Why won't it go!!

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May 8, 2012
Hi all,

I told you all the lovely story of my angry fissure that I have had for a little over 8 weeks now from the first symptoms, last week it really got me down how sore it was and literally brought me to tears every time I needed to go the loo.

I made a joke of it in my post last week just before going the doctors to get some antibiotics. After the doctor made it worse by pressing it and taking a good look (thanks by the way) I got a weeks course of metronidazole, I have the last 2 tablets to take today and there is absolutely no sign of my fissure getting any better.

It is 7:30 in the morning and I have been to the toilet 15 times since going to bed at 12 o'clock last night, even though it's like water every time I go the loo it's like water with razor blades and acid in it!

Fact is I'm really! Really! Really! Fed up at the moment and can't see no light at the end of the tunnel.

When you brake a leg or something you are sat at home fed up but you know in a few weeks it's going to get better and all will be back to normal.

With crohns or fistula or fissure you get signs of it getting better and you think
" great I'm over the worst " or you think the tablets are helping! But then in the blink of a eye it's in reverse and starts getting worse!

Fed up! Fed up! Fed up! Fed up! Fed up! Fed up! Fed up! Fed up! Fed up!

Thanks for listening every one

Sorry Nick:( It sounds like you are not only in constant pain but getting no sleep either, which makes everything worse.

Have you called you Dr. and let them know you aren't seeing any relief? I would think with only 2 tablets left you should be seeing some improvement. I do know that any anal involvement with crohn's can be the hardest to treat. Maybe it is time to move on to a stronger med?

((((Big hugs))))) hope you are feeling better very soon!
I may be wrong but I don't think antibiotics are generally helpful for anal fissures. Fistulas and abscesses yes but not fissures. Antibiotics are only helpful if there's an infection.

When I had an anal fissure my GP prescribed Glyceryl Trinitrate which was very helpful. I think there are other meds that can be prescribed too, most of which I believe are creams/ointments. The diarrhea is probably making the fissure worse, so it might be worth trying to get that under control first, and then the fissure should hopefully be easier to heal with the help of meds. You have my sympathy, fissures are a pain in the backside - literally!