Withdrawal from medication?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 30, 2012
Hi There

I am an undiagnosed member of this site, but all of my symptons point to chrohns. I have been on Co-codamol for about 11 years now after several requests to the doctors asking them to put me on something else. Anyway have been prescribed Tapentadol and have been told that I need to stop taking the co codamol gradually otherwise I will go cold turkey.

I usually have to take 8 co codamol a day and for the last 2 days have cut that down to 2 co codamol, but I am getting really bad stomach cramps and diarrohea, is this withdrawal or is it the real signs of the chrohns showing itself? just wondered if anyone out there has suffered the same.:)
Well, seeing that one of the side effects of cocodamol is constipation, it's probably withdrawal. Cocodamol is available in different strengths, maybe you could continue to take 8 a day but less strong ones, rather than cutting down the number? And 8 to 2 over 2 days doesn't sound that slow really!
Flu-like symptoms are common withdrawal symptoms.

Generally, withdrawal following long term use of opiates is done under close medical supervision with specific medical advice. Your post implies that you have not received any instruction from your doctor on how to handle this transition. In which case, I strongly urge you to return to your doctor for advice before making any further changes in your medications.

Normally, prescribing opiates of any kind to a patient with Crohn's or suspected Crohn's should not be done except under the supervision of a gastroenterologist (who is very unlikely to do it) because it is contraindicated.

To offer you any specific suggestions beyond this would, in my opinion, constitute offering you medical advice. Since I am not a doctor I don't have anything more to offer you beyond best wishes.

Good luck.
I hadn't heard about opiates being contraindicated for Crohn's. Not a good idea to be taking them constantly due to hiding symptoms and addiction, but not contraindicated. My GI has prescribed me small amounts of morphine, codeine and Tramadol before to take during flares.
They are contraindicated because they affect gut motility, generally slowing it down which may cause problems in people with IBD.

That is not to say that they should not be used at all. Your GI may feel they are appropriate in your particular situation for specific reasons.

If you are concerned then you should talk to your GI about it.
Hi Everyone
Thanks for your replies, believe it or not I am coming off of the co-codamol in this way under the advice of my gastroenterologist, the pain management team told me just to stop taking them, but the gastro doctor was the one that told me to ease off of them this way.

I think I will purchase some of the lower strength co codamol from the chemist and try easing off that way. I will contact the hospital again on Monday to discuss this with them.