Wings and Beer anyone

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Feb 24, 2011
Well for flares i eat bean burritos and boiled eggs...LOL

Hotwings dont effect me....makes absolutely no sense and my doc thinks im a retard.

So basically i went to a nutritionist and they told me i just couldn't eat food... which is cool but personally i need to eat to survive. I found that no one is the same in this category so i tried everything. I got stuck in the candy rut because i got my energy and nothing was really getting to my gut but sugar so i wasnt in much pain. The weight and health wasnt good though so i have moved back to trial and error. So as i stated above those are my safety 3 that i fall back on LOL.

As for fitness i have led fitness programs for the AF for years and have done various exercises and so on. I found that running is horrible and sit-ups were developed by satan--as far as crohns gut issue people are concerned...i have stuck to lifting weights and just being active as i permitting..i like Rockstar energy drinks. Ill sip on one throughout the day and rarely finish it. It has alot of Vit B and enough caffeine/sugar to keep me functioning. Im not saying thats healthy..just saying it works for me ;) Anyway lifting weights burns fat even after you quit your workout. Plus i can focus on muscles that arent located on top of my intestines which are sensitive to repeat impact.

We are already low on energy so high sugar diet will make us crash twice as hard as it does to normal just dont do it if you can avoid it. Easier said then done ;)
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So basically i went to a nutritionist and they told me i just couldn't eat food... which is cool but personally i need to eat to survive.

That made me lol :D

Food doesn't affect my Crohn's. Neither does beer (unless I drink too much). In fact my sister is picking us up a McDonalds on her way home from work today, so yeah, everyone is indeed different! Don't know how much a nutritioinist's input it worth, this disease follows no rules or logic. Only YOU can really know what you can and can't eat, through trial and error. Hope you start to work it out and keep ejoying the hotwings!
Beer and hot wings... the closest to that I can get is baked chicken and herbal tea. ;) And McDonald's? They may as well change their name to McDiarrhea's! I'm cramping up just thinking about it!
Yes, everyone is different when it comes to food!

But hey, Ian, don't knock nutrionists. ;)

I have been considering going into nutrition every since I was diagnosed with Crohn's. I think nutritionists just need to be more familiar with Crohn's and the issues involved.

Cat - Haha. Your comments made me laugh.
There are some foods that are a constant no-no for me. They are: corn, raw veggies, raspberries, heavy grain breads, grapes, and peppers (with the skins). Some of the other foods like: pizza, and Mc Donald's, I can handle when I'm feeling good. If I have a gut ache, forget just about anything.
Oh don't worry Marisa I only meant a nutritionist might not be helpful in RN4ME's case (especially as he's been told he can't eat anything haha), because he sounds a bit like me! People might think my diet is crazy considering I have Crohn's but it really seems to have no impact. I know food is a big issue for a lot of suffers (maybe more for people who have inflammation in the small intestine? Mine is all in the colon). I guess I'm very lucky, I love my healthy food (including all the things Andi listed) and my greasy fast food and don't have to give up either! In a way I sometimes wish foods were my trigger, then at least I might have some control over things. Stress and not sleeping properly tend to set mine off, and since I'm a student and a chronic worrier/over-thinker those can be hard things to manage!

I bet you'd make a great nutritionist for the same reason I told one of the newbies studying to be a doctor that he'd make a great GI; you have IBD! Having all the knowledge, qualifications AND first hand experience would be a great combination. Are you seriously considering it then? I think I read recently you were working at the same place as your husband which was helpful for when you're Crohn's is causing problems (unless I'm confusing you with someone else?) - but I know you're doing well at the moment so maybe it's a good time to branch out :D

Haha 'McDiarrhea's', good one Cat :D
I know, Ian. I was just messing with you. I can empathize with feeling like not being able to eat anything. I was that way in the beginning. I think it is difficult to find information about what things to eat for people who have strictures. We are basically told don't eat things with skins or seeds, but maintain a healthy balanced diet. What!? Do they know how many things have skins and seeds? All things healthy and integral to a balanced diet. Haha.

I think it would be cool if nutritionists could even offer ways people can cook their foods differently to incorporate more of these no-no foods in a way that is still safe for them to eat and is giving them some nutrients/vitamins they otherwise wouldn't be getting. Now of course, there are people that just won't and can't tolerate anything no matter how it's prepared, but I know there are many people out there that just don't eat certain foods because they think they can't, when in fact it's just because they can't eat them in the typical way they are used to preparing them.

Well, now I've gone off and talked WAY too much. ;)

I am considering it....but, not making any moves quite yet. I've had some difficulties with having enough funding for school lately, so not sure. I've also dipped my toes into several areas and have found them to be not quite what I've wanted to do, so it's hard to know just what to do sometimes! LOL But that's a whole different story now!

The idea does strongly intrigue me though! And there is an awesome program in my we'll see... ;)
I know it's crazy! It must be really frustrating for people whose IBD is very food-sensitive, a lot of the advice seems contradictory, I'd feel at such a loss! You're right about the preparation of food, it can make all the difference. Like some people think they can't tolerate fried food, but the cooking oil could make all the difference. I've read sunflower oil can aggravate whereas olive oil is anti-inflammatory? A simple change like that might be all they need. That's a pretty basic example though lol.

The annoying thing about NOT being affected by diet is that when I got admitted to hospital, I got stuck on the low-res diet regardless! And it's GROSS! The mash potato makes me gag - I'm like 'can't I have a jacket potato and promise not to eat the skin?!' - even though I'd digest the skin just fine. What's funny though is the healthcare assistants didn't know who was on what diet, so when I was stuck with plain old Rice Crispies for breakfast and one of the oldies didn't want their croissant they'd offer it to me (not knowing it's not on my menu) and I'd snap it right up ;)

Well if you decide to go for it, good luck! And don't worry about talking too much, all my posts are stupidly long! I don't know how to shut up :D
We are here to support one another, and the only way to do that is to talk. Nobody needs to apologize for that. :)
Wings and Beer

Geez that would have me on the loo screaming in pain and passing blood.

Thanks but no thanks. Think I will pass on that one.
My husband does not have Crohn or Colitis, but he is allergic to beer. He's actually allergic to alcohol. He's almost 100% Irish, and allergic to alcohol. He has to do wings and diet coke when he watches football.
Oh how I LOVE hot wings! I don't drink beer either, so I down regular Coke with them. Not often, just when I feel good. Like Ian, food does not bring on a flare for me but it sure aggravates one! One thing I can never get by with & I just don't understand why: ground beef, in any form. It bothers me if I am feeling good & sends me "screaming for the loo" otherwise. I can eat steak though. Just strange!
That's terrible Michele! Some of my favorite foods that sit well in my cantankerous gut are dishes that have ground beef in them.

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