Why wont some people just shut up

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Jun 20, 2012
I need to went i have this aunty who keeps thinking she knows everything and keeps giving me suggestions on how to cure my crohn's.
well now she keeps pestering me to change my name she says if i change my name it will change my fate or destiny or whatever i don't even really believe in that stuff as if i change my name ill get cured or something my body is still going to be my body thats nuts to think that i know she wants to help and what not but please just keep your suggestions to yourself i was at a family function and just in bit of pain and bad mood

Just felt like i needed to vent to others that understand my position
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Hehe , I would change my name to Tallulah Does The Hula if it meant I would be healthy and win the lottery - can't see it happening though.

Try to keep positive and remember she only wants to help, smile and nod then laugh your head off at the latest suggestion when she has gone , chin up Oz :ybiggrin:
So intrusive-I'm not sure why people think that we always want to talk about. When I was in Maui, everyone I saw daily asked or commented if I wasn't eating offering advice. They mean well but it's exhausting.
All i can say is wowww.
Im sure they have the best intentions but sometimes i don't know how we hold our tongues.
Ozboz on the name changing if youre taking suggestions how about Princess Conseula Banana-Hammock. haha gotta laugh or wed cry!!
Yeah, I get that helpful advice as well. Most of it seems to come from my mother. Especially when she's read something she's sure would help me even though there's no way it would...

Laura, I agree that's pretty rude! We're going to Maui in less than a couple of weeks. Even though, it'd be nice if they'd at least offer some free food with their comments it'd be even better if they kept their comments to themselves...
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People have strange beliefs and I have heard of names affecting the way you are as a person. In the Bible, people's names changed, like Simon became Peter. That was a God ordained thing I think. But for you, it absolutely makes NO sense at all! I'm sure you have changed your eating habits plenty!!! Tell her you will pray about it and if God leads you to change your name you will. That will end it I imagine!!!
I like the "why didnt I think of that?" Perfect!!!

We get to pick our friends but not our family.

I hope your aunt doesnt drive you too crazy. Avoidance is the best cure. When you see her coming, walk away :)

Someone gave me some good advice recently. I too was having troubles with family over our daughter. He said "dont let them live, rent free in your head, you dont have to worry about what they think at all." it worked. I let them out and that was that!! Hope it works for you too.

have a great day!!!
sending hugs your way
Don't know about a change of name. Think I'll stick to changing my socks and UNDERWEAR!

Seriously, I sometimes use this tactic when I ask someone who obviously cannot comprehend CD: 'Have you ever had severe diarrhoea ? Invariably you'll receive a reply in the affirmative. At this point DO NOT let them rattle on. Simply cut them off with 'Every day of your life ?' This usually produces a game set and match outcome!!! :D
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