Why does my poo look like that?

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Sep 1, 2011
Okay, so my poo has really been changing over the last month. It is getting smaller! My poo looks like speghetti in the toilet. I know that sounds gross. I got really constipated yesterdy. My body was forcing me to push and push and nothing would come. So I used an enema. It worked, I had some pencil thin stool with mucus. I ended up in the ER because my body wouldn't stop pushing I was hurting sooo bad. Pain was shooting up my right side. Blood work and xrays came out fine, but the doctor was concerned. Why does my poo look like that?
Yes, a colonoscopy. Don't have the appt on that yet.

I am scared that I have a narrowing. What are treatments for that?
Well, I'm not a doc, but I'll tell you what I understand. It could be from inflammation and you'll need some sort of medication to get that under control. If it's inflammation which has healed and left scar tissue, that can't be healed with medication. Try not too worry too much and I hope you can get a quick appointment for the colonoscopy. Let us know how you get on.
Thank you for your response. I am hoping to get my appointment moved up with the Gastro. The pain is just terrible and the lack of energy is killing me!
narrowing sounds right. i have a lot of narrowing and my stools have been so long, thin and compact. ugh. hope you feel better.
Thanks everyone! It has finally gotten to where I just do an enema everynight because the Miralax just makes me need to go worse, and I can't. Last night, I had very little stool, it was black. And I had several blobs of yellow muccus. I hadn't ever seen the yellow before.
Hi Bamboling
I believe black poo can a sign of bleeding in your intestinal track or from taking iron suplements. Maybe other things too? Not sure - but I would be sure to tell your GI.

I have very narrow stool from a stricture in my rectum.

Good luck. I hope you feel better.
Black is sign of bleeding higher up. I am not taking ron suppliments, so I don't think it is that. My stool tested negative at the ER for blood, but I am starting to see the black now.

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