Wimpy disease?

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Sep 23, 2009
wimpy disease?

Sometimes I wonder if when I try to describe to people what Crohn's is like that they will just think I am a wimp and being overly sensitive to what might otherwise just sound like regular stomach upset.

I feel like people might try to pretend to be sympathetic but really think gee big deal we all get diarreah, cramps, and vomit sometimes. I find that unless I explain to them that when I eat it is like putting a blade against a scrape that can never truly heal that they probably don't understand the severity of the pain and emotional horror that comes with this illness.
Maybe don't focus on the physical symptoms as much when describing it. Perhaps give a more medical description. That's what I do. After you say that, I've never had anyone ask what it feels like.

Here's what I tell people:
"It's an inflammatory bowel disease. It can cause small sores in the small and large intestine which can cause people to not absorb food properly and can require surgery to remove sections of the intestine that medication can't fix."

Of course there's much more to it than that but there's no need to explain your whole medical history since the disease affects people differently.

A lot of people don't know what it is so it's best to give a vague description. If they give a weird face after how I describe it (which many do), I add that it's not contagious and they look as though they feel much better.
I hate having to describe the disease. I always say that its where my immune system doesnt realise my digestive system is supposed to be there. Which obviously gives no physical symptoms which can cause problems sometimes! I was once ask 'but does it effect you?' ....of course it does otherwise I wouldnt know I have it!!! But in some ways If your a bit unclear and blunt it might give them the idea you dont want to go into it too much. If i'm asked about the symptoms I usually say that it causes inflamation in the intestines and can be very painful. I figure if they are that interested or care enough they will find out about it themselves.
x x x x x
I've had the opposite reaction when people have found out I have Crohn's. I always get "Oh you poor girl. What a terrible thing to have." The only time I haven't was when a someone in my class at Uni thought I wad making a big deal about being ill, which I wasn't, the week after I ended up in hospital for four days and one of my friends decided to tell him what Crohn's was by describing it as
"an auto-immune disease of the gastrointestinal tract that causes inflamation and ulcers to develop anywhere from your mouth to you arse."
A little blunt, but he got the point..... Probably not what I'd say.
I have never had someone be unsympathetic about it - whether I explain it in detail or not.

If asked I tell them it is an autoimmune disease meaning my body attacks itself. My immune system can attack my entire digestive tract causing ulcers and all sorts of yucky stuff, causing me to have symptoms similar to having the stomach flu.

Most everyone has had the stomach flu - so instantaneously they are already able to empathize with you. I also tell them there is no cure, oh - and that it sucks to have it ;o) I find most people to be pretty caring actually.
I have a friend who has suffered with IBS in the past, although the way he describes it sounds to me like it was a 24hr tummy bug..

I can SO tell that he is bored of asking how I am! I think he only keeps asking because he thinks at some point I am going to have to give up the lame "I'm really sick" line and just get on with being a normal person again...

I just FEEL the irritation in his voice, and unless I say I'm fine he just changes the subject!

Times like this certainly sort the wheat from the chaff!

For people I don't know well or "aquaintances" I describe the condition as the immune system gone haywire as above posts... If I know people better, or I think they cN handle it, I regale them with tales of all the extraordinary places I have involuntarily defacated.... Most are so horrified at what us crohnies go through that they are really nice and considerate from then on...

Good friends show their colours... Mine tease me about which change of pants I am on today, but ALWAYS look after me with love and kindness.

Chin up.

Lishyloo x
I have told people that it is pretty much the same things as Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have an autoimmune disease that attacks the guts as well as joints. Which is pretty much bang on for my circumstance. It does both :(

If they can start to realize how uncomfortable having arthritis in your guts can be they might begin to get a little understanding.
If they look at you like ...only a tummy ache? Ask them if they had appendictis, a baby, and or a stomach virus, all at once? That'll clue them in.
Peaches said:
I have never had someone be unsympathetic about it - whether I explain it in detail or not.

If asked I tell them it is an autoimmune disease meaning my body attacks itself. My immune system can attack my entire digestive tract causing ulcers and all sorts of yucky stuff, causing me to have symptoms similar to having the stomach flu.

Most everyone has had the stomach flu - so instantaneously they are already able to empathize with you. I also tell them there is no cure, oh - and that it sucks to have it ;o) I find most people to be pretty caring actually.

Shantel you pretty much took the worlds out of my mouth.. this is exactly what I tell people if they ask what Crohns is... I too have never had some not be sympathetic or think I was a drama queen putting it all on... well maybe just the doctors :ylol2:
Well, if someone says this is a wimpy disease, I just tell them I have callouses on my butt to prove there is nothing sweet and delicate about this! And, I have more battle scars than most veteran GI's
I can really relate to the original post. I just say I've got crohns and if I get a quizzical look I say: "google it"
However, a lot of people seem to know someone who has it and come up with horror stories of their own... that doesn't exactly make me feel great either
I don't think it's wimpy at all, this is a pretty harsh disease and quite debilitating for many...

Best way for me to describe it to people is comparing it to a really bad stomach flu/food poisoning, at least pretty much everyone has had a stomach flu and they're pretty nasty, so anyone that thinks a stomach flu is no big deal might not get how bad CD can be (lucky them) but I'd guess that most people would be able to relate how horrible a gut bug is and relate it to having a gut bug every day of your life...which sucks.

My best friend asked me last year what it felt like to have Crohn's. I told him, "Have you ever had the stomach flu or food poisoning?" He said, "Yes and it was awful." I said, "That's how I feel every day when I'm flaring. But instead of going away in a day or two, it can last months." He gets it now.
jetta makes a good point rather than just tell people its a nonstop stomach flu, appendicitis is a good description of the pain we experience on a daily basis. Not that I would ever wish this disease on anyone but I think you really need to experience it to know what it is like.
I ask them if they want to see my racing strips if they act like its a wimpy disease. How many people do you know that can endure ****** pants like we do.