something they are not experts in. I get it. But the pain was absolutely unbearable.

Now I want to be referred to Duke University so SOMEBODY can find where this pain is coming from. I don't even know which of my doctors to ask for the referral. I'm sorry I took up so much room, Crohnssuffeter. I feel your pain. I wish I could make it all better.
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Hello, I can totally empathize with your pain and total frustration. I have gone so far as to put a bullet with my name on it, which i stare at everytime i am in the bathroom. I have been in chronic pain since 2011. This pain is all the time and exasperated after eating, during digestion, right before, during and after bowel movements. And the only thing i have known that can help is pain meds, which obviosly the topic here is noone wants to Rx them to us. I was getting small amounts, well small only cuz like some of you, if i followed the rx, it wouldnt help worth a ****. I was not and am not looking to abuse these medications although that is how it is viewed. They allow me to actually function, not only have an appetite but also allow me to eat as well. Sometimes the the sight of food would be enough for me to be nauseated or disgusted by the sight of my meal. Take my meds and boom im ready to grub. I am aware of all the concerns, and after 5 yrs of taking pain meds, i never, not once was constipated, and still would be awakened every hour or less to use the bathroom. Also, i have been on medications and biologics which have yet to help any of my symptoms, in fact at times they seemed to make me feel worse. I understand the idea of wanting to find whats causing the problem and fix it, but guess what, im the jerk who has to endure what feels like pure torture while "we" wait and see if this or that treatment works. Theres plenty of people who live and function while taking pain meds. My quality of life over the last 5 yrs is a big fat donut and like the OP, I have sat on the edge of my tub many nights holding my rifle in my hand, contemplating why i even go on existing, cuz thats what it feels like. Existing to go to the dr, hospital, have tests done, mris, ct scans, bloodwork, infusions, oh then i get to feel like a ******* pill seeking junkie cuz im honest with my drs and tell them that nothing else has helped to the point of tears. Im 36yrs old and i have to have my parents come with me cause they didnt believe it at first. I just had a resectioning surgery with fistula complications to which my surgeon, the only person who seems to understand, said that especially for my age it was one of the worst cases hes ever performed, and i have 3 perianal fistulas as well, not to mention the others i have had since j was 13 yrs old. I feel more and more hopeless each day and not having to hurt my family is really the only reason i am still here. Sorry, didnt mean to hijack ur thread, i just am always looking for people like me in this situation cause i dont know what to do. Los angeles area crohnnie... hope things work out for u.
Oh and i have also tried the other things they want to try to telieve my pain like nerve blockers, u name it...i also didnt like how i was being made to feel by the medical community so i weened myself off a couple years ago, and guess what, after being off the meds for a short time, i got to spend 10k for a visit to the ER curled up into a ball only to have a sympathetic ER dr actually look at my chart, gave me morphine and literally watched me be able to again lie flat or almost flat on my back... its frustrating cause its like drs dont trust me to know my own body, sorry just wanted to add that.
As everyone else said, GI's dont write out prescription for pain killers. Mine will give me the excuse that they mask symptoms. I do agree to that logic. On the other hand, I have a family doctor that would until I started seeing a pain management doctor. Now I take 80 to 100mg hydrocodon a day. That is enough to put about 5 people down for the night and it doesn't do a thing for me. Now, let me add, im having spinal fusion next week. But the pain meds does absolutely nothing for the crohn's. If the problem is cramping. Get your doctor to prescribe Bentyl. It workes wonders.

Now in defense of my GI. All the pain meds has cut my bathroom trips at least in half. So now im worried what will happen when I get off of the pain meds after my surgery.

Im sorry to hear that your issues almost lead you down a path of no return. This disease is very troublesome to the point where you loose many things in life. Personally I haven't worked in almost a year. Just lost my job. Loosing my insurance at the end of the month. So in turn I will be loosing my doctors and medication. I have to look to my faith for comfort and guidance. There is nothing in this world worth taking your life over. I pray things start to look up for you. Find a pain management doctor or a good family doctor. Forgot about getting pain meds from a GI.

One last point, on the subject of suing the doctor for pain meds. That is a loosing battle. I hate to be the barrier of bad news, but you will add so much useless stress to your life with no reward. On top of that, that doctor/doctors will drop you as a patient because of legal liability.

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