Wil be starting imuran soon

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Apr 25, 2011
Well after another perianal abscess, surgeon thinks have an anal fistula, will be going in soon for a seton or fistulotomy( thinks that's what it's called) depending on the muscle involvement ugh!

So my Gi wants to start me on Imuran after I have the surgery!! I'm already taking Humira but guess its not enough even after my small bowel resection!! I'm just frustrated and upset!! Was really hoping my resection was going to be trick, no more issues for awhile.....wrong!! Here I am 2 1/2 months post surgery and having more issues!!:mad2:

I'm reading where some of y'all worked your way up to your full dose and had weekly blood test for the first four weeks!! My Gi has put me on 150 mg( had the tpmt test) but just told me to take 3 pills a day! No working up to 3 a day! Also is having me do blood work two weeks after I start and then two weeks from that! Then going to every three months!

Does that sound normal??

Anyone on combo meds, like with Humira, cimzia or remicade??

Like worried about the combo really taking its toll on my immune system?! Doing ok on just Humira, no flu or cold or sinus nothing hoping that won't change!!

Thanks for listening to me ramble on :ylol:
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Hello there, and so sorry to hear you are having issues :-( To be honest, no that doesn't sound like the right start up for the Imuran. I started on 25 mg increasing by 25 weekly and had bloods taken weekly for the first 8 weeks. How long have you been on the Humira?
I and a lot of others have been on the biologic/Imuran combo with few problems.
I went straight to 150 mg and also had the same frequency of labs. Your dr probably ordered the prometheus test to make sure your body could handle Imuran. I forget the name of the test but if you have that test it is not necessary to do the frequent labs initially. I do recommend taking it at night. I had slight nausea at first and tons of hair loss which went away eventually. Have been on it 16 months now with no real issues. Good luck! Where in TX are you? We used to live in Houston and I loved my Dr @ Baylor who specialized in Crohn's.
I went straight to 150 mg .

Same here.

Originally it was a 'TPMT' blood test for suitability to Aza. I have been taking this for about one month and I will have blood tests every two weeks for the first two months.

No side effects for me - so I hope all goes well for you.
I went straight to 100mg, lasted a couple months until my bloods showed it was effecting my liver.. I had nausea, headaches, fatigue that's about it for side effects. I'm currently on Methotrexate and Prenisolone..If the Metho dosen't fix my fissures in the next few weeks the docs talking Humira or Remi.. Good luck with the Aza I hope you get your symtoms sorted real soon.I am sure my bloods were done weekly for the first month, then fortnightly for the next month..
I had the TPMT blood test and then did one week on 50mg, one week on 100mg no problem and then had very severe sickness when I went up to 150mg so have started splitting the dose. It's still early days but I now just have a little nausea. I am having fortnightly blood tests for the first six weeks then monthly then three monthly assuming everything goes ok.
Thanks all. Good to hear that some went straight on 150mg !! Was a little worried.

Erika, I'm in a small town outside of Houston about an hour but I see Dr. Bincy Abraham at Baylor dowtown, and I love her. Very sweet and up on all her stuff. Just hate that I have to drive an hour and into downtown Houston but am soooo very lucky to live this close to our wonderful medical center !!!!

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